
看板Astros作者 (Faith)時間18年前 (2005/10/19 19:50), 編輯推噓6(601)
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Oswalt's off-day interview Oswalt的休息日訪談〔超有料~~〕 Q. What was the mood on the plane today, and then last night going home? 問:搭機飛過來的時候,隊上的情況如何?昨晚回家的時候心情又是怎樣? ROY OSWALT: We had two more games, and they are trying to catch us; we are not trying to catch them. So that was my mood last night going home. The mood on the plane was actually pretty cool. The pilot had a pretty good joke for us on the way here, pretty good mood on the plane. Oswalt:我們還有兩場比賽,而他們準備追上我們,我們沒打算追上他們。     那就是昨晚回家時的心情。 至於搭機的時候,其實大家還蠻輕鬆的。機長好好的開了我們幾個玩笑,     大家心情的都不錯(譯者駐:對照上一篇,可以發現這時Oswalt不知道     機內廣播的笑話不是機長說的^^) Q. Can you tell the joke? 問:可以講講那個笑話是什麼嗎? OSWALT: That stays between us. (Laughter) Oswalt:喔,這個只有我們自己人知道(哈哈哈~~) Q. A pitcher has to be tough-minded under any circumstance, but particularly during the playoffs. Considering what happened last night, what an emotional jolt it was, do you have to be particularly tough-minded tomorrow? 問:不論面對什麼狀況,投手都必須冷靜、堅強,尤其到了季後賽。看到昨晚   發生的情況,那種情緒上的沉重打擊,你覺得明天的比賽有需要特別再武   裝自己的心防嗎? OSWALT: Well, if it happened in the regular season, we would have been off to play another series with somebody else. So same with Brad [Lidge], he's the type of closer that has amnesia, he won't think nothing about it next time he gets out there. You have to be as a closer, that's your job to come and get the last three outs. He's been doing it all year for us, made one mistake last night, cost the game. He'll come out tomorrow, end of the game, and I'm sure he'll be lights-out just like he always is. Oswalt:嗯,如果那個發生在正規賽季,我們可能已經登機前往下個球場,準備     跟下支球隊比賽。對於 Lidge來說也是這樣,他是那種有失憶症的人,     下次上場,他不會念念不忘之前的事情。要當終結者就該這樣,你的     工作就是上場拿下最後三個出局數。他已經替球隊付出一整年,昨晚     犯了個錯,讓我們付出代價輸了一場球賽。他明天一樣會出賽,一樣     會在比賽結尾上場,而且我確定他會是同一個「火球」 Lidge。 Q. I was asking about you. 問:我問的是你.. OSWALT: Well, since I didn't get in the game, it [was] hard for me to contribute last night. But as far as tomorrow, I'm going to pitch the same way I pitch, I never go out there with the mindset that I'm going to lose. I always go out there to win. Doesn't matter what happened yesterday. A lot of guys get caught up in what happened yesterday. You have to go do your job that day you're out there. Can't worry about yesterday. Oswalt:嗯,我昨晚沒有出賽,所以很難有什麼貢獻。至於明天的比賽,我會拿出     平常的水準出賽,我從來沒有抱著上場可能會輸球的心情。我總是想著     上場就是要贏,昨天發生什麼無關緊要。許多人會被過去發生的事情     纏住。你出賽就該做好份內的事情,擔心昨天沒有用的。 Q. Obviously, as a pitcher, you're not going to get many opportunities to clinch a World Series berth for your team, so how much do you want to close it out for your team and get it done tomorrow and not stretch it to a Game 7? 問:很明顯的,很少有投手能夠經常在決定晉級世界大賽與否的關鍵比賽先發,   所以,你打算付出多少心力來投出一場好比賽,不讓系列賽繼續到第7戰? OSWALT: It would be nice, for sure. The thing with me [is], if the team wins, it doesn't matter how I do. If give up 10 runs and we win, 11-10, I would be just as happy as if I won, 1-0. I'm not a big statistics guy. All I want to do is win ballgames. If I win, it would be great. If the bullpen comes in and wins it behind me, it will be even better. Oswalt:這當然很棒(參與關鍵比賽)。至於我個人的想法是這樣,只要球隊贏球,     我投得怎樣不重要。如果我丟了10分,球隊11-10贏球,我照樣     高興,就跟我投出無失分比賽,球隊1-0贏球一樣高興。我不是什麼     注意統計數據的人。我只想贏球。如果我贏球,很棒。如果是牛棚其他     人上場後贏球,那更棒 Q. You've faced [Albert] Pujols a lot of times, how does he compare to the other top hitters around the league? 