[情報] 羊兒6月運勢

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/06/07 14:50), 編輯推噓19(1903)
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6月運勢終於來了XDDDD 剛剛發現我自己在羊板已經累積近6百篇的文章了…自己都被嚇到… 還是要再說一次,如果有人想要練習翻譯的話,請來領取這個羊板翻譯的角色喲哈哈 https://goo.gl/ZKoWAa Astrology.com Old habits die hard, a fact you're super aware of from June 1st through June 3rd. Are you actually afraid to change or is something - or someone - getting in your way? You'll do what you have to do when the time is right. You get some unexpected hookups from June 8th through June 10th, but don't stand there wondering why for too long. Enjoy all the freebies and upgrades you receive (especially while on the road) before they expire. Details can be confusing on the 16th and 17th, so try to avoid signing any legal documents or giving your go-ahead on upcoming projects. You're more than happy to be the person in charge, but the timing isn't right for you to take the initiative. You're an ace when it comes to interacting with your fellow humans on June 22nd and 23rd, and you rule over all forms of communication. E-mail, texting, social media? Yes. Even written words flow across the page. Maybe this is a good time to start that novel?! You have the courage to do something on June 26th, 27th, and 28th that you've been afraid to try before, and the rush you feel afterward is indescribable. Time to cross another thing off your bucket list. 舊習慣很難改變,本月初至3號這幾天,你對這句話特別的有感, 要想想看是因為你不想要改變,還是有什麼東西或人擋住你改變的路呢? 當時機對了的時候,你就會去做了。 6月8日至10日這幾天將有機會巧遇一些活動(尤其是走在路上之時),別因此愣住太久, 趁著活動還沒過期前,趕快拿些贈品或享受升級活動。 16、17這兩天文字容易讓你困惑,請盡量避免簽立合約、或者是開跑新的案子; 羊兒們很適合當領導人,只是剛好這幾天不適合當啟動一切的人而已。 不過,六月22、23日你在溝通這回事上面就顯得超級超級拿手, 任何形式的溝通都掌控得很好,電子郵件、簡訊之類的;社群媒體呢?當然也是很順利! 就算是手寫的文字也都很有溝通力,或許正是開始你一直想寫的小說的好時機? 月底26至28號間,羊兒們將會有勇氣去接觸一些之前會怕的事務, 而這些嘗試為你帶來的感受將會是無法言喻的! 看來又有一件非做不可的事將要順利的從你清單中被刪除了。 https://goo.gl/EkpnDf Astrocenter.com Mars enters Cancer on June 4. If you've been stalled or have been putting off doing something at home or with family, you're ready now. Your world buzzes with excitement and social opportunities during the Full Moon on June 9. People from all corners of the world may catch your attention and dim your fondness for a favorite place or activity. Enjoy the widening horizons. Family and home life perk up in a big way at the June 23 New Moon. Make a major change or improvement that has been on your mind for a long time. Make yourself and some relatives a lot happier. 火星從6月4日開始進入巨蟹座,如果在家中有些事情之前一直被延宕的話, 你將會開始準備好行動了。6月9日的滿月將會為你的世界帶來新的刺激與社交機會; 各個角落的人都有可能獲得你的注意,然後把你的喜愛呈現在你愛的場所或活動, 請好好享受這樣的新拓展吧。 23號的新月讓家庭關係有所改善,可以趁此機會做那些一直想做的大型改變或進化, 這不只讓你自己快樂,也讓家人們都開心。 https://goo.gl/W2nrdp Claire's Try not to take life too seriously. There is no problem before you in June that you cannot come out on top of. You have allowed the words of a negative influence to ring in your ears. Don’t expect answers. Instead, ask the questions which are on your mind. Playing games will see you getting burnt. Be up front this month for good news and results. Ring now to reveal your destiny. 別把生活看得太嚴肅,如果羊兒們想要在六月站上高峰的話,是完全沒有問題的; 你只是一直縱容耳邊那些負面之詞嗡嗡作響。 這個月,別只是期待答案,反而要努力多問那些在心中的問題。 不過要小心別玩太多遊戲,會玩出問題喲。 另外,本月有機會預先得到一些好消息與結果。 https://goo.gl/Ht1bDm Jane's So, you probably already know that few people are as swiftly decisive as you are. But allowing others to operate at their own pace would be a wise move – particularly when it comes to your family, or those – like old friends - you regard as ‘family’. Mars, your action-man ruler, enters intuitive, stubborn Cancer on 4th June. You’re invited to think about your home, family and ancestors – and maybe reflect on how these things have influenced your choices and progress. Extravagant, sensuous pleasures are highlighted between 8th – 15th, but life gets much busier once the Sun and Mercury enter Cancer at the Solstice, followed by the new Moon there too (24th). Reviewing your year so far is helpful, as is picking over what you thought or experienced in mid-May. All kinds of relationships need your attention - you fare best when you combine inventive flair with common sense and good advice. Conversations and encounters towards the end of June look pivotal – just keep an open mind and don’t rush in where angels fear to tread. 你或許已經知道不是每個人都像你那般的果斷,但是請記得要給予別人空間, 讓他們用自己的步調來決定事情 - 尤其是對家人、或者是你認為是家人的朋友們。 你那行動派的火星,將會在4號進入充滿直覺力又固執的巨蟹座, 可能讓你特別的容易思考家庭、家人與祖先相關的事物 - 這些或許也影響著你做決定、選擇、與前進的步伐。 8日至15日這幾天,羊兒們可能比較容易奢侈、玩樂過日,不過在夏至左右, 當太陽與水星進入巨蟹座時,你的生活也將會變得更加忙碌。 接著再加上24號的新月,此時趁機檢視自己今年的狀況也是不錯的, 例如想想看你從5月中至今所學到的精華或經驗之類的。 另外,本月各式各樣的友誼關係可能都需要你的注意 - 如果你能合併自己的才能與常識跟各方建議的話,更有機會表現得很棒。 要注意的是,接近月底之時的一些溝通與遇上的事務,對你來說很重要哦 - 請記得用開放的心胸看待事情,別衝動跑到一些想也知道天使不會出現的地區就好。 -- 看來6月份與家庭方面蠻有關係的。 -- 愛不是欠債 https://goo.gl/ehSSAL -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1496818243.A.662.html

