[新聞] Beyonce被嘲小學雞

看板Beyonce作者 (金勾碧)時間11年前 (2012/12/13 15:27), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Wendy Williams在她的脫口秀中說, Bee講話時就像是只有小學五年級的程度… Wendy Williams: "Beyonce Talks Like She Has A 5th Grade Education" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4W-J6Dn-jIo
小學雞 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8F%E5%AD%B8%E9%9B%9E Beyonce被嘲小學雞 樂壇天后Beyonce將會自編自導一部關於自己的紀錄片,將自己最真實的一面顯露於粉絲 面前。而自稱Beyonce粉絲的知名主持人Wendy Williams(小圖)表示絕對會收看該紀錄 片,更表示幸好紀錄片將會有字幕,因為不善詞令的Beyonce講話時好像只有小學5年級的 智商。嘩,呢啲粉絲邊度搵呀? Beyonce自編自導的紀錄片將會於明年2月16日於HBO播放,除了有獨家專訪外,更有 Beyonce的私照。不少粉絲都相當期待看到偶像於表演背後的一面,而自稱粉絲的著名臭 口主持人Wendy Williams於節目上表示屆時將會坐定定收看該節目。可是讚完後不到兩秒 她即掉轉頭大踩「偶像」:「幸好我家廚房的電視有字幕功能,那我必定能聽懂她在說甚 麼。你要知道,Beyonce並不懂說話。她一開口,聽起上來就像她只有小學5年級的學歷。 」語音未落,現場觀眾即刻噓聲四起,不過Wendy並無打算收口,更表示自己只是實話實 說。 今次並不是Wendy首次公開批評「偶像」Beyonce。去年她曾播放Beyonce懷孕時出席一澳 洲電視節目時的片段,Wendy指片中的Beyonce並不似大肚,懷疑她只是扮懷孕而請代母幫 她生囡。不過Beyonce將會於紀錄片中大晒懷孕時期的片段,令謠言不攻自破。 http://www.metrohk.com.hk/index.php?cmd=detail&id=200934 ---- Wendy Williams Disses Beyonce: 'She Sounds Like She Has A Fifth Grade Education' There are some things you just don't do -- dissing Beyonce is one of them. Seconds after declaring herself a fan of the singer, talk show host Wendy Williams went on to diss the singer, effectively calling her dumb. While talking about Beyoncé's upcoming self-directed HBO documentary about her life, Williams slammed Bey: "I am a Beyonce fan. I’m gonna watch her upcoming documentary because fortunately one of the TVs in our kitchen has closed captioning so I’ll be able to understand what she says. You know Beyonce can’t talk. She sounds like she has a fifth grade education." The studio audience booed in response to Williams and she got a little defensive: "Excuse me, I just said I was a fan. But we have to call a spade a spade." It's not the first time Beyonce's communication skills have come under attack. In April, her grasp of grammar was questioned by critics who got hold of the letter she wrote to first lady Michelle Obama. Grammar is one thing, but we don't have any idea what Williams is talking about since Beyonce is actually very well-spoken. Perhaps Williams should look into getting a hearing exam. http://tinyurl.com/a24fmcs (huffingtonpost.com) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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