問:你已經跟 Pujos對上好幾次,他跟聯盟中其他頂尖打者比起來,如何? OSWALT: He's a good hitter. The thing about Pujols is, he's got power to all fields. That's one thing that a lot of power hitters usually have: Power to a certain part of the field. With him, you can make a pretty good pitch away or make a pretty good pitch in, and he'll hit it out to either left or right field. A good hitter. You've got to respect that he can hit the ball out of the park, but you can't be afraid of him, for sure. Oswalt:他是個好打者。關於 Pujos這位選手,他有把球打到球場上任何一個     角落的power。許多強力打者都是這樣,有著能夠把球送到球場上任何     角落的power。而他,你可以投得相當相當偏外側、偏內側,然後,     照樣被他打到左外野或是右外野。真的是一位好打者。你必須尊敬     一位可以把球打出球場的打者,但是你不能怕他,絕對不行。 Q. How do you compare him to [Barry] Bonds? If I remember correctly, you gave up his 659th home run? 問:(將 Pujols)跟Barry Bonds比起來,你又有哪些看法?如果我記得沒錯,   你讓 Bonds擊出第659號全壘打。 OSWALT: From last year, that was a pretty good pitch, I remember that. I don't think he's in that classification yet, just because of the years, he's only been playing the same years I've been playing. You can't classify a guy that has 130, 140 home runs, however many [Pujols] has got, to a guy that's got 700. It's hard to compare. Now, if he does it over a stretch of time the way Bonds has done it, yeah, he could be classified in the Bonds category. To be classified as a great baseball player you have to do it year after year for ten or more years. That's the way I classify it. You can't just do it a few years and be classified as great. I wouldn't put my classification anywhere near a guy that's been pitching for 20 years, even though it may that be his first four years and my first four years are the same. He's done it for 20 years; I've only done it for four or five. Oswalt:就在去年,我記得那球,投得其實不錯啊。我不認為他可以被放進 Bonds     所在的級數,畢竟他跟我進入聯盟的時間大概差不多而已。你不能拿一個     130、140轟的打者跟一位700轟的打者比較。差太多了。     不過,如果他能夠維持這樣的表現一段時間,像 Bonds一樣,他就可以     進入 Bonds的層次了。要被定義成「偉大」球員,你必須年年都有一樣的     好成績,也許十年也許更久。這是我自己的看法。你不能只繳出幾年的好     成績就被當成偉大。我不會把我自己拿來跟20年資歷的投手比較,即使     我們兩個前幾年的成績一樣我也不會這麼做。他已經20年都這麼優秀,     我也才投到第四、五年而已。 Q. So basically you are to Clemens as Pujols is to Bonds? 問:所以,大概大概像是〔Oswalt-Clemens〕=〔Puhols-Bonds〕這樣? OSWALT: That's the way I would classify it. I wouldn't classify it not even close to Clemens. You have to do it for a long period of time to be classified as a great in the game. Oswalt:那是我自己的看法。我甚至不會把自己看成可以帶入這個比較中     放在 Clemens旁邊,至少沒有那麼接近他。你必須長時間的獲得     好成績才叫做「偉大」。 Q. Last year, when you guys came here up [three games to two], you didn't get to start in either of the final two games; how anxious or excited are you to finally get this opportunity, when last year, because of the way the pitching lined up, you didn't get to pitch? 問:去年,太空人也來到這個球場,而你在最後兩場比賽都沒能上場。對於   終於能夠獲得這個機會,你有多迫不及待、興奮? OSWALT: It's nice. You know, one thing [about] coming back to St. Louis, this is the last time you're going to play in [Busch] Stadium. This stadium has a lot of baseball memories in it, and to come back here and pitch in this stadium before it's gone is great. Hopefully, the biggest thing with us is to get going early, get in a groove early and get some momentum going our way. Oswalt:這很不錯。你也知道,回到 St. Louis表示我們又可以在 Busch Stadium     出賽。這是個充滿歷史的球場,在它即將退休前能夠站上投手丘,     這真的不錯。希望我們早早就可以打出氣勢,把比賽節奏掌握好,打出     自己的節奏。 Q. With what happened to Brad last night, some teams react differently when a closer blows a game. In a case like that, do you say anything, or do you just treat it like another game, so it doesn't draw attention to him? Obviously, the media is going to draw attention to it, but in-house, how do you treat Brad? 