[情報] 02/09 【蜜室新手城】

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全台首款SM online線上大作 滿足你各種想調教或被調教的欲望~ 準備好踏入這充滿新奇與刺激的冒險之旅了嗎? 蜜室新手城將提供完整的通關攻略和新手指引 對於SM領域感到好奇卻又遲遲不敢涉獵的人們啊 如今機會已近在眼前,你只需放膽前行 此地是SM玩家們的理想鄉,友善新手的樂園 我們將邀請圈內資深老手入城,提供初心者專業Q&A諮詢 宣導各種諸如「基本社交禮儀」、「BDSM安全實踐原則」等基礎知識 給予初心者們名為智慧的武器和裝備,讓各位在冒險的旅途上升級打怪沒煩惱 諸位被選上的勇者們啊,請挺起你們的胸膛 帶著你們於城中學習到的知識與智慧 勇敢邁開步伐,踏入那充滿歡樂與刺激的SM副本吧! 活動網址:https://wp.me/PaQNOp-5 開啟時間:02/09下午1-5點(2點整城門準時關閉,請準時入場) 新手城位置:魔女的蜜室(台北市中山區近捷運中山國小站)(詳細地址將於報名成功信公布) 進城費用:200元(請進城時繳納) 優惠方式:答對新手QA問題將獲得50元優惠 現場將提供酒水、茶點免費享用 報名方式: 步驟一:完成報名表單 https://forms.gle/wBfZD7Kyj7EBFKt98 步驟二:等待專人確認後收到報名成功通知信,才算報名成功(將於活動一周前陸續以E-mail及LINE同時寄送,若活動當周仍未收到即為報名未成功,或可來訊詢問) 步驟三:活動當天須於門口向工作人員出示報名結果通知信才可進入 注意:為維護活動品質,報名成功後,若未提前告知、無故缺席,將列入黑名單 報名失敗將不寄失敗通知信,欲確認報名狀況者,歡迎私訊小魔女 有任何問題歡迎聯絡:https://www.facebook.com/witchesroom/ 或LINE小魔女 ID:witchling0406 ============= The first SM online masterpiece in Taiwan Fulfilling your desire for Dom or Sub~ Ready for this adventure full of novelty and excitement? Novice City in Witchs Room " will provide complete walkthrough and novice guidelines For people who are curious about SM but are not dare to touch Now that the opportunity is given, you just need to go ahead Event URL: https://wp.me/PaQNOp-5 Novice City Location: Witchs Room (Zhongshan District, Taipei City, near MRT Zhongshan Elementary School Station) (Detailed address will be announced in the registration success letter) Opening time: 1-5 pm, 2/09 (the gate will be closed at 2 pm, please enter on time) Fees for entering the city: NTD200 (pay when you enter the city) Discount: A correct answer to the novice QA question will receive NTD50 discount Drinks and refreshments will be provided free of charge on site. way to registration: Step 1: Complete the registration form https://forms.gle/wBfZD7Kyj7EBFKt98 Step 2: After confirmation, you will receive a registration success notification letter if the registration is successful (It will be sent by E-mail and LINE at the same time one week before the event. If the event is not received in the week, the registration is unsuccessful, or you can inquire) Step 3: On the day of the event, you must present the registration success letter to the staff at the door. Note: In order to maintain the quality of the event, after the registration is successful, if it you are absent for no reason without notifying in advance, you will be blacklisted. If the registration fails, no failure notification letter will be sent. Those who want to confirm the registration status are welcome to send us a message. If you have any questions, please contact: https://www.facebook.com/witchesroom/ Or LINE Little Witch ID: witchling0406 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/BDSM/M.1579535084.A.7C3.html

01/20 23:59, 4年前 , 1F
01/20 23:59, 1F
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