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看板BEG作者 (Azul)時間13年前 (2011/08/23 18:19), 編輯推噓13(1304)
留言17則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
韓國時間 ilsang 尹日尚作曲家 Hi, BEG's world fans. now they are shooting M/V and photos for their album. ;) J_COOOL 趙音樂行銷總監 We are coming very soon!! RT“@ilsang: Hi, BEG's world fans. now they are shooting M/V and photos for their album. ;)” 05:55 Hello, BEG's Japanese fans!! BEG will going to japan, 31 August and BEG will hold a concert in tokyo, 12 sept. wait for....... 06:06 lxjboom(飯)@J_COOOL 10.05 BEG will going to shanghai?? J_COOOL @lxjboom yes we will officialBEG 官推 Brown Eyed Girls were recorded on a daily basis, because life had been cut off from the outside for a while. They completed the recording. And They went to Thailand for music video shoot today.Please send them a cheer message~^^ 07:06 JajaJelly(飯)@officialBEG you mean today they are in Thailand ???? 07:07 officialBEG @JajaJelly They wii be in a plane now;) 07:30 加贈先到泰國的名貓豐山 bongsamee yes i'm in thailand yay 07:20 ssun pd and director hwang in thai. we eenjoyed sum shoppping befo beg members come. http://yfrog.com/ki23otdj 07:23 i flew by united cat airline first klass becoz me the famous cat 07:25 ---- 暫未翻譯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/23 18:22, , 1F
台灣呢!!!!!! 來台灣阿~~~~~
08/23 18:22, 1F

08/23 18:33, , 2F
去上海是上海DC演唱會 很多團...
08/23 18:33, 2F

08/23 18:33, , 3F
08/23 18:33, 3F

08/23 18:34, , 4F
實況轉播是 現在正要前往機場坐飛機去泰國
08/23 18:34, 4F
※ 編輯: paiwow 來自: (08/23 18:38)

08/23 18:42, , 5F
又去泰國(Thai) 什麼來台(TAI) 快來 八哩八哩
08/23 18:42, 5F

08/23 19:00, , 6F
08/23 19:00, 6F

08/23 19:10, , 7F
都是Tai啊(扼腕) 不過應該快了快了T^T (*灑花轉圈)
08/23 19:10, 7F

08/23 19:24, , 8F
08/23 19:24, 8F

08/23 19:53, , 9F
08/23 19:53, 9F

08/23 19:58, , 10F
現在台灣不是重點吧XDD 先CB比較重要!! 感覺會是日控後~
08/23 19:58, 10F

08/23 20:01, , 11F
哦哦哦 吃土的時刻終於要來了嗎
08/23 20:01, 11F

08/23 20:10, , 12F
08/23 20:10, 12F

08/23 20:11, , 13F
喔喔喔喔 有進度了!!
08/23 20:11, 13F

08/23 21:42, , 14F
08/23 21:42, 14F

08/23 22:17, , 15F
終於真的有CB的真實感了XD 期待!!!!!!!!!!
08/23 22:17, 15F

08/23 22:21, , 16F
九月又是女團CB的戰國時代了 @@
08/23 22:21, 16F

08/23 22:40, , 17F
08/23 22:40, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1EKtwt2s (BEG)