[閒聊] 兵線控制 by TS

看板BlizzHeroes作者 (MoMoTea)時間7年前 (2016/08/15 14:02), 7年前編輯推噓18(18034)
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NGA翻譯:http://goo.gl/VA0QMH 小兵是時空樞紐裡頭的炮灰。當英雄們在這裡拋頭顱灑熱血的時候,他們總是永無止境而又毫無意義地出生、戰鬥、死亡。雖然看起來是這樣,但是他們仍是不可輕視的。他們會用一種不可思議的方式來影響遊戲中玩家改採取的戰略。19.0的補丁中對小兵有所改動的當下,是時候來聊聊兵線為何如此重要了。 關於兵線的基本小知識: 1.雙方每30秒會出一波兵。 2.小兵會沿著道路走,並攻擊他們所看到的第一個敵人。 3.小兵會先攻擊小兵,然後攻擊建築,最後才會攻擊英雄。 4.小兵會為你的隊伍提供視野。 5.小兵會對建築造成3倍傷害。 6.小兵可以耗空建築的彈藥。 7.小兵被擊殺時,會提供經驗。 兵線是遊戲中的一種可以被玩家利用的資源。現在,在我們熟悉了上述的基本點後,我們就來分析一下兵線到底是如何對遊戲產生衝擊的吧。 經驗 當每個英雄擊殺小兵,或者在他附近有小兵陣亡時,都會獲得經驗。經驗是團隊共享的,所以整個隊伍都能夠因為每個英雄吃到的經驗而升級。這就是為什麼每條線都要有人吃經驗的原因。在遊戲的前期,一波兵的經驗和一個人頭是相同的。如果你們五人抱團幹掉了一個敵人,卻因此漏了兩線沒有人吃的話,是不划算的。 小兵是重要的經驗來源。多注意地圖,不要放掉那些有大波敵兵而沒有隊友在附近的線。應當儘可能多的吃線。不要怕打信號讓隊友補線。 如果你在機制的爭奪中戰勝了對手,把對手打回了線上,那麼你們會獲得經驗優勢。儘早回到線上吃經驗。你也可以想一些辦法不讓你的對手吃到經驗。把對手趕出線上經驗區之後,留著你的技能不清敵方小兵,讓敵方小兵殺死我方小兵,從而使對手沒有辦法吃到線上的經驗。當你在一整盤遊戲中都一直做到這些要點時,就會給你的團隊帶來巨大的優勢。 視野 兵線視野對於控制戰場來說是必不可少的。當你把線推過去時,對手會因為看不到你們的英雄而難以走位 。敵人在地圖上的視野也受到限制。這會讓你和你的隊友可以在地圖上進行更自由、更有侵略性的走位。特別是當你正在利用gank尋求擊殺的時候會非常有幫助。 當和高水平的對手較量的時候,對手會控制視野來創造gank擊殺。一般他們會通過在多條線上給壓力,逼迫敵人走位。當一個人去清一大波兵的時候,預測一下走位就會非常好殺。 小兵是同時出生的。正因如此,你可以通過己方小兵的位置來判斷敵方小兵的位置。這個技巧在清兵的時候非常有用。當你看到後面一波小兵馬上要來的時候,你應該留著技能,這樣就可以一次清兩波兵。這可以節約你的清兵時間並讓你更快地在戰場上移動。 小團戰 兵線控制在小規模團戰中非常有用。在兵線中戰鬥最基本的一點就是小兵會造成傷害。在沒有隊友支援的情況小越過兵線去殺攻擊敵人是非常不明智的行為。如果你渾不在意的沐浴在小兵的攻擊裡,那麼他們可不會手軟。在低端局裡頭,低估小兵傷害然後死於非命的人可不少見。 不過,敵方小兵不止會對你造成傷害,他們還會掉落恢復之球。球是非常重要的(譯註:對沒錯!)。暴雪最近修改了恢復之球,把它們的效果翻倍,這使得它們更加重要了。暴雪在開發者評論裡這麼說道: 「我們很高興恢復之球變得更加重要,也調整了一下系統。隨著恢復之球的影響力增加,讓敵方無法取得戰線上的恢復之球將讓戰局變得更加有利。(譯註:在 5 秒內恢復最大生命值的 12%&法力值的 8%)」 暴雪明確地希望恢復之球變得更重要,所以你顯然應該更重視它們。正如開發者評論裡說的,不讓對手吃球能以引起嚴重的後果(譯註:不讓我吃球我快要死了)。前期缺少優質的治療意味著敵人可能無法參與前期的機制爭奪。這可以給你在遊戲前期帶來優勢。這些都是從兵線上得到的。最後一件重要的事在於,恢復之球總是在一波兵中間那個法師小兵身上掉落。 小兵在小規模團戰中的作用並不侷限於攻擊敵人或者給你提供恢復之球。他們還對你的走位有重要影響。小兵可以阻擋一些特定的技能, 比如穆拉丁的風暴之錘或者德哈卡的拖拽。此外,他們還會攻擊在馬上追逐你的敵人。在這些時候,小兵會成為一堵保護你的牆壁。 推塔 在上述小規模團戰中的優點之外,兵線對於推塔和防守也有很大的影響。當你推塔的時候,小兵會為你的吸收防禦塔的火力。這是非常重要的,因為防禦塔和堡壘的子彈會降低你的攻速和移速。而小兵吸收了建築的子彈之後這些事就不會發生了。 守塔的時候,你也應當注意兵線的位置。如果你看到敵人帶著一大波兵線來推塔了,那麼你應當清了兵線。當小兵都死亡了之後,你的建築會開始攻擊敵方英雄,他就會被減速。 成功的推進回報豐厚。破掉一路會使那一路開始生產投石車。這會讓線不停地向前推進,逼迫對手回城清線,否則法拉利將成為全場最佳。 這只是一篇粗淺的兵線控制漫談。這些基礎會幫助你開始能夠更有效率的利用兵線。在接下來的遊戲裡多試試這些小技巧,你會看到兵線到底有多重要。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minions are the fodder of the Nexus. They spawn and die endlessly in a futile struggle as heroes partake in epic battles over their heads. They shouldn’t be taken lightly, however. Minions dramatically affect strategy in the game. With the recent changes to minions in Patch 19.0, now is a good time to discuss what makes minions significant. Basic minion facts: Waves of minions spawn every 30 seconds for both teams. Minions will walk down their lane and attack the first enemy they see. Minion attacks will prioritize minions, then structures, and finally heroes. Minions provide vision to your team. Minions do 300% bonus damage to structures. Minions will drain ammo from towers in lanes. Minions