English ~ My Earliest Memories...

看板B91205XXX作者 (大盜之行天下圍攻)時間22年前 (2002/11/20 22:58), 編輯推噓0(000)
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My Earliest Memories ... I was born in the United States, a neither big nor small town named South Bend. The town was located beside Lake Michigan, one of the five Great Lakes. I had been living there for three years before I came back to Taiwan. So, South Bend was a kind of my second homeland, or at least the place I grew up. It's said that babies can't remember things well and clearly, however, this rule never works on me. Every time I think of my early life in South Bend, the things that first bump into my mind are always snow and sand. Why? When I was a child, I loved the snowy days. I could go out to play snow, make snowmen and even have a snow fight with other kids. What's more, if we made a visit to the University of Notre Dame - my father's old school, we would see many amazing views: the snow covered football court, the trees with ice sticks hanging on it, the unfrozen lake where mallards swimming in, and the buildings' gold dame sparkled in the shining white-silver world of snow. I loved these beautiful views, even though I won't have a chance to see them in Taiwan, I still miss them so much. The next thing is the sand. What's so special about sand? Yes, a sand pit might not be unique, but the mountain-like continual dunes would shock you. A dune is a sand hill. It may have its height up to more than twelve floors! Imagine the series of hundreds of dunes, how gorgeous they are! South Bend is near Lake Michigan, which is like a small sea rather than a lake. It has its own beaches, and the dunes are right at the end of the beaches. In my childhood, my parents brought me to the dunes for several times. I remember that I used to sit on top of a dune, and then I rolled myself down the slope of it. It was exciting! I played it again and again until I was exhausted. Then, we would have a picnic on the beach, and I could play water after I regained my energy. It was really a nice memory. Of course, these are only two in a hundred memories of South Bend. These memories - my earliest memories, are part of the most precious memories in my life. They contain my laughs and tears, happiness and sorrows, and the most important - a big part of my childhood. After I came back to Taiwan, I began to feel the pressures from school, and I no longer had time to spend on playing. I was grown up, and would never get back to my burden-free life. However, I'll keep these memories as treasures in mind, and someday when I think of them when I'm old, I can still remember the things that once happened in my life, and I will smile. -- m(_ _)m ...zzzZZZ -- 貴樣らでは役不足よ! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
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