[外電] 'We are in a great position now' — Q & A with Blazers

看板BLAZERS作者 (嘴賤 或許我又搞砸了...)時間14年前 (2009/09/22 00:28), 編輯推噓13(1303)
留言16則, 16人參與, 5年前最新討論串1/1
'We are in a great position now' — Q & A with Blazers coach McMillan Sunday, September 20 | 4:25 p.m. Excerpts from an interview Friday with Portland Trail Blazers coach Nate McMillan. McMillan discussed his summer and taking a break from the game; the return of Blazers forward Martell Webster and the continued improvement of center Greg Oden; the ideal situation presented by having two high quality point guards on one team; his goals for the team's upcoming training camp; and coaching a roster that is as deep as he has had since taking over the Blazers' head coaching job, among other topics. ... On his summer: 暑假都在幹麼: I've enjoyed it. My last few years, I've been working with the USA basketball team. And finally I had an opportunity to take my family on a vacation. I was able to get away and spend some time with my family; just reflect on the last few years. 答:我很享受。過去幾年我總是在國家隊裡工作,不過我總算有個機會帶著我的家人 來個家庭渡假。 On taking time off and getting away from the game: 沒比賽這段時間: I think when you get to any level, regardless of your job or your profession, when you are a professional and you love your job, and if it's a job such as coaching, a professional organization, you never break away from that. Even if you're on vacation with your family or you're spending time, you're thinking about the office and what needs to be done, and you're feeling guilty, just as you do when you're working and you don't take a break — you feel guilty about not giving your family that time. So, I went through that. But I was able to do both, and get away and spend some time with my wife and my kids. I went on a college road trip — my daughter will be graduating from high school next year. So we spent some time back in North Carolina. It was all great. And now I'm looking forward to getting started this season. 答:我認為不管你已經到任何級別了,不管是工作或者職業,當你是專業與熱愛工作。 就像我的教練工作,你永遠不能脫離專業組織的。 如果你是在與家人渡假或者你在從事你的事時。你的心總是要在辦公室,並想著還有 哪些事情事需要完成的。但這樣作,會讓我覺得對家人感到非常內疚。我曾經經歷這樣的 罪惡感。但我可以把兩邊都處理的好,脫離、花時間陪陪老婆、花時間陪陪孩子。我去 逛大學,為了我即將從高中畢業的女兒(按:難怪我一直覺得之前電視演的 College Road Trip裡的Martin Lawrence長得很像你,其實你有順便去當替身吧)。 所以我花了一點時間才回到北卡羅來納州,我已經準備好要向前看與開始新的球季了。 On whether he has a new perspective on coaching and the game: 關於新的角度在教練與球賽上: For me, I try to live life to the fullest. And I take every day and try and get as much as I can out of each and every day. I went on that vacation, and I came back and I got back to Portland, and it was time to start focusing on the team and what we wanted to accomplish this season and our goals. 答:對我來說,我每天都試著讓我的生活滿滿的。我每天的每天都在作新的嘗試。 我去渡假,我回家,我回到Portland,現在是時候專注在球隊,以及那些我們想要做到的 和我們這個球季的目標。 On how the organization pursued free agent players this summer: 今年夏天要如何組織去買FA: We signed (forward Juwan) Howard. And we all talked about that. We've been discussing free agents, really all summer long. That was a guy we felt would really help our organization, as far as his experience and being able to help our young guys develop, and if we needed him to play, he's had some experience — he can still help us on the floor. And that was a decision that we talked about amongst each other and with some of our scouts ... and we made, we felt, the best decision for the organization. 答:我們已經簽了Juwan Howard。我們之前有談論到這個部份。我們在這個暑假,花了 很長很長很長的時間去討論我們要買哪些FA。Juwan Howard這傢伙我們覺得可以幫助 我們的整個球隊組織,他有經驗,他可以帶領年輕球員成長,如果我們需要他下場 打個球,他也還是可以打。對於這一個決定,我們也是彼此討論,還問了一些我們的 球探。然後我們就買他了,我們覺得這是個幫助球隊組織的好棋。 On the Blazers' roster depth: 關於拓荒者的陣容深度 First, I'll say this is the deepest roster since I joined the Blazers organization. We like the direction we're going. The depth on this team, where we have two or three players at pretty much each position; the talent level. We like what we've built here and how we've built it. Not only was talent important, but character was just as important. Not only was winning important, but how we win games is important. Draft night is very important, but how we draft and who we draft is very important. Free agents — we had money to sign a lot of free agents, but who we signed was very important. So it's not just based on talent, it's based on your character. And that's something that we basically said from four years ago, when I first came here, and the group that we have believes in that. And we don't want to just win for right now, we want to continue to improve, continue to get better, continue to win and we want to win in a professional manner. On the return of Webster and the improvement of Oden: I think we're all in a great position, and what we want to do is take advantage of that. Being hungry is what we need to continue to see. We had a taste of it last year by getting into the playoffs. And we know who's coming back and our guys were told some things that they needed to work on, and we want to improve and get better. Martell is hungry, he's anxious. He's facing pretty much what Greg Oden was facing a year ago, being out for an entire year and sitting around. And he wants to play and we're looking forward to him being back on the floor and seeing how we can take advantage of what he brings to the floor. Greg, again, understood this summer that he needed to really work on his game and improve and get better and work on some areas with his game. He has done that. Regardless of what happens this season, he has put in the time working on his game. We expect him to have a good year. We're looking forward to Martell returning, and Greg having a year under his belt and coming out and showing what he's capable of doing. 