provide experience when killed. Players can use minions as an asset throughout the game. Now that we have the basic facts above, we will analyze how they impact the game. Experience Enemy minions give experience when they die while a hero is in range, or when a hero’s attack kills the minion. Experience is shared amongst the entire team so everyone levels up together. This is why it is important to soak all three lanes (or two on Battlefield of Eternity) to gather as much experience as possible. In the early game, a wave of minions is worth as much as a kill on an enemy hero. If your team commits 5 people to secure 1 kill in the early game, but misses two lanes of soak, you have made a losing trade. Minions are valuable little containers of experience that you should always search for. Keep your eyes glued to the map following objective fights. Find where the biggest enemy waves are and go soak them if a teammate isn’t. Prioritize getting the most experience possible from minions. Don’t be afraid to ping for assistance on an empty lane. If you beat your enemies back to the lane after objectives, you will gain an experience advantage. Being there earlier will secure your team more soak. You can also deny experience by zoning your enemy away from the minion battle. Save your abilities and allow the enemy minions to kill yours. This removes your enemy’s chance for the experience they would have provided. When done consistently throughout a game, it leads to a strong advantage for your team. Vision The vision minions provide is essential for controlling the map. While your lanes are pushed up, the enemy team cannot rotate without your knowledge. The enemy team also has limited vision on the map. This enables you and your team to move more freely and make more aggressive rotations. This is especially helpful if you are running a composition that is looking for ganks. When playing at a high level, enemy teams will use the vision control that minions provide to create ganks. This can be done by applying pressure across multiple lanes and forcing enemy rotations. Predicting a solo rotation from an enemy to go clear a big wave will often lead to free kills. Since they spawn at the same time, your minions’ location also provides you with an idea of where the opposing minion wave is. This can be helpful in situations where you come to clear a wave that is about to double stack. When you see that the enemy wave is about to catch up, you should save your cooldown for when you can hit the entire double wave with the area of effect ability. In most cases, this will save you time and enable quicker rotations. Skirmishes Minion management plays a vital role in skirmishes. One of the most basic aspects of fighting in minions is that they do damage. It is not smart to fight an enemy hero while wading through enemy minions with no