[分享] EK035/阿酋航波音777-300 ER 商務艙

看板Aviation作者 (adapalene)時間10年前 (2014/06/01 23:52), 編輯推噓19(19010)
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不專業懶惰飛行記錄 無音樂網誌圖文版:http://ppt.cc/SrKy 淨空的商務艙空橋(我可能是最後登機的吧?) Clear jet bridge towards business class (I was probably the last one boarding). 可以躺平的椅子 The fully lie-flat seat. 觸控螢幕,可以用這個控制按摩的位置和強度。 This is the touch-screen control of the lie-flat massage seat. Passengers can control the intensity and the location of massage through this. 空服員端來一杯迎賓飲料,是Veuve Clicquot黃標。我翻過他們的東西,但從來沒喝過,可是……. A flight attendant brought me a flute of welcoming champagne - Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label, whom I've translated for. But... 我打翻了,所以就一屁股座在冷列的香檳池中,轉念一想,被香檳噴屁屁這個經驗人生能有幾回合啊?最後空姐就幫我換了位置。 I spilled it on my seat, so my ass was soaking in an icy champagne pool. It might be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Thinking of this made me feel better, and the cabin crew changed the seat for me. 座艙長在廣播,機廂裡還有花朵綴飾。 The purser was broadcasting. The cabin was even decorated with fresh flowers. 來到了商務艙,所有東西都升級了,而且體型和份量也比較大。這是我目前在飛機上戴過最棒的耳機,戴起來很舒服,隔音效果也很棒。 When it comes to flying business class, everything is upgraded and bigger. The headset is no exception. This has by far been the best inflight headset I've used. Comfortable to wear and nice noise isolation. 早餐前的飲料是熱巧克力,也比經濟艙的好喝多了。經濟艙的巧克力只用半包,商務艙的可能用了兩包吧。 Hot chocolate - drink before breakfast - was also much better than the one I had in economy class. In business class, they usually make hot chocolate with just half a pack of chocolate powder. They probably use two for one drink in business class. 其實我不知道要吃早餐了(時差),我又想在巧課裡加一點白蘭地,就跟他們要了一些,沒想到他們給我這麼多。 Actually, I didn't know I was going to have breakfast (because of jetlag), and I'd like to have some cognac in my hot chocolate. I asked for a little bit, and they gave me a lot... 早餐很棒,上完餐後,空姐會端著一籃各式各樣的麵包問乘客要不要。 The breakfast was good. After serving the meal, FAs carried a bread basket full of a variety of bread and asked passengers whether we would like to have some more breads. 餐後就來杯Fantasy Island再睡一會兒吧。 Following the breakfast was Fantasy Island and a sound sleep. 睡了不知道多久後,我就聞香而醒,醒來看到空少的微笑,問我說中午要吃什麼。點完餐之後,他就端了一盤堅果來,還有……. Not knowing how long I had slept, I was waken by smell of food and warm smile of a FA. He asked me what I'd like to have for lunch. After taking my order, he served me some nuts and... 餐前酒Fizz Buzz Fizz Buzz as the aperitif. Royal Doulton porcelain. 前菜是傳統阿拉伯前菜和時令沙拉 Traditional local Arabic mezze for the appetiser and seasonal salad. 份量(或是時差)讓我忘記這是前菜。 Judging from the potion (or maybe jetlag), I totally forgot it was the appetiser. 佐餐酒是特別為阿酋航設計的紅酒。 World's End Spirit in the Sky Syrah 2010 Napa Valley, a collection specifically made for Emirates. 主餐是海鮮machbous,作法是先用特殊香料醃海鮮,然後跟米飯一起慢煮,最後灑上烤松子綴飾。 My main course was seafood machbous. It was "seafood marinated in distinctive spices and slow cooked with rice, garnished with roasted pine nut." 最後請他們跟我合照,座艙長說:「我不要幫你照,因為我想要入鏡。」XD另外一位空姐看到我跟她用一樣的相機很興奮,只可惜服務我的空少沒入境,他的服務真的很棒。 At the end, I asked one of the FA to take a picture for me. The purser said "I am not taking it for you because I want to be in the photo." lol The other FA was excited to know that I used RICOH. But the FA serving me was not in this photo. A pity. He was really good. 總體來說,這次飛得挺愉快的。誰知道下次啥時才能搭商務艙,這次竟然沒好好照相,嘖嘖。 All in all, it was an enjoyable flight. God knows when I will fly business class again... I can't believe that I didn't take good photos then... 其實應該還有湯(杏仁朝鮮薊)和甜點(起司拼盤或是巧克力蛋糕)!這些我都愛啊!但不知道為什麼沒吃到。如果吃到甜點,我就會點10年波特酒來配啊!!好可惜!!我依稀記得還喝了chardonnay…… I was supposed to have soup (almond and artichoke soup) and desserts (cheese plate or chocolate ganache cake!!). I love all of them! But I don't know why I didn't have them... It was indeeeeeeed a pity. If I had had the dessert, I would have had some 10-year-old port to wash it down!! I remember having some chardonnay, too... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1401637929.A.73E.html

