[News] Wells likely off Team USA roster

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02/20/09 1:45 PM EST Wells likely off Team USA roster Outfielder disappointed he won't be part of second tournament By Jordan Bastian / MLB.com DUNEDIN, Fla. -- Vernon Wells strongly believes that playing in the World Baseball Classic three years ago served as a catalyst for the offensive side of his game that season. The Blue Jays center fielder was hoping to see a similar effect this time around as well. Wells 強烈地認為三年前就是因為參加了經典賽而讓他在稍後的球季中於攻擊上有較好的成 績。他今年想要再現這個催化效應。 Due to some unfortunate technicalities, though, it looks like Wells won't be able to suit up for Team USA during the second running of the Classic this spring. Wells is listed on the United States' provisional roster, but he's spent the past two weeks waiting to hear if he has been given the go-ahead to take part in the tournament. 但今年,Wells 可能無法參加經典賽了。Wells 在美國隊的暫時名單內,但他一直都未得到 他是否能參賽的確切訊息。 "Right now, I'm under the impression that I'm not playing," said Wells, sitting in front of his locker at the Bobby Mattick Training Center on Friday morning. 現在,Wells 自己認為他不會被選入美國隊。 It's a disappointing development for Wells, who cited insurance issues as the reason for being kept out of the Classic. While Wells' agent, Brian Peters, has handled the communication with Team USA, Wells said it's his understanding that the number of days he spent on the disabled list last season, combined with the size of his contract, are creating the problem. Wells 說保險問題是他不能參加經典賽的原因。他說具他的瞭解,他去年待在 DL 的天數再 加上他的鉅額合約是主因。 According to Wells, he exceeded the number of days allowed on the DL last season for players taking part in the Classic. Wells added that the participating teams take insurance out on the players involved and the seven-year, $126 million contract he signed after the 2006 season has presented a stumbling block in that process. 根據 Wells 的說法,他因去年待在 DL 的天數超過了可否參加經點賽的規定的最低限。 Wells 還表示經點賽參賽隊伍沒有為參加經典賽的球員保險,而他的鉅額合約在美國隊考慮 是否為他投保的過程中成了絆腳石。 "I'm still waiting to hear," Wells said. "I guess that was the issue a few weeks ago. They said there's a certain amount of time you can spend on the DL the year prior. Then, my contract here, they were saying it makes things difficult when they need to get insurance." Wells 再次表示他的合約,加上去年進 DL 的天數讓他獲得保險的機會變得困難。 Wells is one of six Toronto players listed on provisional rosters for the Classic, joining closer B.J. Ryan (United States), right fielder Alex Rios (Puerto Rico), catcher Rod Barajas (Mexico), shortstop Marco Scutaro (Venezuela) and pitcher Scott Richmond (Canada). There is also a chance that infielder Jose Bautista will play for the Domincan Republic. 藍鳥共有六員在各隊經典賽暫訂陣容中。 In 2006, Wells played for Team USA in the inaugural tournament and went on to have a solid season for the Blue Jays, who signed him to the lucrative extension the following offseason. Wells only had 12 at-bats over five games with the United States, but he still credits that Classic's competitive atmosphere for helping him get off to a fast start at the plate for Toronto that year. 儘管 Wells 在上屆經典賽中只有出賽 5 場,12 打數,他仍認為經點賽中的競爭氛圍讓他 能夠在球季開始就有好表現。 "Mentally, you get locked in a lot quicker -- you have no choice," Wells said. In the first half of the 2006 campaign, Wells hit .311 with 21 home runs and 66 RBIs. For the season, he finished .311 with 32 homers and 106 RBIs and was a starter for the American League in the All-Star Game. Over the past two seasons, Wells has battled a variety of injuries and fallen short of his '06 performance on offense. 2006 年球季,Wells 在上半季的成績是 .311, 21 HRs, 66 RBIs。整季 .311, 32 HRs, 106 RBIs,還進了全明星賽。而接下來的兩個球季都因為大小傷而沒有像 '06 球季的表現 Wells, 30, had two stints on the DL last year for the Jays, and played through a left shoulder injury for much of the 2007 season. In '08, Wells was shelved from May 10-June 7 after fracturing his left wrist, and a strained left hamstring later sidelined the center fielder from July 10-Aug. 10. Wells appeared in just 108 games, but still managed to hit at a .300 clip with 20 homers and 78 RBIs. 30 歲的 Wells 在 '07 球季都帶著左肩傷比賽,去年更是二度進出 DL。去年五月中是左腕 骨折,七月則是腿筋拉傷。雖進 DL 兩次,Wells 仍在去年繳出 .300, 20 HRs, 78 RBIs。 Blue Jays manager Cito Gaston was hoping Wells would get the chance to take part in the Classic again this spring. 藍鳥教頭 Gaston 也希望 Wells 能夠參加經典賽。 "I know he really wanted to go," Gaston said. "He expressed that to me last year. I was hoping he would go, especially because he feels like it got him off to a great start." Gaston 表示 Wells 去年跟他表達過參加經典賽的強烈意願,他也希望 Wells 能參賽,尤 其是 Wells 說參賽能讓他的球季表現有好的開始。 Not only that, Wells was eager to play for the United States in Toronto. 不只如此,Wells 希望能夠在多倫多代表美國隊比賽。 The Blue Jays' home stadium, Rogers Centre, is hosting Team USA, Canada, Venezuela and Italy in the first round of the Classic this year. Games in Toronto begin on March 7, when Team USA and Canada square off in the opener. 委內瑞拉,義大利,加拿大和美國將在藍鳥主場進行第一輪的比賽,第一場將在 3/7 由美 國對決加拿大。 "I was looking forward to playing there and seeing a bit of a different reaction from some fans," Wells said. Wells 說他期待著能在藍鳥主場代表美國隊比賽,看看球迷不同的反應。 Even so, Wells said he didn't feel any pressure to take part in the Classic just because Toronto was hosting a handful of games. He would've wanted to play in the tournament no matter the venue, especially after how the United States fared in 2006. Wells 表示他不會因為在藍鳥主場參加經典賽而感到任何壓力。不管是在那個場地比賽,他 都想為美國隊盡力,尤其上屆經點賽美國隊並未奪冠。 During that Classic, the heavily-favored Team USA squad was eliminated in the second round after suffering losses to South Korea and Mexico. In the final loss against Mexico, Wells grounded out to short to end the contest, sealing a 2-1 loss for the United States. 上屆美國隊的最後一戰就是結束在 Wells 的滾地球而輸給墨西哥。 "It didn't matter where we were playing, I'd love to have been a part of it," Wells said. "I think it's an honor to play for your country and I had a blast doing it the first time. And there was a sense of redeeming ourselves, because obviously we didn't play too well the first time around." Wells 認為在哪比賽都無所謂,他熱愛參與此盛會的感覺,能代表國家比賽是件榮耀的事, 上次參賽我感到相當高興。而因為美國隊上次表現不好,所以想在這次比賽討回顏面。 -- 你給我一種感覺 奇特的感覺 一時之間我遺失了語言 除非是『三月不揭的春帷』才讓我留下足以釀酒的眼淚 你笑的一廂情願 絕版的明信片 恍惚置我於諸神的紀元 誰不在等待他的貝德麗采 清秀的佳人在日落盡處重現 如果你柔情的雙眼懸掛在天邊 我願是容納你筆直光線的深邃 即使在世紀末以前極短的時間 我也要散盡所有力氣雄雄為你搏一回 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/21 20:32, , 1F
02/21 20:32, 1F

02/21 21:02, , 2F
02/21 21:02, 2F

02/21 22:53, , 3F
經典賽要幫Puerto Rico加油~^^
02/21 22:53, 3F

02/21 23:04, , 4F
02/21 23:04, 4F
※ 編輯: ACEP 來自: (02/21 23:06)

02/21 23:06, , 5F
02/21 23:06, 5F

02/21 23:53, , 6F
二樓我有同感 XD
02/21 23:53, 6F

02/21 23:54, , 7F
可能嗎?點得也沒特別好 XD
02/21 23:54, 7F
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