問:Brad昨晚還好吧?每支球隊看待終結者喇賽的角度都不同。你們會說什麼嗎?   還是,把這場比賽當成「只是一場比賽」,好讓輸球這件事情不會一直   在他(Lidge)腦中轉?當然,媒體一定不會讓他忘記這件事,但是,在   休息室裡面的情況呢?你怎麼跟 Brad談起這件事情? OSWALT: Oh, we kidded with him the whole time on the plane today. We actually told him we almost got hit by the ball when it took off. (Laughter) That's the thing about baseball, once it happened last night, it happened last night. You can't do nothing about it today. I'm sure he didn't sleep too well last night, but ... I was here when Billy Wagner was here, I've seen Billy Wagner give up a home run and come out the next day and strike out three in a row. That's the life of a closer, you have to go out and have amnesia and be the guy. Oswalt:今天飛來的途中我們已經狂開他玩笑了。我們甚至說「飛機起飛的時候     都快被那顆球K到了」(哈哈哈)。這就是棒球,昨晚發生的,就是昨     晚的事。今天的你沒辦法改變昨天。我相信他昨晚應該睡得不好,但是     我以前就看著 Billy Wagner投球,我看過他在九局被打全壘打,隔天還是     可以連續送出3K結束比賽。那就是終結者該做的事情。你必須忘掉過去     扮演好終結者的角色。 Q. This is off-topic, so I apologize. Can you tell us something about Roger that we don't know? 問:這離題了,我的錯。告訴我們你認識的火箭人好嗎? OSWALT: (Laughing) You guys know a good bit about him. The only things I know, I need to keep to myself so he won't bury me when he gets up here. (Laughter) Oswalt:哈哈哈,你們比我更了解他吧。我只知道,我要是沒有好好投球,他     會修理我,哈哈哈。 Q. How hard is it to pitch to a hitter like David Eckstein? He's a guy that will get on base anyway possible and seems to have a pretty good grasp of the strike zone, and how much easier is an inning when he's not on base? 問:對上 David Eckstein這種打者,困難度在哪?他會用盡一切努力上壘,   對於好球帶掌握又準確,沒有他的局數應該簡單不少。 OSWALT: You know, he's a classic, what I'd liken to an old-time baseball player. You know, back in the old days, it wasn't so much around power, it was so much about getting the bat on ball and creating havoc on the field and getting on base by an error or hitting a ball in the infield. He's a good player. I didn't get to see him when I played in the American League, but I've heard about him. Once I came over here, I got to face him a good many times. With him, you have to defend against him the way you pitch him, that's how you get him out is you have to make your pitches against him to make him hit it where you want him to hit it. He's going to put it in play. You're not really trying to strike him out. You're trying to make him put it in play, but you've got to play defense right, too. Oswalt:你也知道,他很傳統、復古,我稱之為「老式棒球選手」。以前,     重點不是power,而是如何巧妙的打擊,進而創造出上壘機會,     也許是造成失誤、或是打在內野很難處理的球。     他是個好選手。我在美聯投球的時候沒見過他,不過聽過他的名聲。     從我過來以後,我已經好好的跟他切磋過幾回。對上他,你要投得像是     在防守他一樣,你要讓他把球打到你想要他打的地方。你不能想著要     三振他,你要讓他打,但是也要注意防守。 Q. Roy, do you feel any need to conserve pitches more than usual tomorrow, in hopes of taking some of the burden off the bullpen, and maybe going the distance in a key Game 6? 問:Roy,你覺得在明天這麼關鍵的第六戰,你需要精簡用球,好讓牛棚壓力   不要那麼大嗎? OSWALT: You know, I read a few things off the tape I did last time, maybe I could conserve a few pitches here and there. Overall, the bullpen has been doing a great job for us. I feel like if I can get seven or eight innings in, that I can hand it over to the bullpen anytime. One-run game, give it to them against anybody. Just because one game last night happened the way it did, doesn't mean that we lost face in the bullpen. The bullpen has been doing great for us. One out of 80 games, it happens. Oswalt:我有看了上場比賽的帶子,大概了解一下,我可能還可以減少一些     用球數。     