[新聞] KLM開闢AMS-TPE-MNL背後原委及3個唯一

看板Aviation作者 (~告別兔年,迎接龍年~)時間12年前 (2012/02/11 01:02), 編輯推噓4(408)
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KLM開闢AMS-TPE-MNL(馬尼拉)背後原委及3個唯一 根據文中所述, KLM 原AMS-MNL 不停站直飛航線因不堪菲律賓課徵過高的稅賦, 因此,就採取 中停台北 的方案. 並且創造了如下的3個唯一. 題外話, KLM 早於數年前就直接飛越中國大陸領空來開闢AMS-TPE, 但當時就被打回票了. 不過兩岸航路,還是只能讓兩岸的航空公司使用,所以KLM 有可能是採取原 AMS-ICN 的類似航路來穿越中國大陸領空, 進韓國飛航情報區, 然後從東海南下沿既有如ICN-TPE等既有的國際航路而抵達台灣. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 荷航 3/26起台北阿姆斯特丹直飛 ▲法國╱荷蘭皇家航空台灣區經理溫爾功。 荷蘭皇家航空在歐洲有超過70個航點,從中西歐到東南歐與北歐皆有綿密航網,已是台灣 旅客與業者經常使用的歐籍航空,今年開春就有一大利多宣布:3╱26起台北—阿姆斯特 丹直飛不中停曼谷。法國╱荷蘭皇家航空台灣區經理溫爾功指出,屆時將創造三個唯一: 唯一歐籍航空提供直飛服務、 唯一每天直飛阿姆斯特丹,以及 唯一往來台歐航路飛越中國領空的航空公司, 深具市場優勢,可望藉此將台灣赴歐旅遊的餅作大。 溫爾功表示飛行時間節省到12~13小時, 此外, 機型也從7 4 7 調整成新的7 7 2, 座位數從過去2 7 5增加為3 1 8 (35C╱283Y),加上「晚去晚回」的時間帶, 相信對旅客很有吸引力。另外,抵達阿姆斯特丹後,幾乎所有航點都能當天運載飛抵, 對於轉機旅客更是十分方便。 溫爾功看好今年台灣赴歐旅遊市場仍會成長,一大因素在於台灣景氣與全球相對較好, 而歐元匯率較低,加上荷航直飛以及座位數倍增,將一改過去機位取得有限的情況, 因此希望將此產品透同業協助推廣,提高市場知名度。 http://b2b.travelrich.com.tw/subject02/ subject02_detail.aspx?Second_classification_id=14&Subject_id=11339 http://tinyurl.com/6o8p9jh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.bworldonline.com/adserver/bworldonline/ print_preview.php?article_id=46528 February 09, 2012 KLM adds Taipei stopover to ease burden from local tax KLM ROYAL Dutch Airlines has made good on its threats to discontinue the remaining direct flights from Manila to Europe, yesterday announcing passengers must make a stopover in Taiwan starting next month to lessen the carrier’s tax burden. “Beginning March 26, Air France-KLM will be operating nightly flights from Manila with a one-hour and 25-minute stopover in Taipei to pick up passengers before continuing its journey to Amsterdam,” a customer notice read. Julia Godet, Air France-KLM commercial director for South China Sea, said the adjustment would lessen the tax imposed on the airline. “By doing this, we will have to pay less taxes for the Common Carrier Tax (CCT) and Gross Philippine Billing (GPB) tax, which is a huge burden for the foreign airlines operating from and to the Philippines,” Ms. Godet said in an e-mail to BusinessWorld yesterday. “With a stop Taipei, where we will board passengers going to Europe or offload passengers going to Taipei, the number of passengers to or from the Philippines will be reduced, thus the amount of taxes paid will be mechanically reduced,” she said, just two months after the airline marked its 60th year of flying to the Philippines uninterrupted. “The choice of Taipei as an intermediate stop is related to our objective and necessity to reduce losses and hopefully restore profitability of our operations. We hope we can make it with a stop via Taipei,” she added. Since November 2011, Air France-KLM has reduced its daily operations to and from Manila to six flights a week only, saying this was in response to taxes levied by the Philippines on international carriers. Ms. Godet said the carrier would resume daily flights under the new route. Foreign airlines are slapped with a 3% common carriers tax and a 2.5% gross Philippine billings tax on cargo and passenger revenues originating from the country. The Civil Aeronautics Board had earlier said the development would unlikely hurt tourist arrivals significantly. “Since this is a direct flight, our passengers will not transfer to another aircraft when in Taipei. They will only transfer to another plane in Amsterdam when they arrive early in the morning the next day if their final destination is not Amsterdam,” Ms. Godet said. -- Cliff Harvey C. Venzon -- 航空/鐵道/都市資料找不到? Well, the opinion may be on the way! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: nyrnu 來自: (02/11 01:05)

02/11 01:06, , 1F
02/11 01:06, 1F

02/11 01:07, , 2F
02/11 01:07, 2F
仍不清楚能否載客,klm先前用過曼谷(及另一城市)中停載客再延遠到馬尼拉. 這關鍵取決於台北是否在先前荷蘭與菲律賓簽署航約允許中停載客之航點清單中. 後來初步探究了解了一下, KLM 應該沒有TPE-MNL 的載客延遠權. KLM 應也沒有HKG-MNL 的載客延遠權 KLM 先前開闢過AMS-Bangkok/Kuala Lumpur-MNL 並於中停點上下載客航線

02/11 01:10, , 3F
02/11 01:10, 3F
※ 編輯: nyrnu 來自: (02/11 01:13)

02/11 01:12, , 4F
02/11 01:12, 4F

02/11 01:13, , 5F
KLM過去用的744是combi,雖然偶爾會換744 pax
02/11 01:13, 5F
※ 編輯: nyrnu 來自: (02/11 01:23)

02/11 01:17, , 6F
744*3+74M*4=415*3+275*4=2345 318*7=2226 每週少119個座位
02/11 01:17, 6F

02/11 01:19, , 7F
02/11 01:19, 7F

02/11 01:19, , 8F
02/11 01:19, 8F

02/11 01:21, , 9F
02/11 01:21, 9F

02/11 01:23, , 10F
02/11 01:23, 10F

02/11 02:00, , 11F
02/11 02:00, 11F

02/11 02:31, , 12F
02/11 02:31, 12F
※ 編輯: nyrnu 來自: (02/11 16:35)
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