[情報] Grease & Joseph in West End

看板BROADWAY作者 (Don't get sad)時間18年前 (2006/12/24 20:29), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串1/1
There will be two reality TV shows in 2007 to find the lead roles in GREASE and JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT. On ITV1, X-Factor's Simon Cowell will make a series searching for the roles of Sandy and Danny for a new production of GREASE, with a view to stage the production in the West End next summer. Simon Cowell will be taking a back seat with theatre producer David Ian, who appeared on How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?, being the lead judge. David Ian will also produce the West End show in partnership with Paul Nicholas.ON BBC 1, Andrew Lloyd Webber, will follow the success of How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?, with another reality TV show, called Any Dream will Do, which will search for a Joseph, a girl to play the narrator and a Pharaoh/Elvis, for a new West End production of JOSEPH AND HIS AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT. Graham Norton, who hosted How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria, will also host the follow-up show. [London Theatre News-Issue#547] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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