[新聞] 教授表示:我們夠強悍

看板Arsenal作者 (KEEP THE FAITH)時間15年前 (2009/07/20 15:26), 編輯推噓17(17011)
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Arsenal boss Wenger: We are strong enough 教授表示:林北夠強悍 http://soccernet.espn.go.com/news/story?id=661753&cc=4716 Arsene Wenger says he is confident in his young squad and that he does not have to seek a replacement for Emmanuel Adebayor, who joined Manchester City on Saturday night. 教授表示他對於這批年輕正太軍團感到有信心, 並且根本不必去找阿德的替代品。 Adebayor's £25m departure for Manchester City has been welcomed by Arsenal fans disgruntled by what they perceived to be his lack of commitment last season. But they may be less than impressed by Wenger's reluctance to spend the transfer fee to plug the gap. 阿德巴約開心的去歡迎歡迎熱烈歡迎的曼城,留下了兩千伍佰萬英鎊, 槍迷對於他去年給的承諾感到不滿,不過球迷們現在心裡頭掛念的不是這個, 而是教授說他不會用這筆錢去填補這個空缺。 Adebayor is the latest high-profile player to exit the Emirates Stadium, following on the heels of Patrick Vieira, Thierry Henry, Alexander Hleb and Mathieu Flamini. 阿德巴約是最新的高知名球員離開了酋長球場,他自以為跟隨PV4、亨利、 跟要去米蘭跟費拉米妮你一口我一口吃冰淇淋的赫來布。 Wenger, however, believes the club will recover once again and already possesses a squad strong enough to compete next season. 教授表示問題不大,俱樂部將再次恢復, 這強大的陣容已經蓄勢待發,足以在下賽季競爭。 "We must trust the players we have. It's a very important season for us and I believe we are in a very strong position," he said. "Big clubs lose big players. AC Milan have lost Kaka but will go on. Arsenal have lost big players before but we go on. 「相信這批球員,這對我們是個重要的賽季,我們正處於一個相當明確清晰的立場。」 「豪門失去好球員,如米蘭失去卡卡, 但日子還是得過下去,阿森納也曾經失去優秀球員,但我們仍舊繼續前進,」 "We have also had positive messages - players like Robin van Persie and Cesc Fabregas are staying here. 「同時我們也有好消息,如RVP跟法布隊長,將繼續與我們並肩作戰。」 "I believe we have a strong enough squad to meet the targets we have." 「我相信我們夠強大去面對那些挑戰。」 Meanwhile, Wenger admits that at one stage during Tomas Rosicky's rehabilitation he feared the Arsenal midfielder's career was over. 教授承認他曾經擔心羅西基的生涯GAMEOVER了。 Hamstring and knee injuries sidelined Rosicky for 18 months with his appearance in Saturday's pre-season friendly against Barnet his first since January 2008. 就跟前面我翻得一樣羅西基他離開了一年半、十八個月、也就是539天、 也就是12936個鐘頭、776160分、46569600秒、、、、、他回來了! Wenger is confident the Czech international will still be the same player and hopes he could be available for the Premier League opener against Everton on August 15. 教授表示他仍舊有信心,而且在8/15對愛佛頓的比賽上首發。 "There was a time when I was worried Tomas wouldn't play football again and he felt the same," said Wenger. "But he had always led a healthy and dedicated life. Mentally he's also very strong. 「我曾經擔心過湯馬士不能在踢足球了,但他恢復了並且奉獻他有點不大青春的 肉體心智上他真的非常非常強。」 "Of course you have to ask and hope if he will ever get back to where we want him to be and the answer looks like yes. We have to manage him well and prepare him well. If we comes through pre-season well he could start the season." 「他已經要回來我們的身邊了,並且透過良好的管理跟準備他將面對這個賽季。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: kevinsyc 來自: (07/20 15:27) ※ 編輯: kevinsyc 來自: (07/20 15:27)

07/20 15:39, , 1F
07/20 15:39, 1F

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07/20 15:44, , 3F
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07/20 15:47, , 4F
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07/20 16:52, , 5F
梗別加太多比例好 XD
07/20 16:52, 5F

07/20 17:39, , 6F
07/20 17:39, 6F

07/20 17:47, , 7F
跟前幾篇比起來 的確少了些~我覺得讀起來挺順的阿~XDD
07/20 17:47, 7F

07/20 18:15, , 8F
07/20 18:15, 8F

07/20 18:15, , 9F
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07/20 20:32, , 10F
07/20 20:32, 10F

07/20 21:18, , 11F
07/20 21:18, 11F

07/20 21:58, , 12F
幹 不是說只進不出 怎麼變成只出不進??
07/20 21:58, 12F

07/20 21:59, , 13F
轉會期還長 但怎麼越來越有不好的預感
07/20 21:59, 13F

07/20 21:59, , 14F
該不會到時候又是一堆正太 沒個即戰力吧
07/20 21:59, 14F

07/20 22:08, , 15F
進了福馬林 藥水 沃爾馬倫 前阿甲克斯隊長
07/20 22:08, 15F

07/20 22:28, , 16F
哇 我們大手筆補了四個人XD
07/20 22:28, 16F

07/20 22:29, , 17F
別忘了傑克隊長 羅司機 羅西雞 羅西司機 羅西斯雞 羅雞雞
07/20 22:29, 17F

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07/20 22:46, , 20F
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07/20 22:50, , 21F
如果最後又沒買人 就真的不期不待了
07/20 22:50, 21F

07/20 23:00, , 22F
07/20 23:00, 22F

07/20 23:01, , 23F
不過轉會期間還沒完 希望這真的只是策略上的對外宣稱!!
07/20 23:01, 23F

07/21 00:25, , 24F
07/21 00:25, 24F

07/21 01:30, , 25F
07/21 01:30, 25F

07/21 02:42, , 26F
07/21 02:42, 26F

07/21 11:54, , 27F
阿森納 阿賈克斯化?! 教授: 問。題。不。大
07/21 11:54, 27F

07/21 23:30, , 28F
科 化 不 林 爽 老 不 目 要 阿 看 科
07/21 23:30, 28F
文章代碼(AID): #1AP1m_LL (Arsenal)