[情報] 07/17 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/07/16 23:24), 編輯推噓12(1205)
留言17則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
https://goo.gl/SZd9Mr Astrology.com It's been days since you've been in the mood to go out and socialize, and you're worried. Could this be a permanent thing for you? Nah. This, too, shall pass -- by late tonight, and that's a promise. At that point, the stars slip out of the comfy-cozy jammies they've been wearing in your house of secrets, and are ready, willing and able to make up for any lost time. So, as per usual, expect to be burning the candle at both ends as you party on down. Better? 這幾天的羊兒可能都一直想外出走走、做點社交活動等等, 但是這也同時讓你有點擔心 - 該不會之後就一直要過這樣的生活了吧? 沒有沒有,這個情況同樣也是會過去滴,而且大概今晚(07/17)之後就會開始消退了。 到那個時候,原本穿著睡衣一直待在你家中舒適區的那些星星們將會準備好再次出現, 也會再次為你帶來影響,補償你前一陣子沒有忙碌到的那一塊。 所以,隨著你仍然在派對之中流連時,一切將會默默的再次回到往常, 回到那蠟蠋兩頭燒的情境了,這樣聽起來心情有踏實一些了嗎? https://goo.gl/WUtu7j Astrocenter.com Today you may want to be left alone with your thoughts. Relaxing with a good book could be at the top of your agenda, Aries, and you aren't likely to want to be interrupted. Noise and requests that don't usually bother you might irritate you, so it's best to spend some time alone and make the effort to be your usual considerate self when with others. Take a brisk walk to relieve the tension. 今天(07/17)的羊兒們可能比較想要有些獨處的時光,你想要有思考的空間; 好好讀本書大概就是你心中的首選事項了吧。 此時的你一點也不想要被打擾,那些平常不太能讓你分心的雜音與小雜事, 在今天可能都特別的讓你感覺心煩。 所以可以的話就盡可能的讓自己在與其他人相處時保持合諧, 這樣才能趕快讓你空出一些獨處的時間。 然後有機會的話就去輕鬆的散步一下,藉此釋放心中的壓力吧。 https://goo.gl/zg2diZ Claire's If someone tries to get in the way of your dreams, then find another way around. Trust in yourself. Look for those who support you, not those who constantly try to challenge you. Geminis link to a better personal life. Ring now for your future to be revealed. 如果有人一直阻擋在你前進夢想的路途之中,就努力想辦法繞路吧; 請相信自己,然後盡可能的與那些支持你的人相處, 而不是去找那些不斷挑選你的其他人。 另外,想要讓個人生活過得更好的話,建議可以去與雙子座的朋友們多相處喲。 -- 老實說,我有時候也覺得運勢不是很準… 只是一方面是想練習英文,另一方面覺得藉此多與大家交流分享也是不錯。 (就算不準也可以一起推文討拍 XDDD) -- 職場撇步/管理技巧/品牌經營 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1500218656.A.63B.html

07/16 23:34, , 1F
07/16 23:34, 1F

07/16 23:34, , 2F
07/16 23:34, 2F

07/16 23:49, , 3F
就是要與不斷交選自己的人相處才能往口試之路前進啊 QQ
07/16 23:49, 3F

07/17 00:14, , 4F
07/17 00:14, 4F

07/17 00:20, , 5F
07/17 00:20, 5F

07/17 00:42, , 6F
07/17 00:42, 6F

07/17 05:23, , 7F
07/17 05:23, 7F

07/17 06:26, , 8F
07/17 06:26, 8F

07/17 06:26, , 9F
07/17 06:26, 9F

07/17 06:32, , 10F
07/17 06:32, 10F

07/17 08:58, , 11F
07/17 08:58, 11F

07/17 09:59, , 12F
07/17 09:59, 12F

07/17 10:04, , 13F
謝謝翻譯~ 運勢就是給自己一個底氣的感覺 參考但不依
07/17 10:04, 13F

07/17 10:04, , 14F
07/17 10:04, 14F

07/17 12:11, , 15F
推樓樓上K大…是打錯了 哈哈哈
07/17 12:11, 15F

07/17 13:35, , 16F
07/17 13:35, 16F

07/18 07:51, , 17F
07/18 07:51, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1PQuKWOx (Aries)