答:首先,我必須說這是我從加入拓荒者以來最深的陣容了。我很喜歡我們現在進行 的方向。我們的每個位置都有兩到三位不錯的球員深度以及天份。我們喜歡我們建立 了這樣的陣容以及我們如何建立這樣的陣容。天份固然很重要,我們也重視人格特質。 贏球固然很重要,我們也重視我們如何贏球。選秀夜固然很重要,我們也重視我們如 何選以及我們選了誰。我們有錢簽FA固然很重要,我們也重視我們究竟簽了誰。所以 不單單只是天份而已,個人特質才是我們的基礎。而這些,在我四年前,來到這裡, 就是我們的共識了。我們不急著馬上就贏球,我們要一直不斷持續的進步,一直持續 變好,一直贏,贏的很專業。Webster的歸來與Oden的改進:我想說的是,我們每個位置 都很棒,但我們要更進階。我們已經等不及要看到了。我們去年嘗了季後賽的味道,大家 都知道誰要回來,每個人都必須不斷讓自己進步。Webster很期待能夠回來,但他也很焦 慮,這焦慮去年Oden也經歷過,整季無法出賽,整季沒球打。他已經等不及要回到場上打 球了。再一次提到,Oden理解到他這夏天要做的功課,就是要如何讓自己進步, 好有球打,他做的不錯。不管上季怎樣,這球季我們期望他有個美妙的球季。我們對於 Webster與Oden的回來,我們相當樂觀其成。 On what it is like as a coach and former NBA point guard to have two high quality point guards — Steve Blake and Andre Miller — on the same team: 作為一個教練與前NBA控衛,如何看到一個球隊裡有兩個高品質控衛: We are in a great position now. We really are. To be able to see the development of Blake, and to add an experience point guard such as Miller to our roster, it gives us depth at that position. And I really ... I will just say our guard core — Rudy (Fernandez), who now has a year under his belt; Brandon (Roy), who is a two-time all-star; and (Miller) who we signed, who will be hear for a long time; Jerryd Bayless, who is a young guard that we believe in — we haven't given up on him; we believe in him. That's a group of guards; five guards. You can slide Martell in that group as a guard or a forward. I love our youth. I love the experience that we have added, and the experience that we got. Because Blake and Brandon have played for a couple years. Rudy, even though he's going into his second (NBA) year, he's played professionally — he's doing well right now with Spain's national team. So, our guard core should be very strong. As far as the starting, we don't want to focus on that. Really, the bottom line for our guys is, I will come up with the starting lineup that will best fit the rotation for the team, and give us, I think, the best chance to win the game. The start is not the big thing. The bottom line is what works for our team. It's just like anything else, you've got to have a balance. I will come up with the balance of how we want to attack teams and try to take — the main thing is, you take advantage of your players. And if that is a guy starting, then we'll look at that. If we can take advantage of what you do by bringing you off the bench, then we'll look at that. What you try to do is try to put your players in a position where they can be effective. 答:我們在這位置上,真的相當的不錯。我們可以看到Blake的成長,也加進了有經驗 的控衛Miller在我們的陣容中。但我還是要說一下,在我們的後衛核心裡,Rudy-有一年 經驗了,ROY-兩次的全星星賽,Miller-我們新簽的,我們會聽到很久一段時間的。 喔,說到年輕的Bayless,我們沒有要放棄他的意思,我們相信他,我們超愛他。我們有 一整群後衛,剛好一隻手可以數完。Webster則可以歸類到後衛或者前鋒。我們愛我們 的青春肉體,我們也愛我們新加入的經驗,還有之前就有的經驗。Blake跟ROY這對 後衛已經一起打球兩年,Rudy雖然才要進入第二年,可是他可是跟著國家隊南征北討、 身經百戰的戰將。所以說,我們的後衛海非常強大。至於誰先發,我一點也不覺得重點 在這裡,最後我一定可以排出最適合的先發陣容,一套可以運轉順暢的輪替名單,我猜 這樣可以給我們最好贏球機會。先發,根本就不重要。我們需要取得良好的平衡,這平衡 可以讓我們擁有好的攻擊力,讓每個人的優勢可以在位置上發揮。如果讓這人先發,我們 就會看,他先發或者從板凳出發對球隊比較好。我們要做的就是試著把球員放在對的 位置,可以讓我們產生最好的綜效。 On his thoughts and goals as the team heads into training camp: 關於這次訓練營的目標 I really want to get us playing at a level that we can compete for a championship for a long time. That is the goal, is to get and put our guys in a position to be the best they can be, and be able to compete at that high level. There are teams — we did a nice; we played well last season. But can we continue to play at that level and go to another level? 'Cause we've got to go to another level to get to where we want to go, which is eventually a championship — that's the ultimate goal. There are goals: winning our division this year; and winning the Western Conference this year; and the ultimate goal is to win a championship. So, what I want to do is get our guys to understand that there is another level we must reach to get us there. 答:我真的還滿希望讓我們的等級,可以維持在爭冠圈很長的一段時間。這是個目標, 這可以讓我們把球員們放在對他們最好的位置,然後我們就可以達到一個高的等級。 球隊有-我們做的不錯、我們去年打的還不賴。但我們可以持續維持這個水平,或者更 上一層樓嗎?因為我們的最終目標,就是拿到冠軍。所以我們的目標將會是,今年在 分區中領先,然後在西區獲勝,然後最終我們就可以贏得冠軍。所以,我要讓每一個 我們的球員知道,我們還要更上一層樓,我們必須到達那個爭冠的水平。 原文:http://0rz.tw/YPdOq 翻的有夠生硬 有錯請指教 謝謝大家XDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/22 00:46, , 1F
拓荒者的問題就是可用之人太多 教練肯讓球員公平競爭嗎
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