[轉錄] Dodgers sign Ji-Mo Lee to Minor

看板Asian-MLB作者 (Westmoreland)時間15年前 (2009/05/25 14:22), 編輯推噓4(400)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Dodgers 看板] 作者: abc12812 () 看板: Dodgers 標題: [農場] 簽下祖國人 時間: Mon May 25 14:07:30 2009 Dodgers sign Ji-Mo Lee to Minor League contract http://tinyurl.com/o6s6lf LOS ANGELES -- The Los Angeles Dodgers today announced that they have signed Korean right-hander pitcher Ji-Mo Lee, 22, to a minor league contract. Assistant General Manager, Scouting Logan White made the announcement. "Ji-Mo has a feel for two types of pitches that are already at a Major League level and he should develop into a good pitcher," said White. "We are excited to sign him as we continue to put a great deal of effort into signing quality players from Asia." The right-handed pitcher was drafted by the Lotte Giants in 2005 and spent the next two years fulfilling his military duty. Lee came back to play for the Giants in 2008 but was released in November. He then began to pursue his dream to play in the Untied States. "I have been watching him since high school and always liked his fastball and aggressiveness on the mound," said Byung-Hwan An, the Dodgers' scouting supervisor in Korea who scouted and signed Lee. "He is a very talented pitcher with a high ceiling. It is great that we can give him a chance to play in the States, which has been his dream." "I am honored to be a part of the Dodger organization," said Lee, who recently changed his first name to Ji-Mo 'for better luck and fresh start.' "I often watched Chan Ho Park pitch for the Dodgers on television and it's been my dream to play in the United States. Being able to play in a Dodger uniform is a dream come true. I will do my best to develop in the minor leagues and contribute to the Dodgers as soon as possible." Los Angeles Dodgers also signed another former Lotte Giants pitcher Hyang-nam Choi, 38, to a minor league (Triple-A) contract earlier this week. Choi played for the Kia Tigers (1990-96, 2005) and LG Twins (1997-2004). In 2006, Choi was signed by Cleveland Indians to a minor league contract (Triple A). He then went back to Korea and played on the Lotte Giants (2007-08). -- 會是下個帕克嗎? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/25 14:19,
Rumor: 崔香男與道奇即將簽小聯盟約
05/25 14:19

05/25 14:19,
喔 後面有提到
05/25 14:19
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/25 15:53, , 1F
05/25 15:53, 1F

05/25 16:35, , 2F
李金毛?@@" 真正的漢名應該怎麼翻呢~?
05/25 16:35, 2F

05/25 19:06, , 3F
推李金毛 XD
05/25 19:06, 3F

05/25 19:50, , 4F
05/25 19:50, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1A6ZaAw8 (Asian-MLB)