I Have Tickets for Sox @ A's 27th 28th and 29th

看板Athletics作者 (Schadenfreude)時間18年前 (2006/08/22 18:33), 編輯推噓10(1000)
留言10則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Sup guys... have questions... 1. Most important: Will I get robbed in Oakland? XXXDDDDD 2. What's good to eat in/around the stadium? 3. Where can I find good places to buy Athletics stuff? 4. Where is a good spot for a Red Sox fan to kill himself? Thanks -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: IronChef 來自: (08/22 18:35)

08/22 18:48, , 1F
自殺太痛苦了! 光著屁股裸奔娛樂大家不是很棒。
08/22 18:48, 1F

08/22 19:01, , 2F
08/22 19:01, 2F

08/22 19:09, , 3F
台灣有個好地方叫碧潭 跳過的人都說讚
08/22 19:09, 3F

08/22 19:18, , 4F
08/22 19:18, 4F

08/22 19:19, , 5F
這個問某 H 就知道碧潭怎麼樣 XDDDD
08/22 19:19, 5F

08/22 19:31, , 6F
我拿個墨鏡先 ╭(─╴╴─)╮ ▃▇
08/22 19:31, 6F

08/22 20:26, , 7F
我笑了~~ 真幽默
08/22 20:26, 7F

08/22 21:08, , 8F
這裡什時變洋基紅襪小熊和樂融融區了 <( ′-`)y-~
08/22 21:08, 8F

08/22 21:48, , 9F
還有國際牌阿 (茶)a
08/22 21:48, 9F

08/23 03:50, , 10F
08/23 03:50, 10F
文章代碼(AID): #14wjs5Pe (Athletics)