[情報] 高尺巨蛋確定達成啟用後首次三連戰全滿

看板Baseball作者 (無無)時間3周前 (2024/04/07 14:04), 3周前編輯推噓6(711)
留言9則, 9人參與, 3周前最新討論串1/1
https://x.com/mykbo/status/1776847380954140675 At 2:29 today, Kiwoom/Hanwha at Gocheok Dome sold out. This is the 3rd straight sell out at Gocheok; the first time in its history 3 games were sold out in a ro w 韓國時間下午2:29,高尺巨蛋的16000張票正式完售 韓華- 英雄三連戰確定全部滿場 也是高尺巨蛋啟用後首次達成 https://i.imgur.com/55OCcvf.jpg
韓華目前也連續八場出賽都是滿場(包含客場) 本季出賽13場就有10場是滿的 https://i.imgur.com/ZScAQb2.jpg
https://x.com/mykbo/status/1776848028068175959 Also, KIA's game today is a sell-out. KIA sold out 2 games in a row at home for the first time since the 2018 season. 今天起亞也連續兩場達成滿場(20500) 為2018年後首次達成 https://i.imgur.com/t01xIIO.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1712469844.A.85C.html ※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 04/07/2024 14:04:25

04/07 14:08, 3周前 , 1F
04/07 14:08, 1F

04/07 14:09, 3周前 , 2F
這要反觀什麼 看不懂
04/07 14:09, 2F

04/07 14:12, 3周前 , 3F
==== 才1萬6 滿場很難嗎?! ====
04/07 14:12, 3F

04/07 14:13, 3周前 , 4F
04/07 14:13, 4F

04/07 14:13, 3周前 , 5F
04/07 14:13, 5F

04/07 14:23, 3周前 , 6F
反觀鬼島 沒球迷硬要蓋
04/07 14:23, 6F

04/07 14:30, 3周前 , 7F
大巨蛋前四場都破16000阿 有很難嗎
04/07 14:30, 7F

04/07 14:44, 3周前 , 8F
04/07 14:44, 8F

04/07 14:54, 3周前 , 9F
04/07 14:54, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1c4ZTKXS (Baseball)