[SNS ] 200626-200627相關SNS整理

看板BTS作者 (ARMY)時間3年前 (2020/06/28 01:28), 3年前編輯推噓10(1001)
留言11則, 11人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
200626 BTS_official官推 稍後的下午六點(韓國時間) #StayGold Official MV 在 YouTube上即將公開。 不要錯過 和 #防彈少年團一起的倒數計時唷! #StayGold Official MV will premiere today at 6 pm (KST). Don't miss the special countdown with #BTS ! 轉推 BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL #StayGold官方MV將於今天下午6點(台灣時間17:00)在YouTube上發布。 千萬別錯過#BTS的特別倒數計時! ( https://youtu.be/9IHwqdz8Xhw
) https://twitter.com/BTS_jp_official/status/1276425050359545861 https://twitter.com/bts_bighit/status/1276425434830258177 BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL #BTS New Japanese Song ‘Stay Gold’ Official MV http://youtu.be/9IHwqdz8Xhw
#StayGold https://twitter.com/BTS_jp_official/status/1276442737672249346 Weverse 請這樣跟著'Learn! KOREAN with BTS' 一起吧! Step 1. 打開字幕並理解文句(OK 手勢) Step 2. 關閉字幕並聆聽文句(耳朵) Step 3. ARMY TIME!跟著一起念文句(說話) Step 4. 用今天在weverse上學的韓語溝通(手寫) (電燈泡)支援英文、日文、西班牙文、中文(NEW) →https://t.co/mV9nleV9Bu?amp=1 https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1276440178400227328 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbbPmYgUEAEpJMD.jpg
https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1276440180744835072 (英文版本) https://twitter.com/weverseofficial/status/1276440182892294146 (日文版本) BANGTANTV @ Youtube 稍後的下午六點(韓國時間) #StayGold Official MV 在 YouTube上即將公開。 不要錯過 和 #防彈少年團一起的倒數計時唷! #StayGold Official MV will premiere today at 6 pm (KST). Don't miss the special countdown with #BTS ! Don't miss the special countdown with #BTS ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IHwqdz8Xhw
https://www.youtube.com/post/UgxUYt6uRAQmfOzGi6N4AaABCQ 其他相關SNS BT21 (爆炸)#BT21 #SUPPORTERS! GIVE YOURSELVES A NAME!(爆炸) Leave your ideas in the comment section of #EP06 #UNIVERSTAR in BT21 YouTube. →https://lin.ee/SZaSAy2/hntj You know that calling a name really means something. (眨眼) (圖釘)For more info: https://lin.ee/JOVTYPG/hntj #HurryUp #until #July2 https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1276349634768601089 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbaBOVuU4AAi77v.jpg
You know what we do, SPREAD LOVE. (兩顆心) BT21 X International Vaccine Institute stickers are coming. (派對拉炮) All the proceeds will go toward children's health care & development of COVID-19 vaccines! (暈眩) #June30 #ComingSoon #BT21 #IVI *May not be available in some regions https://twitter.com/BT21_/status/1276425108073009154 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbbF3ZGUcAEDpxp.jpg
樂天七星飲料 七星汽水 X BTS 影片拍攝 光是看著也可以感到清涼 BTS的七星汽水廣告拍攝現場大公開! 現在馬上去看看♪♬ Long版本的影片在樂天七星飲料的官方Youtube和Facebook上可以觀賞 Short版本的影片在樂天七星飲料的官方Youtube和Instagram上可以觀賞唷 #七星汽水 #蜜桃 #青橘 #BTS #防彈少年團 https://www.instagram.com/p/CB5l8Fnlbvu/ (影片) https://www.facebook.com/Lottechilsung.official/videos/678792436305590/ (影片) (以上兩則文案內容雷同,故整合在一起) 1theK [IDOL NEXT SEAT] What if #BTS #JIMIN sits next to me?(摀嘴) Watch out for heart attacks! If Jimin calls me 'Nuna', everyday will be a Spring Day(櫻花) https://twitter.com/1theK/status/1276379664508829698 (影片) [Re-watching ASK IN A BOX(包裹)] From Korean to Russian! #BTS #JHope saying hi in 6 different languages(拍手) It's worldwide BTS(閃光) https://twitter.com/1theK/status/1276530657729155072 (影片) BTS WORLD Official [#BTSWORLD1周年紀念] 防彈少年團拍攝現場幕後花絮照片 (1/2) (https://t.co/HCLCK1t0vK?amp=1) #BTSWORLD1stAnniversary #和經紀人們一起的一周年 #1YearWithOurManagers #幕後花絮照片 #BehindtheScenesPhotos https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1276382137730478081 (影片) filaindia BTS just wanna have fun! GO-#BTS, GO-#FILA#RM #Jin #SUGA #jhope #Jimin #V #JungKook #FILA #bts https://www.instagram.com/p/CB44pDxJra1/ https://i.imgur.com/Rouarfj.jpg
