[新聞] Thomas cook重新運作成為中國公司一部分

看板Aviation作者 (JUVENILE)時間3年前 (2020/09/17 01:38), 編輯推噓2(204)
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[媒體名稱] CNN [新聞日期] 16/09/2020 [網址] http://shorturl.at/dsCM3 [內文] The British tour operator relaunched on Wednesday as an online-only venture, one year after a collapse that left hundreds of thousands of travelers stranded. 在破產一年並使成千上萬的旅客滯留被困之後,這家英國旅行社在本周三重新運作變成只 在網路營運的企業. The company has reinvented itself as a digital booking platform as the coronavirus pandemic continues to hobble global demand for travel. 當武漢肺炎恐慌仍持續並使全球對旅遊限制時,這家公司重新定位成一個數位訂位平台. Its new website caters only to "quarantine-free destinations" from the United Kingdom, such as Corfu, Cyprus and Rome. 這個新網站只提供"免隔離旅遊目的地"從英國到Corfu(希臘的一個島),賽普勒斯和羅馬. Thomas Cook went bust last September, leaving 600,000 travelers grounded and wiping out thousands of jobs. The company's previous business was centered on selling flights on its own airline, along with hotel rooms, from brick-and-mortar stores. Thomas cook 在去年九月時破產,使60萬旅客滯留並使得一千多個職位丟失. 這家公司之 前的經營內容為在實體店銷售自家航空機票及旅館預訂 The 179-year-old brand was acquired in November by Fosun Tourism, a Chinese company that also owns Club Med. 這家擁有179年歷史的品牌在去年11月時被復星旅遊收購,這是一家中國公司,旗下擁有 club med渡假村. Fosun Chairman and CEO Qian Jiannong said Wednesday that the brand's British revival followed the launch of another online platform for Thomas Cook in China last month. 復星董事長在本周三表示,在上個月時這個英國品牌復活並變成Thomas cook在中國的網路 平台. "As one of the world's leading tourism and leisure groups, the group values Thomas Cook's 180 years' heritage and global brand influence," he said in a statement. “作為一家旅行休閒集團的領導者,我們很看重Thomas Cook的180年歷史和在全球的品牌 影響力" 他在致詞時表示. "Supporting the growth of the brand in China and its relaunch in the UK is a big step in our plan to turn Thomas Cook into a global success story." 支持這個品牌在中國的發展及在英國的重新運作在我們的計畫中是很大一步並使得 Thomas cook 發展成在全球一個成功的傳奇. [心得] 感覺這收購跟中國合法使用(用錢買的)其他第三國家的鐵路港口差不多, 不知道英國人心裡覺得如何 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (英國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1600277900.A.3C5.html

09/17 01:59, 3年前 , 1F
09/17 01:59, 1F

09/17 01:59, 3年前 , 2F
完全撤除之前我是不看好啦,而且現在tui跟British hol
09/17 01:59, 2F

09/17 01:59, 3年前 , 3F
iday 都在勉強撐了
09/17 01:59, 3F

09/17 13:11, 3年前 , 4F
09/17 13:11, 4F

09/17 23:24, 3年前 , 5F
09/17 23:24, 5F

09/26 18:00, 3年前 , 6F
09/26 18:00, 6F
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