[情報] 天使隊簽回Matt Moore

看板Baseball作者 (polanco)時間3月前 (2024/01/24 12:23), 3月前編輯推噓4(403)
留言7則, 5人參與, 3月前最新討論串1/1
Left-handed reliever Matt Moore and the Los Angeles Angels are in agreement on a one-year, $9 million contract, sources tell ESPN. Moore joins the recently sign ed Robert Stephenson, plus previous free agent signings Luis Garcia and Adam Cim ber, in a completely overhauled bullpen. https://twitter.com/JeffPassan/status/1750007610697228765 1年9M 簽回去年8月底放進讓渡名單後被守護者撿走的Matt Moore,去年出賽50場繳出2.56ERA與1. 9WAR 休賽季至今天使隊主要的補強都是牛棚投手 --- 另外在今天稍早也用小聯盟約加春訓邀請簽下前雙城重炮Miguel Sanó Sources: Miguel Sanó and #Angels have a minor league agreement with an invitati on to training. Sanó, who is playing winter bal in the Dominican Republic, did not play last s ummer. Miguel Sanó y #Angels tienen acuerdo de ligas menores con invitación a entrena mientos. https://twitter.com/Enrique_Rojas1/status/1749901563814961542 生涯成績 https://i.imgur.com/4tPICO6.jpg
前年被雙城裁掉以後幾乎空白一年 去年有在多明尼加打冬季聯盟,之前有乳摸說日職球隊在觀察他 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1706070215.A.ECC.html

01/24 12:25, 3月前 , 1F
01/24 12:25, 1F

01/24 12:28, 3月前 , 2F
01/24 12:28, 2F

01/24 12:29, 3月前 , 3F
01/24 12:29, 3F

01/24 12:29, 3月前 , 4F
01/24 12:29, 4F

01/24 12:30, 3月前 , 5F
去年成績還不錯 難怪這價格
01/24 12:30, 5F
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 01/24/2024 12:35:02 ※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 01/24/2024 12:38:25

01/24 13:02, 3月前 , 6F
牛越來越貴 不過比老查便宜了
01/24 13:02, 6F

01/24 14:39, 3月前 , 7F
01/24 14:39, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1bi937xC (Baseball)