[分享] 喬治亞大學棒球隊休息室升級(45M翻新計

看板Baseball作者 (無無)時間3月前 (2024/01/08 16:29), 編輯推噓21(2106)
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NCAA喬治亞大學的棒球隊,最近升級了球員休息室 https://x.com/baseballuga/status/1744161647680270722 Made some updates to the Dawg house #GoDawgs https://i.imgur.com/k6NYuzI.jpg
看起來蠻好看的欸 查了一下,喬治亞大學近期砸了4500萬美金 來翻新學校棒球隊的設施 https://reurl.cc/4jp68L Why It’s Newsworthy: The University of Georgia plans to spend $45 million on fa cility upgrades on Foley Field, home of the UGA baseball team. The University of Georgia will build and upgrade many of the facilities for the baseball team. These upgrades will include a player’s lounge, an indoor hitting cage, pitching lab, coaches’ offices, added premium seating and an extended ca nopy that will offer more shade to fans in the stadium’s current seating. Throu ghout the process, the current locker rooms will also be upgraded. 這些升級將包括 主場更新 球員休息室 室內擊球區 投球實驗室 教練辦公室 更衣室 The University of Georgia wanted to improve facilities for both the student-athl ete experience and individual player improvement. The baseball team works withou t any indoor pitching facilities at the moment and only has two hitting cages. T his leads the team to have to work around factors such as weather; pitchers lose an entire day of practice whenever there is bad weather 目前他們沒有投手室內練習的地方+只有兩個打擊練習區 造成練習行程會受氣候干擾 所以想藉由這次翻新改善 Recruiting in the SEC Recruiting players in the SEC is not an easy task in baseball. The SEC is consis tently one of the best conferences in college baseball year-in and year-out, so it is necessary to recruit at a high level to be successful. Four out of the las t five college baseball national champions have come from the SEC. Alongside suc cess, facilities play a role in a recruit’s decision. 加上喬治亞大學所屬的SEC聯盟,是棒球強權區 所以必須能招募到好的球員才能打出好戰績 這時球隊設施好壞就很重要了 “If I were a high-profile recruit, even coming from the state of Georgia, I wou ld have a tough time choosing UGA over schools such as Arkansas and LSU because of subpar baseball facilities,” said Davis Lamb, lifelong Georgia baseball fan and senior at the University of Georgia. 要有好的設施才能招募到好球員啊 For example, Dudy Noble Stadium, Mississippi State’s baseball stadium, holds fi ve times more fans than Foley Field. Mississippi State’s facilities’ most rece nt upgrade cost around $70 million, while Georgia’s most recent spent only $12 million. 以同屬SEC的密西西比州立大學為例 他們不只觀眾人數是他們的五倍 最近也砸了7000萬美金在升級設備 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1704702595.A.D2C.html

01/08 16:30, 3月前 , 1F
01/08 16:30, 1F

01/08 16:34, 3月前 , 2F
這跟NFL比起來 根本就小菜一碟
01/08 16:34, 2F

01/08 16:37, 3月前 , 3F
01/08 16:37, 3F

01/08 16:37, 3月前 , 4F
除了戰績全都最頂 啊跑錯棚
01/08 16:37, 4F

01/08 16:38, 3月前 , 5F
01/08 16:38, 5F

01/08 16:38, 3月前 , 6F
01/08 16:38, 6F

01/08 16:41, 3月前 , 7F
跟NFL比什麼 都比CPBL好多了
01/08 16:41, 7F

01/08 16:46, 3月前 , 8F
01/08 16:46, 8F

01/08 16:48, 3月前 , 9F
01/08 16:48, 9F

01/08 16:49, 3月前 , 10F
01/08 16:49, 10F

01/08 16:52, 3月前 , 11F
01/08 16:52, 11F

01/08 17:05, 3月前 , 12F
01/08 17:05, 12F

01/08 17:05, 3月前 , 13F
闆還真多 我以為CPBL都是做CSR的是常識
01/08 17:05, 13F

01/08 17:45, 3月前 , 14F
NCAA D1球隊砸在設備上的錢已經不輸一些職業球隊了
01/08 17:45, 14F

01/08 17:47, 3月前 , 15F
01/08 17:47, 15F

01/08 17:54, 3月前 , 16F
之前去cowboys 主場參觀也沒有這個好,說NFL比較好是?
01/08 17:54, 16F

01/08 18:44, 3月前 , 17F
01/08 18:44, 17F

01/08 19:37, 3月前 , 18F
Go dawgs! 校友推
01/08 19:37, 18F

01/08 19:51, 3月前 , 19F
01/08 19:51, 19F

01/08 20:18, 3月前 , 20F
01/08 20:18, 20F

01/08 20:18, 3月前 , 21F
01/08 20:18, 21F

01/08 20:22, 3月前 , 22F
結果G的美足隊更奢 花了80M…
01/08 20:22, 22F

01/09 09:00, 3月前 , 23F
Kevin Brown和Mark Teixeira都是校友
01/09 09:00, 23F

01/09 13:08, 3月前 , 24F
01/09 13:08, 24F

01/09 13:44, 3月前 , 25F
01/09 13:44, 25F

01/09 14:22, 3月前 , 26F
樓樓樓上k大:您提到的兩位是GA Tech,不是UGA的校友
01/09 14:22, 26F

01/11 01:36, 3月前 , 27F
01/11 01:36, 27F
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