整體而言,牛棚已經給我們很棒的表現了。我覺得我可以在任何一分差     的比賽中,也許是七或是八局,交給他們處理,不論對手是誰。昨天     一場比賽的結果不代表我們的牛棚該覺得丟臉,這個陣容已經替隊上     付出很多。打了80幾場,輸球難免的。 Q. How did the memo about growing the beards come up, and did you start growing yours right away? 問:關於那個「請大家開始留鬍子」的通知,你開始照辦了嗎? OSWALT: No. Actually, I didn't get the memo. (Laughter) I started noticing these guys having pretty good beards probably about five days ago, and I didn't get the memo. So I didn't really start on it the same time they did, so I didn't want to jump in after they got it going. Oswalt;沒有,事實上,我沒有拿到什麼通知,哈哈哈。     五天前我開始注意到有些人已經蓄起相當多的鬍子,不過我沒接到通知。     所以我沒有在那時候開始蓄鬍,而我也不想要這樣做。 Q. [Wednesday night], obviously, is the first game you'll pitch where you can clinch a pennant; how do you feel going into a game like this? 問:明天的比賽很明顯會是一場可能晉級世界大賽的大場面,你有什麼感覺? OSWALT: Probably the biggest game I pitched [was for] the United States in the [2000] Olympic games. If we didn't win my game, we [would have] competed for the Bronze Medal instead of the Gold Medal. So it was a little bit of pressure there. A few Wild Card berths here and there. But I don't treat it different than any other game. I do what I do. I'm going to go after hitters and make them hit the ball. Oswalt:我這輩子最重要的一場比賽可能是代表美國奧運代表隊在2000年上場,     那場贏了,我們可以奪金,輸了就只有銅牌。的確有點壓力。     其他類似的感覺大概就是外卡爭奪戰的時候吧。不過,我不會特別     在意明天的比賽,就是一場比賽而已。我會好好對付打者,讓他們     無功而返。 Q. Talk about playing for Phil Garner. Obviously, he goes with his gut a lot. Some of that comes from his playing days when he was a gritty competitor, talk about what it's like playing for him, and how you see his style of management maybe coming from his style as a player? 問:談談在 Phil Garner手下打球的情況好嗎?很明顯的,有時候他很憑   直覺做判斷。經驗可能來自於他還是球員的時候,很帶種的一位選手。   你覺得他帶隊的時候,有些從選手時代傳承下來的影子嗎? OSWALT: This is my fifth year [in the Majors] and I've had three different managers. First manager was [Larry] Dierker, and he was a real big pitchers' manager. He'd leave you in there to throw 120 to 150 pitches a game. I loved that. Then we went from that to Jimy Williams. He used the bullpen a lot more than most managers do. Then we went back to Gar, and we went back to the pitching mentality of it. He'll leave you out there to get through crucial situations and times. I think it's great for young pitchers, especially like [Brandon] Backe and Wandy [Rodriguez] to be out there in crucial situations, to learn to get themselves out of it. The way he manages is aggressive. He tries to make things happen. The difference between him and other managers is we do a lot more hit-and-runs, sacrifices, squeezes, anything to produce havoc on the field. That's the way he played and that's the way he manages. Oswalt:我已經在大聯盟五年,跟過三個教練。第一個教練是 Larry Dierker,     他就像是一個投手教練。他會讓你在場上投到120、150球。     我超愛。     接著,我們有 Jimy Williams。他使用牛棚的比重多過其他教練。     然後呢,我們遇上 Gar。我們又回到「投手心理素質」的方向。     他會讓你留在場上處理關鍵球、關鍵打者。我想這對年輕投手很重要,     特別像是 Backe和 Wandy,他們會親身體會到在那種時候怎麼靠     自己的力量處理好一切。他帶隊的方式很積極。他想要創造有利的情況,     他跟其他教練不同的是,做比較多的打帶跑、犧牲打、擠壓等等,可以     在比賽間創造機會的事情。那就是他的打法,那就是他帶隊的方法。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/19 22:19, , 1F
10/19 22:19, 1F

10/19 22:38, , 2F
推一下 跟前面一篇一樣都很有料!!
10/19 22:38, 2F

10/19 22:57, , 3F
10/19 22:57, 3F

10/20 00:05, , 4F
推那句 今天的你沒辦法改變昨天
10/20 00:05, 4F

10/20 00:05, , 5F
後面補句 :但可以創造未來 ._.a
10/20 00:05, 5F

10/20 00:47, , 6F
10/20 00:47, 6F

10/20 00:51, , 7F
10/20 00:51, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #13LZC3wA (Astros)