ドワンゴジェイピーnews BTS最新歌曲「Stay Gold」 MV公開,首發特別推出和成員們一起的倒數影片 https://news.dwango.jp/music/51087-2006 #BTS #防彈少年團 #StayGold #MAP_OF_THE_SOUL_7_THE_JOURNEY @BTS_jp_official https://twitter.com/dwangojpnews/status/1276352574124199937 tmoney_insta [防彈少年團 2020 T-money卡片] 以帥氣容貌回歸的防彈少年團! 7種防彈少年團 2020 T-money卡片 7月2日 在全國 CU便利商店 跟大家見面唷 ※ CU便利商店上架時間不一定,請事先確定上架時間前往哦!(眨眼) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4J8d6D_1N/ https://i.imgur.com/TqkkQNq.jpg
Prada For @voguejp, the K-pop band BTS wearing #PradaSS20 photographed by Najung Moke. Editor: Mihoko Iida #PradaEditorials #Prada Repost #voguejapan https://twitter.com/Prada/status/1276491110488121346 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbcB5bcXYAMl4iN.jpg
200627 碩珍 碩珍尼 https://twitter.com/BTS_twt/status/1276821136517414914 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbguCz9UcAAfHwf.jpg
BTS_offici官推 [防彈BOMB] 不管在做什麼,聽說有一個叫做不行的遊戲?(NO) #不行_不行 #連_想坐_都不行 #誰_都不能_掉以輕心_的遊戲 (https://youtu.be/pQbZdshxQnE)
https://twitter.com/bts_bighit/status/1276772322964156416 BTS JAPAN OFFICIAL RT TBSチャンネル 終於在今晚8點★『#BTS世界巡迴演唱會'LOVE YOURSELF'LONDON』首次在TV播出♪來自 BTS的留言♪「選擇作為BTS的一員而沒有走其他路真的太好了,還到了倫敦,想對自己说 我們做得很好,粉絲們! 謝謝你們讓我們成為最好的自己http://tbsch.eng.mg/bf5fc https://twitter.com/tbschannel/status/1276666576008175616 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbehfDkUMAAKqZA.jpg
其他相關SNS 1theK 怎麼連名字都這麼軟萌...??QQ(一箭穿心) 獨一無二的姓氏,獨一無二的魅力 呃啊啊啊(風) 滿滿的男藝人.zip K-IDOL with an unique last name...!!(一箭穿心) https://twitter.com/1theK/status/1276711852114731008 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbbFQ4jU0AEoSok.jpg
BTS WORLD Official [#BTSWORLD1周年紀念] 公開經紀人這一年間的其中10天list! (備忘) 喚醒成員共1億731萬次的經紀人!(鬧鐘) 如果一天喚醒一次的話,事實上需要29萬年的時間!(震驚的臉) https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1276742066911866880 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EbfhKGJUwAAHDgN.jpg
https://twitter.com/BTSW_official/status/1276742068988112896 (英文版本) Vogue Japan #BTS的幕後花絮終於公開了。請看“ VOGUE JAPAN”八月號的獨家拍攝和採訪。 Behind the scenes video of BTS photoshoot is out now Check out the latest issue of VOGUE JAPAN for their exclusive photoshoot and interview. https://bit.ly/31jhyyk https://twitter.com/voguejp/status/1276715781695340547 (影片) cr.BTS_twt / bts_bighit / BTS_jp_official / tbschannel / weverseofficial / BT21_ / 1theK / BTSW_official / dwangojpnews / Prada / voguejp @ Twitter BANGTANTV @ Youtube lottechilsung / filaindia / tmoney_insta @ Instagram Lottechilsung.officia @ Facebook 翻譯: guha4832 @ PTT-BTS -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BTS/M.1593278889.A.20A.html ※ 編輯: guha4832 ( 日本), 06/28/2020 01:43:20

06/28 02:04, 3年前 , 1F
06/28 02:04, 1F

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06/28 08:35, 2F

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06/28 08:44, 3F

06/28 08:47, 3年前 , 4F
感謝整理 碩珍尼♡
06/28 08:47, 4F

06/28 12:09, 3年前 , 5F
06/28 12:09, 5F

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06/28 16:37, 6F

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06/28 21:39, 7F

06/29 01:35, 3年前 , 8F
06/29 01:35, 8F

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06/29 09:30, 9F

06/29 15:26, 3年前 , 10F
06/29 15:26, 10F

06/30 15:52, 3年前 , 11F
06/30 15:52, 11F
※ 編輯: guha4832 ( 日本), 07/02/2020 23:03:35
文章代碼(AID): #1Uzu6f8A (BTS)