[外電] Tsao earns win in first MLB game...消失

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原文網址: http://m.dodgers.mlb.com/news/article/136087954 Tsao earns win in first MLB game in 8 years Dodgers reliever caps long comeback from legal troubles By Ken Gurnick / MLB.com | @kengurnick | 1:27 AM ET + 0 COMMENTS LOS ANGELES -- Brandon Beachy returns to the Major Leagues on Saturday after a two-year injury absence, but that's nothing compared to Dodgers teammate Chin-hui Tsao. Brandon Beachy傷癒歸隊,睽違兩年再度回到大聯盟,但是比起他的隊友曹錦輝就顯得微 不足道了。 Disgraced in scandal back in his native Taiwan, the right-hander made his first Major League appearance in eight years a winning one for the Dodgers with a scoreless seventh inning in Friday night's 3-2 comeback win over the Brewers. 在台灣黑掉的這位右投手睽違8年重返大聯盟,第7局登板沒有失分,最終道奇隊以3比2險 勝釀酒人隊,他奪下了一勝。 It was the 34-year-old Tsao's fifth Major League win and first in more than a decade (May 11, 2005 with Colorado). 這是曹錦輝大聯盟生涯第5勝,並且是睽違10年的大聯盟勝投。 (上次勝投是2005年5月11日,當時他在洛磯隊。) "I'd like to thank God and the team for giving me a chance to pitch here," said Tsao. "I'm very lucky to get the win today. I feel like I'm dreaming." Tsao said he was nervous warming up in the bullpen, took a brief break, but was fine by the time he was called in to take over after starter Mike Bolsinger's six innings. 曹錦輝說: "我感謝上帝和這支球隊讓我有機會在這投球,並且很幸運地拿下勝投,我覺 得好像在作夢般。" 他還說他在牛棚熱身的時候有些緊張,在先發投手Mike Bolsinger投 完前6局後,輪到他上場時他已經做足準備。 The Tsao comeback borders on the miraculous. His first Major League club was the Rockies, but he was released after undergoing shoulder surgery in 2006. He signed with the Dodgers and appeared in 21 games in 2007, but injuries led to his free agency in 2008. 曹錦輝回到大聯盟可以說是奇蹟。他生涯第一支待過的球團是洛磯隊,但是他在2006年因 為肩膀手術而遭到釋出。他在2007年被道奇隊簽下全季出賽了21場比賽,但是他的傷勢導 致他在2008年在自由球員市場上沒有球隊要他。 He was involved in a game-fixing scandal back in his native Taiwan in 2009 and ran a barbecue restaurant during a five-year suspension, continuing to train during that time. 他在2009年回台涉嫌簽賭,被禁賽後他經營一家燒烤店(原文內容沒提賣麵XD),同時繼續 自我訓練。 "As I trained I felt better and better," he said. "I went back to baseball and wasn't sure I would make it or not. Fortunately, I made it." Tsao thought he would be playing over the winter in Australian Baseball League, but was haunted by his past and the deal fell through. 曹錦輝說: "在我持續訓練的時候我感覺越來越好,我試著想重回棒球但是我不確定自己 能否達成。很慶幸的是我做到了。" 曹錦輝想他大概冬天可以在澳洲職棒打球,但是由於中職提供他的不良紀錄導致被澳職取 消登錄。 The Dodgers signed Tsao to a Minor League contract before Spring Training with no invitation to Major League camp. He made six exhibition appearances and, despite a 6.97 ERA, showed enough life with his pitches that he was assigned to Double-A Tulsa for four games, then promoted to Triple-A Oklahoma City, and this week back to the big leagues. 道奇隊今年在春訓前以小聯盟約簽下曹錦輝,儘管他一開始在2A土桑隊出賽4場比賽防禦 率高達6.97,仍能後來升上3A奧克拉荷馬市道奇隊,這周則是重返大聯盟。 Ken Gurnick is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ================================================== 重返睽違8年的大聯盟 首場比賽就能拿下勝投還真不簡單啊 當年回台打中職涉簽賭黑掉 不過他能改過自新重新振作 算是值得鼓勵的 當然不免會讓人感慨的是 他當初何必這樣 把自己的職棒生涯毀了大半 又傷害台灣棒球迷們的心呢? 總之他要懂得好好珍惜難得再次爭取到的機會 這是他對台灣的棒球做出補償和回饋的好機會 祝福他持續有好表現 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1436600728.A.CC6.htmlJeremyKSKGA:轉錄至看板 MLB

07/11 15:46, , 1F
真的 希望今年拿到賽揚獎
07/11 15:46, 1F

07/11 15:47, , 2F
感謝中職 沒有毀掉一個天才
07/11 15:47, 2F

07/11 15:48, , 3F
別肖想吧 雖然高興他上去了 但持久是較大的問題
07/11 15:48, 3F

07/11 15:49, , 4F
他只要不碰台灣棒球就好了 美國用這人是美國的事
07/11 15:49, 4F

07/11 15:50, , 5F
他如果規畫韓籍 說不定還能加國家隊 賺出賽獎金
07/11 15:50, 5F

07/11 15:50, , 6F
07/11 15:50, 6F

07/11 15:50, , 7F
07/11 15:50, 7F

07/11 15:50, , 8F
07/11 15:50, 8F

07/11 15:50, , 9F
07/11 15:50, 9F

07/11 15:54, , 10F
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07/11 15:54, , 11F
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07/11 15:54, , 12F
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07/11 15:56, , 13F
07/11 15:56, 13F

07/11 15:56, , 14F
MLB球員:這球丟出來都黑黑的 怎麼打啊
07/11 15:56, 14F

07/11 16:01, , 15F
reddit都是在喊 Joc...沒啥人討論他
07/11 16:01, 15F
※ 編輯: JeremyKSKGA (, 07/11/2015 16:12:20
文章代碼(AID): #1LeCcOp6 (Baseball)