06/07 15:12, , 1F
推個 辛苦你了
06/07 15:12, 1F

06/07 15:14, , 2F
06/07 15:14, 2F

06/07 15:21, , 3F
辛苦了 推~
06/07 15:21, 3F

06/07 16:51, , 4F
06/07 16:51, 4F

06/07 17:00, , 5F
推 感謝翻譯分享
06/07 17:00, 5F

06/07 17:59, , 6F
06/07 17:59, 6F

06/07 18:28, , 7F
謝謝 辛苦了:)
06/07 18:28, 7F

06/07 19:55, , 8F
辛苦了 抱
06/07 19:55, 8F

06/07 20:23, , 9F
06/07 20:23, 9F

06/07 20:33, , 10F
06/07 20:33, 10F

06/07 23:21, , 11F
06/07 23:21, 11F

06/08 00:40, , 12F
06/08 00:40, 12F

06/08 00:44, , 13F
06/08 00:44, 13F

06/08 00:44, , 14F
06/08 00:44, 14F

06/08 00:49, , 15F
06/08 00:49, 15F

06/08 01:24, , 16F
感謝翻譯 六百多太厲害 辛苦啦
06/08 01:24, 16F

06/08 06:48, , 17F
06/08 06:48, 17F

06/08 11:24, , 18F
06/08 11:24, 18F

06/08 16:30, , 19F
很準 我六月和家庭決裂了 搬出來自己生活
06/08 16:30, 19F

06/08 21:12, , 20F
06/08 21:12, 20F

06/08 23:20, , 21F
06/08 23:20, 21F

06/11 19:57, , 22F
06/11 19:57, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1PDw93PY (Aries)