support. Minions will do a ton of damage if you just stand there and let them hit you. At lower levels, it is very common for people to die just because they underestimate minions. Not only do enemy minions take health, but they also return some back in the form of regeneration globes. Regeneration globes are very important. Blizzard recently doubled their effectiveness with the intention of making them more important. This is from their developer comments: “We enjoyed the increased importance on Regeneration Globes and have cleaned up the system a bit. With a larger importance, denying enemies their Globes in lane has a much larger impact.” Blizzard clearly wants these to be important, so you can count on them being important. As mentioned in the comments, denying these can have serious repercussions. An early healing well means that an enemy may not be able to contest an early objective. This can give you an early lead, and it all starts with minions. Last important thing to know is that the regeneration globe always drops from the mage minion in the middle of the wave. Minions' utility in skirmishes isn’t limited to the raising and lowering of health. They also have a large impact on how you should position. Minions block certain skillshots like Stormbolt on Muradin or Drag on Dehaka. In addition to this, they will attack mounted enemy heroes when they chase you. Minions become a wall to protect you in these scenarios. Sieging In addition to the above benefits from skirmishing, minions heavily impact fights when sieging and counter-sieging. When on the offensive, minions aid in pushing by soaking the tower fire for your team. This is extremely important because shots fired from forts and keeps will slow both attack and movement speed. Minions prevent this from happening to your heroes and allow you to be more mobile under enemy keeps. On the flip side, you also need to be aware of minions when defending an enemy siege. If you see a big enemy wave pushing with the heroes, you need to clear the wave. With the minions dead, your forts will shoot heroes. That is important for all the reasons listed above. Successful sieging also provides a reward. Taking both the fort and keep in an enemy lane will cause catapult minions to begin spawning in that lane. This causes that lane to push forward constantly, forcing rotations out of enemy teams as they come back to clean up the waves of minions pushing their core with catapult support. This minion guide is far from comprehensive. These basics will allow you to begin making effective use out of your little Nexus buddies. Actively try them out in the next few games you play and you will see just how valuable these guys are. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 這篇對新手來說,應該是不錯的觀念文章 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BlizzHeroes/M.1471240921.A.4E7.html