06/02 00:29, , 1F
本來今天也要搭這班去Newcastle University...殘念
06/02 00:29, 1F

06/02 01:02, , 2F
06/02 01:02, 2F

06/02 01:02, , 3F
06/02 01:02, 3F

06/02 02:27, , 4F
06/02 02:27, 4F

06/02 05:03, , 5F
翻得還不錯 但仍有錯誤
06/02 05:03, 5F

06/02 05:04, , 6F
香檳那段 for要放在whom前面比較符合書面語 海鮮主菜
06/02 05:04, 6F

06/02 05:05, , 7F
那段是portion 不是potion
06/02 05:05, 7F

06/02 05:09, , 8F
06/02 05:09, 8F

06/02 05:12, , 9F
香檳翻倒在我的座位上 介係詞應為in而非on
06/02 05:12, 9F

06/02 05:22, , 10F
被叫醒是 I was awakened
06/02 05:22, 10F

06/02 05:24, , 11F
06/02 05:24, 11F

06/02 05:26, , 12F
Wake的pp是woken 不是waken
06/02 05:26, 12F

06/02 05:28, , 13F
06/02 05:28, 13F

06/02 05:29, , 14F
Some more breads 要把s去掉比較符合情境邏輯 因為此時
06/02 05:29, 14F

06/02 05:31, , 15F
要問的是你們要不要更大量的麵包 而非更多種的麵包
06/02 05:31, 15F

06/02 05:32, , 16F
06/02 05:32, 16F

06/02 05:34, , 17F
06/02 05:34, 17F

06/02 05:35, , 18F
06/02 05:35, 18F

06/02 05:40, , 19F
你被香味與笑容喚醒 香味與笑容前面都需要冠詞
06/02 05:40, 19F

06/02 05:42, , 20F
如果你的bread要加s 那前面一個也要加
06/02 05:42, 20F

06/02 05:51, , 21F
Everything is upgraded and bigger 可改成
06/02 05:51, 21F

06/02 05:52, , 22F
Better and bigger或是upgraded and enlarged
06/02 05:52, 22F

06/02 05:55, , 23F
這樣一則符合and的對等連接原則 二也比較有音韻和諧性
06/02 05:55, 23F

06/02 06:14, , 24F
06/02 06:14, 24F

06/02 11:52, , 25F
推,座艙長好可愛XDD 我不要幫你拍我要入鏡XDDD
06/02 11:52, 25F

06/02 12:24, , 26F
EK 77w not fully flat
06/02 12:24, 26F

06/02 22:16, , 27F
06/02 22:16, 27F

06/02 22:47, , 28F
06/02 22:47, 28F

06/03 06:55, , 29F
06/03 06:55, 29F
文章代碼(AID): #1JYqmfS- (Aviation)