[新聞] 空服員打破神話,不止是環遊世界、搭飛機已刪文

看板Aviation作者 (宅男)時間5年前 (2019/06/02 18:31), 編輯推噓5(501)
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It’s not all globetrotting, jet-setting and peanuts: Flight attendants dispel myths https://globalnews.ca/news/5335606/ By Aalia Adam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKDyrJvynBc
Contrary to popular belief, the job of a flight attendant is not all about glamorous globetrotting. 與大眾看法不同,一個空服員的工作不全是關於迷人的環球旅行。 At least that’s what Air Transat flight director Lisa Moretti and flight attendant Maria Morihovitis told Global News as they prepared an Airbus 330 flying to Zagreb, Croatia. 至少那是 Air Transat 的客艙經理 Lisa Moretti 以及空服員 Maria Morihovitis 準備 在一架空中巴士 A330 飛行至克羅埃西亞首都扎格拉佈時所告訴 Global News 的。 “I think that the media sometimes can sensationalize the life of a flight attendant,” Morihovitis said. Morihovitis 表示,我認為媒體有時候會用聳動的手法報導空服員的生活。 With the job comes a number of different misconceptions, they said. 他們表示,這份工作出現了許多不同的誤解。 “Common misconceptions about our job is that we are just there to pour drinks and serve food,” Moretti added, “when actually we are there for the safety of passengers.” Moretti 補充說明,普遍關於我們工作的誤解是我們只要倒飲料和端上餐點,實際上我們 在那裡是為了乘客的安全。 Although they were reluctant to share their on-board pet peeves, they did mention one constant battle — jet lag. 雖然他們不情願分享他們機上不開心的麻煩事,但他們提出一個共同的敵人-時差。 “I’ve learned to cope with it over the years,” Moretti said. Moretti 表示,我已經學會去對付它好幾年了。 “For example, when I fly all night and get to Europe, I like to right away go for about a three-hour nap and then wake up and proceed with what I do, like sightseeing and hanging out with the crew, and go for dinner and things like that. And then when I come home I like to just get as much sleep as I possibly can.” 例如,當我飛了整晚到達歐洲後,我喜歡馬上小睡個三小時,然後醒來繼續做事,像是 觀光、和組員一起出去玩以及吃頓晚餐之類的事情。接著當我回家時,我只喜歡盡可能 睡覺。 One of the most important skills as a flight attendant? 成為一位空服員最重要的技能是什麼? “You definitely to be a people person and be able to engage with the public, ” Morihovitis said with a laugh. Morihovitis 笑著說,你最好是善於交際的人,而且可以跟眾人打交道。 Moretti added that throughout her 21 years as a flight attendant, she’s met a lot of interesting individuals. Moretti 補充說,自從她二十一歲當空服員開始,她遇過許多有趣的人。 “A lot of different personalities and a lot of people that are going through things,” Moretti said. “We have happy, we have sad and we just try to care for everybody.” Moretti 表示,有很多不同的性格和很多正經歷不同事情的人們,有高興也有難過,我們 只想試著去關懷每一個人。 On May 31, flight crew members celebrate International Flight Attendant Day to recognize the work, time and patience that goes into providing comfort, care and safety to travellers. 在五月三十一日,飛行組員慶祝國際空服員日以表彰為旅行者提供舒適、關懷和安全所 付出的工作、時間和耐心。 “We have a special job and flight attendants across the world are united in what we do,” Moretti said. Moretti 表示,我們有一個特別的工作且世界各地的空服員團結一致。 “It’s really nice to be recognized for that.” 真的很高興可以獲得認同。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1559471465.A.0C7.html

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