[外電] McMillan relies on reports

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McMillan relies on reports Saturday, June 20 | 10:51 p.m. BY BRIAN HENDRICKSON COLUMBIAN STAFF WRITER TUALATIN, Ore. — The last two NBA Drafts have taught Nate McMillan to place his trust in the Portland Trail Blazers’ scout team. 過去的兩次選秀告訴了Nate儘管把信心放在拓荒者的球探團隊。 At times, the Blazers’ coach has only seen video footage of players the team has selected. 有時候,拓荒者的教練只看過球隊選的球員的錄影帶。 Other times, he has relied mostly on reputation because players could not come to Portland for a workout. 其餘,對於那些不來拓荒者試訓的球員,他只能依靠一些名氣來判斷。 Yet the Blazers have yet to make a draft blunder since McMillan joined the team in 2005, even in the first round’s hit-or-miss region of the mid-20s, where they have made gambling on European prospects an annual routine. 但是自從Nate從2005年加入後,拓荒者在第一輪的20順位左右都未犯下大錯,固定都從這個 順位裡賭注性的選擇歐洲球員。 So when Portland drafts in that same position in Thursday’s NBA Draft, McMillan said he will largely take a back-seat role while turning his increasing trust to the Blazers’ scouts and management. 所以當拓荒者在禮拜四的選秀會中擁有差不多的順位時,以及對球團的球探和總管的信心, Nate說他會好好當一個旁觀者。 "I kind of sit back and observe," McMillan said. "This is their time of year." "我就在坐在後面好好觀察,這是一年之中他們表現的時候。" Nate說。 And what a time of year the Blazers have made it. 過去拓荒者都表現得很好。 Sure, there were the splashy moves that rebuilt the franchise around Brandon Roy, LaMarcus Aldridge and Greg Oden — all lottery picks who were selected among the top six in their respective drafts. But just as important to the Blazers’ resurgence has been the draft successes in the late first round, where impact players are tougher to find. 當然,三個重要的選秀打造了這支球隊,Roy,Aldridge和Oden,都來自於前六順位。但同 樣重要的是拓荒者在後段選秀的成功,尤其在這個順位是不好尋找到有影響力的球員。 In each of the last three years, Portland has found a player in the bottom third of the first round who went on to crack the rotation as a rookie: 過去三年,拓荒者都從第一輪的後段選入有影響力的新秀球員進入輪替表。 n Sergio Rodriguez had just turned 20 years old when the Blazers purchased his draft rights (27th overall) from Phoenix in 2006, but he went on to play in 67 games as a rookie and posted a nearly 3-to-1 assist-to-turnover ratio. Sergio,2006年拓荒者從太陽隊那邊買得的27順位選入,20歲的他出賽了67場比賽,並有 3比1的助攻失誤比。 n Rudy Fernandez was already an international star when Portland acquired his draft rights (24th overall) in another cash-considerations trade with Phoenix, and went on to earn All-Rookie honors while developing into a key contributor off the bench. Rudy在拓荒者同樣從太陽隊那用現金買的24順位選進來前就已經是國際球星,並且成為替補 席上重要貢獻的角色。 n Nicolas Batum, acquired after a draft-day trade brought Houston’s 25th pick to Portland, started 76 games last season after Martell Webster was lost for the year with a foot injury, and developed into one of the team’s key wing defenders. Batum,在選秀當天透過從黃蜂隊25順位交易而來,在Webster受傷一年當中先發了76場比賽 ,並成為球隊重要的防守搖擺人。 Blazers officials say that string of successes has come from a combination of advance scouting, aggressive maneuvering, and a little luck. 拓荒者的制服組說這一連串的成功來自於出色的偵測,積極的運作和一點運氣的結合。 It starts with Portland’s commitment to European scouting, where Jason Filippi — a scout based in Italy — provides a constant monitor of European talent. Full-time European scouts are not uncommon in the NBA, but not all teams employ them, either. 這始於拓荒者委任歐洲的球探,Filippi,義大利的球探,提供了持續對歐洲實力的觀察。 全職的歐洲球探對於NBA來講不特別,但也不是所有的球隊都有雇用。 But Pritchard said Filippi, who he praised for being "phenomenally organized," plays a key role in giving the Blazers a jump on the region’s rising talents. 而當KP提到Filippi時,認為他傑出的組織能力,在拓荒者累積天賦的領域幫助很大。 