08/15 14:05, , 1F
08/15 14:05, 1F

08/15 14:16, , 2F
感謝 不過好像有些地方不大通順?我來翻一下
08/15 14:16, 2F

08/15 14:34, , 3F
08/15 14:34, 3F
以萌萌阿巴瑟為例 1. 本體不用參與擊殺能吃經驗(且本體的位置距離死亡的那個小兵的距離已接近能吃到經驗的最大範圍) http://i.imgur.com/ci8GpnS.jpg
2. 附身不用參與擊殺能吃經驗 http://i.imgur.com/GMwkV4h.jpg
3. 地雷炸死的小兵能收穫經驗 http://i.imgur.com/Rc8gfc7.jpg
4. 大巴瑟不參與擊殺則無經驗(圈中那個飛起來的小兵剛死,但是沒有經驗顯示) http://i.imgur.com/q5qBavM.jpg
5. 大巴瑟擊殺的小兵則有經驗 http://i.imgur.com/JlHyQYd.jpg

08/15 15:14, , 4F
08/15 15:14, 4F

08/15 16:29, , 5F
08/15 16:29, 5F

08/15 16:43, , 6F
有些對線時清兵線的細節 例如現上一打二被對方壓時
08/15 16:43, 6F

08/15 16:44, , 7F
不要打法師那隻 讓對面推過來 這樣你才能吃到球減低壓力
08/15 16:44, 7F

08/15 16:44, , 8F
可以打話目標放在打掉遠程小兵 這樣對面推到塔下才好清
08/15 16:44, 8F

08/15 16:48, , 9F
吃到經驗的範圍大約1/2畫面 被壓制時要抓好這個距離
08/15 16:48, 9F

08/15 16:48, , 10F
有抓好距離就算被壓還是吃的到經驗 相對的要壓對方的話
08/15 16:48, 10F

08/15 16:52, , 11F
例如維京人 要壓制要把他zoom out到吸不到經驗的地方
08/15 16:52, 11F

08/15 18:42, , 12F
08/15 18:42, 12F

08/15 18:42, , 13F
08/15 18:42, 13F

08/15 18:42, , 14F
08/15 18:42, 14F

08/15 18:50, , 15F
其實看你的清兵速度 夠快清掉一團 可以立刻到另一路
08/15 18:50, 15F

08/15 18:51, , 16F
去吃經驗 所以有些地圖 選對英雄 一個人可以吃兩路經驗
08/15 18:51, 16F

08/15 19:05, , 17F
08/15 19:05, 17F

08/15 20:53, , 18F
08/15 20:53, 18F
※ 編輯: MoMovincent (, 08/15/2016 21:29:21

08/15 23:11, , 19F
所以一個人吃一團是1 五個人就是5囉?
08/15 23:11, 19F

08/15 23:12, , 20F
那如果保證不掉現情況下 五人抱團清兵(或者1+4)
08/15 23:12, 20F

08/15 23:12, , 21F
08/15 23:12, 21F

08/15 23:18, , 22F
啊 不對 如果不遞減的話,那掉線應該沒差啊
08/15 23:18, 22F

08/15 23:18, , 23F
1+3+1 跟 1+4+0 不都是5? 每個人都有吃到經驗
08/15 23:18, 23F

08/15 23:26, , 24F
08/15 23:26, 24F

08/15 23:26, , 25F
08/15 23:26, 25F

08/16 00:01, , 26F
SBIt不是說了嗎,就除啊0.0 五隻小兵給五個人吃,每人一
08/16 00:01, 26F

08/16 00:01, , 27F
08/16 00:01, 27F

08/16 00:02, , 28F
08/16 00:02, 28F

08/16 00:14, , 29F
08/16 00:14, 29F

08/16 01:56, , 30F
還是不懂QQ 如果像樓上所說一團兵不管幾人吃都是1
08/16 01:56, 30F

08/16 01:57, , 31F
那為什麼維京人跟阿巴瑟會有經驗優勢? 如果對方也沒掉線
08/16 01:57, 31F

08/16 01:58, , 32F
08/16 01:58, 32F

08/16 01:58, , 33F
那如果對方也沒掉線 是不是就不會有經驗差?
08/16 01:58, 33F

08/16 01:58, , 34F
08/16 01:58, 34F

08/16 02:03, , 35F
這遊戲經驗共享的 只看5個英雄旁 總共死幾隻兵幾座塔殺幾人
08/16 02:03, 35F

08/16 02:04, , 36F
08/16 02:04, 36F

08/16 02:06, , 37F
08/16 02:06, 37F

08/16 10:16, , 38F
有什麼難懂...不管幾人一起吃 經驗都一樣啊
08/16 10:16, 38F

08/16 10:17, , 39F
維京和阿巴可以一次顧多條線 隊友就能做其他事啊
08/16 10:17, 39F

08/16 10:18, , 40F
08/16 10:18, 40F

08/16 20:16, , 41F
08/16 20:16, 41F

08/16 20:16, , 42F
講法是. 多人聚在一路. 效益上是浪費的.
08/16 20:16, 42F

08/16 21:22, , 43F
08/16 21:22, 43F

08/16 21:23, , 44F
08/16 21:23, 44F

08/17 15:29, , 45F
08/17 15:29, 45F

08/18 11:47, , 46F
08/18 11:47, 46F

08/18 11:47, , 47F
08/18 11:47, 47F

08/18 12:23, , 48F
08/18 12:23, 48F

08/18 12:23, , 49F
08/18 12:23, 49F

08/18 12:23, , 50F
08/18 12:23, 50F

08/25 13:21, , 51F
08/25 13:21, 51F

08/25 13:22, , 52F
08/25 13:22, 52F
文章代碼(AID): #1NiLhPJd (BlizzHeroes)