Re: [官網] Chamakh個人檔案

看板Arsenal作者 (Hurt)時間14年前 (2010/05/22 18:11), 編輯推噓7(706)
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※ 引述《peiswu (沛)》之銘言: : 翻譯: 小飛俠Se7en 阿森納俱樂部很高興宣佈摩洛哥國腳馬魯萬·沙馬赫已經與俱樂部簽訂了一份長期合同。 26歲的沙馬赫從法甲波爾多俱樂部轉會來到阿森納。在法甲的八年期間,他代表波爾多參 加了293場比賽,攻進了79個進球。 在08~09賽季中,沙馬赫攻進了14粒進球(註: 13才對),並且幫助波爾多奪得法甲冠軍, 同時終結了里昂在法甲的7年霸主地位。摩洛哥國腳在上個賽季表現仍舊很出色,並且幫 助波爾多打進了歐冠四分之一決賽,他們在小組賽階段也是力克拜仁和尤文圖斯。 出生在法國的他最終選擇了自己父母的出生地摩洛哥作為自己的國籍,沙馬赫為這個北非 國家一共出場53次,攻進27球,並且他也是球隊打入2004年非洲杯決賽的成員之一。 主帥阿爾塞納·溫格說道:「我們很高興沙馬赫已經加盟了我們。他是我們很欣賞的一名 球員,我也知道他會給我們的陣容帶來很大的提高。最近幾個賽季,沙馬赫已經在波爾多 和摩洛哥證明了自己是一名偉大的球員,並且我們一直期望他能加盟我們。」 「沙馬赫是一名天生的射手,並且他擁有適應英超的很多特質,他會在這裡表現出色的。 他也是一名戰士,不僅僅是一名球員,也是一名戰士。他處理高空球的能力很強,並且 他也是一名與隊友配合很好的球員。對於我們的陣容來說,他是一個很好的補充。」 在完成轉會槍手之後,沙馬赫說道:「夢想成真了,我非常高興加盟阿森納。我的目標一 直是在英超聯賽踢球,並且阿森納是我心中的選擇。」 「毫無疑問,阿森納是我最喜歡的俱樂部。球隊以及他的歷史給我很多夢想。在所有英超 球隊中,我只想加盟阿森納,因為他給了我夢想而且我從小就是他們的球迷。」 「我非常高興能在酋長球場,在阿森納的球迷們面前踢球。我已經聽說了許多關於這座球 場的事情,我迫不及待想穿上阿森納的球衣在那裡踢球了。」 「我將把我自己最好的狀態奉獻給俱樂部。在阿森納有許多出色的球員,並且我將盡我一 切可能幫助球隊在下賽季獲得獎盃。」 阿森納CEO伊萬·加齊迪斯說道:「阿爾塞納一直在關注著沙馬赫的成長,並且認定他是 可以增加球隊陣容的一個重要球員。我們很高興馬魯萬在其他俱樂部對他產生興趣前,就 選擇了加盟阿森納。」 沙馬赫將身穿阿森納的29號球衣,並且在7月的季前訓練營中與他的新隊友會和。 -- : 翻譯: 小飛俠Se7en 全名:馬魯萬·沙馬赫 (Marouane Chamakh) 國籍: 摩洛哥 Moroccan 出生:1984年1月10日, Tonneins, France 年齡:26 曾效力俱樂部:Bordeaux(02~10)、293場比賽79個進球 俱樂部榮譽: Ligue 1 Champions: 2008/09 法甲冠軍 08/09 Coupe de la Ligue: 2007, 2009 法國杯 07、09 Trophee des Champions: 2008, 2009 類似社區盾 08、09 轉會細節:與阿森納簽訂一份長期合同 位置:前鋒 背號:29 國家隊榮譽:摩洛哥(2003~至今)、53場比賽27球 國家隊首秀:v Sierra Leone,2003年6月13日 -- Marouane Chamakh is a Moroccan footballer who plays for Arsenal[2] as a striker . Although born and raised in France, he chose to play international football for Morocco due to his Moroccan parentage.[3] He has a very good heading ability and he scores a lots of goals with his head. Chamakh是來自摩洛哥的前鋒,在法國發跡與成長,他選擇為摩洛哥踢球也是因為他的雙 親。頭球能力出色進了很多球。 Bordeaux 波爾多時期 In 2000, at the age of 16, Chamakh accepted an offer to join the Bordeaux training academy while continuing to pursue his studies. He played 17 games and scored six goals for the club's reserve side in Championnat de France amateur 2 before making his debut for the first team against Metz in a Coupe de la Ligue tie on 19 January 2003. His Ligue 1 debut came less than a month later, on 8 February 2003, against SC Bastia. Chamakh在2000年16歲時接受邀請進入Bordeaux青訓營並繼續他的學業。他在03年0119 法國盃面對Metz時一隊初登場,在此之前已在預備隊上陣過17場、攻進6個入球。他在 法甲的首秀是在一個月後的0208,對手是Bastia (Song的母隊) Despite having represented France at youth level, Chamakh made his debut for Morocco on 8 June 2003 in a African Cup of Nations qualifier against Sierra Leone. 當時還在青年層級的Chamakh已入選摩洛哥成年隊,在03年0608的非洲國家盃資格賽面 對Sierra Leone初登場。 His 13 Ligue 1 goals in 2008-09 helped Bordeaux to win the title, ending Lyon's seven year domination. He scored five goals in nine appearance in the Champions League, netting against Juventus and Bayern Munich as Bordeaux caused an upset by finishing top of their group. He also scored against Olympiacos in the round of 16 to set up a quarter-final tie with Lyon. Chamakh scored in both legs of the tie, however it was not enough to prevent Bordeaux from being eliminated 3-2 on aggregate. 08-09賽季他攻進13球替Bordeaux拿到聯賽冠軍,終結了Lyon的七年霸。本季他在冠 軍盃上陣九場進過五球,對手包括尤文、拜仁,小組賽排名第一晉級16強。他在16強 灌籃Olympiacos將球隊帶進了半決賽,之後面對Lyon兩回合都替球隊打入了唯一進球 ,但最終總進球數2-3惜敗。 Chamakh's impressive performances have seen him linked with numerous clubs during his time with Bordeaux. Lyon had a bid rejected in June 2007 and were criticised by Jean-Louis Triaud for their pursuit of the striker. His current contract is due to expire in June 2010, meaning he will be able to move clubs under the Bosman ruling. 在Bordeaux驚艷的表現早已讓多家球隊展露興趣。Lyon在07年六月報價被拒,還被主席 Triaud幹繳。(上週也幹繳槍手,疑似有迫害妄想。)。他的合同將在2010年6月到齊,不 續約就可經由Bosman條款自由轉會。 Arsenal On May 21, 2010, Chamakh completed his move to Arsenal, which will take effect from July 1, 2010.[5] 昨天加盟上季就該來的地方。 Career statistics 生涯數據 (聯賽沒問題,對照 修正過, 但國內外杯賽數據不確定。總合跟官網給的數據不一樣。) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Domestic League | Domestic Cup | Europe | Total ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Team | Season | Apps Goals | Apps Goals | Apps Goals | Apps Goals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |2002–03 10 1 4 0 0 0 14 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |2003–04 24 7 0 0 8 4 32 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |2004–05 33 10 3 1 0 0 36 11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bordeaux|2005–06 29 7 2 0 0 0 31 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |2006–07 29 5 7 2 6 0 42 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |2007–08 32 4 5 2 7 4 44 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |2008–09 34 13 5 2 8 3 47 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |2009–10 38 10 2 1 9 5 49 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Career Total | 229 57 28 8 38 16 295 81 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- 10 things you need to know about the Arsenal target the mirror by Richard Aikman 1) Although he was born in Tonneins, France, in 1984, Chamakh is a Moroccan international. He won the hearts and minds of the north African nation when he scored this last-gasp equaliser against neighbouring Algeria in the 2004 African Nations Cup quarter-final tie, which Morocco went on to win 3-1.
1984出生在法國Tonneins,摩洛哥國家隊。04年非洲國家杯8強賽最後時刻扳平球擊敗 Algeria,贏得了球迷的歡呼。 2) The striker has scored 27 goals in 53 appearances for Morocco. 國家隊紀錄53場27球。 3) At Bordeaux since 2002, last season his 13 goals helped the French side clinch the league title. His contract runs out at the end of the season. 02就在Bordeaux,08-09賽季13球助隊奪聯賽冠軍,合同本季結束後將到期。 4) Although he looks a bit like Cristiano Ronaldo, his goal return is light years away. Last season was the first time he had scored more than 10 goals in a league campaign. 雖然很多人說他長的像西螺,但相比下入球少了些。08-09賽季是他生涯首度聯賽 進球10+。 5) Chamakh averages just under a goal every four league games. He has scored 56 times in 224 league games. 平均每四場一球,聯賽共出場229進57球 (以上面數據為準) 6) The 26-year-old is both strong in the air (as the vid below shows, pacy and good at dribbling. His vision and crossing ability means he can also play on the wing.
空中對抗能力出色、有速度、不錯的帶球能力,不錯的視野跟傳中也可以讓他勝認邊 路的腳色。 7) As well as the French title, Chamakh has also won two League Cups (2007, 2009) and the last two Trophees des Champions (the French equivalent of the Community Shield). 榮耀史請參考上面 8) Last season Chamakh confessed that he was "disgusted with himself" after scoring an own goal in his side's 1-0 defeat to Marseille. At the time it seriously dented the Ligue 1 club's title challenge but they soon recovered and went on to win the league title. 上季面對馬賽OG輸球後自我感覺差勁,因為球隊在聯賽排名下滑,但之後調整快速重 回正軌助隊奪冠。 9) Chamakh currently earns €98,000 a month, which is £84,175 in real money or £21,044 a week. No wonder he is itching for a move to cash-rich Premier League. 先前合同薪資總額約9萬歐元,也就是8萬英鎊,換算週薪只有2萬英鎊/週。來槍手將 變成田腳仔。 10) That would explain his apoplexy at Bordeaux not entertaining offers from either Arsenal or Sunderland. "I am angry," he fumed recently. "I am disgusted and I do not understand why they have done that." 上季Bordeaux拒絕槍手跟桑德蘭的接觸(其實還有西漢姆)讓他棄到冒煙,"XXXX我不曉 得他們為什麼要這麼做(捏)。" -- 我個人認為我想要贏得獎盃。但是我同時也相信,在大球會,你也需要擁有一種比賽風格 。通常情況下兩者是一致的,儘管並不總是這樣。但是我仍然相信,如果沒有一種持續的 比賽風格,在長期你不可能作為一個在世界範圍內享有盛譽俱樂部倖存下來。爭取冠軍的 最好方式,就是擁有一種自己的比賽風格,擁有一種代代相傳的球隊文化,從小球員到成 年球員,那就是我們試圖創造的東西。目標和目的就是為了贏得獎盃。-Arsene Wenger -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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阿 應該是0805 (..突然想到)
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0800 建生中醫關心你的坐骨神經
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哈哈 最近的梗~ 我喜歡~~~
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※ 編輯: Nvboy 來自: (05/24 18:45)
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