That boots-on-the-ground vigilance positioned Portland to aggressively pursue Europeans in the last three drafts by purchasing extra picks and gambling on players whom the Blazers were not certain would, or could, come to the NBA immediately. 在過去的三年的選秀當中,拓荒者利用了買來的選秀權進行對歐洲球員的賭注性的選秀,甚 至他們自己也不確定那些球員會不會立刻來NBA報到。 Pritchard has repeatedly projected that Fernandez would have been a 2008 lottery selection if the Blazers had not gambled on the Spanish guard and drafted him a year earlier, knowing that a buyout clause in Fernandez’s contract would prevent him from joining the team for at least another year. KP盤算很久如果拓荒者不在前一年做點賭博性的選秀的話,Rudy在2008年的選秀一定是樂透 區內的人選,並且也知道Rudy的買斷合約會使得他至少晚一年來加入球隊。 Portland was also not certain if Batum was ready to compete at the NBA level when it drafted him last year, but his development was the biggest surprise — and made the gamble of his draft selection the biggest payoff — of last season. KP同時也不確定當去年選進Batum時,他是否已經準備好挑戰NBA了,但他的進步實在令人驚 奇,也成為KP去年選秀中最大的收穫。 "We’re looking for the best player, always," Assistant General Manager Tom Penn said about the Blazers’ success with European players. "With the foreign guys, you can sort of see he’s going to be the best player in a year or two, when we need him. So you get a chance to draft that player knowing he won’t be coming over right away." "我們總是不斷的尋找最好的球員,對於這些國際球員,我們可以把他們分類成是否能在一 兩年後成為我們所需要的球員。所以你就有機會來選到一些即使知道他們不會馬上報到。" 副總管Penn說。 That strategy may not apply the same way this year, though. Pritchard admits the European talent pool is down from past years. 而今年這個策略恐怕不會試用,KP承認歐洲的天份球員比過去幾年在下降中。 Recent mock drafts suggest that as few as two foreign players could be selected in the first round, which would be the fewest since two were taken in 1999. But the Blazers have worked out one of those prospects — Israel’s Omri Casspi, a 6-foot-9 small forward who has drawn comparisons to Orlando’s versatile small forward Hedo Turkoglu. Casspi is expected to be taken with one of the last half-dozen first-round picks. 過去的模擬選秀建議只有兩位左右的外國球員能夠在第一輪中選。但拓荒者也試訓了幾個 候選人裡的以色列新秀Omri Casspi,被比擬為Turkoglu的6呎9吋的小前鋒。 Casspi也被預 估會在第一輪的中後段被選到。 But despite the weaker-than-usual selection of talent, Pritchard will not dismiss the possibility of looking to Europe for draft possibilities, or limit their first-round options to that continent. Their process of evaluation and strategy, he said, remains the same as the last three years. 但儘管在比往年的順位都來得弱勢的情況下,KP也將不會錯過任何能選歐洲球員的機會, 或是現在自己在第一輪獲得好球員的選擇。他們的評估過程和策略,正如他所說的,和過去 的三年一模一樣。 "I don’t want to change it up," Pritchard said. "We’ve still got some work to do. I wouldn’t want to commit to anything on that yet." "我不會想要改變,我們還是有些工作得做,而我目前也不想對任何事做表態。" KP說。 Source: http://www.columbian.com/article/20090621/SPORTS01/706219947/1001/SPORTS01 -- PS: KP加油~~即使今年順位很後面,還是在會場上轟轟烈烈的大幹一番吧!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/22 02:14, , 1F
06/22 02:14, 1F

06/22 06:30, , 2F
推~~~另外 Batum那邊應該是火箭隊來的!
06/22 06:30, 2F

06/22 10:03, , 3F
06/22 10:03, 3F

06/22 16:20, , 4F
06/22 16:20, 4F

06/22 16:38, , 5F
話說HC上有提到阿拓家老闆放話要總管放手去做 對照之前
06/22 16:38, 5F

06/22 16:39, , 6F
另有說要控制薪資的說法 有拓友知道何者比較為真嗎?
06/22 16:39, 6F

06/22 16:52, , 7F
06/22 16:52, 7F

06/22 17:53, , 8F
06/22 17:53, 8F

06/22 18:17, , 9F
喔喔 感謝 有好老闆真好!
06/22 18:17, 9F

06/22 19:46, , 10F
06/22 19:46, 10F

06/22 19:46, , 11F
06/22 19:46, 11F

12/11 05:29, 5年前 , 12F
//ppt.cc/2H https://noxiv.com
12/11 05:29, 12F

04/20 03:16, 5年前 , 13F
我猜選秀當天KP會來個 http://yofuk.com
04/20 03:16, 13F
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