[情報] 羊兒每週運勢 02/20~02/26

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/02/20 23:52), 編輯推噓11(1101)
留言12則, 10人參與, 最新討論串1/1
https://goo.gl/a5MpQF Astrology.com You're good enough in conversation to know that the best way to get things out of people isn't to tell stories, but to ask questions: questions upon questions. That's your focus on Monday: to get others to talk. Tuesday through Thursday, you won't be much for conversations, what with money matters stressing you out -- heightening your emotions, making you oddly both shy and aggressive. But your sense of balance (and your ATM balance as well) is restored on Friday. An adventure gives shape to Saturday, but Sunday is best spent doing something relaxing and restorative. Run a bath. With bubbles. 你完全明白要讓別人講出他們心中故事的方法,就是問問題,一個接著一個的問; 這就是羊兒星期一的寫照:讓他人打開心胸說話。 週二至週四這幾天,你幾乎不會有時間好好聊天,因為錢財的事壓得你喘不過氣 - 再加上你情緒的影響之下,讓你很奇怪的既害羞又同時很積極。 還好星期五你的感受就平衡回來了 (而且你ATM上的數字也平衡了); 週六是充滿冒險的氣息,不過星期日你最好做些放鬆為能讓你恢復體力的事。 放熱水,洗個泡泡浴之類的。 https://goo.gl/8AzGz8 Astrocenter.com Changes could happen quickly, and they could be triggered by Sunday's Solar Eclipse. You might feel a strong urge to act independently. While this can be exhilarating, it could also cause trouble further down the line. You may be tempted to forget about your responsibilities, but others will be sure to remind you. It might be better to stay on their good side and toe the line. With the Eclipse taking place in Pisces, a spiritual realization could prove empowering. 改變總是來得很迅速,可能是因為接下來那個星期日的日蝕所帶來的影響。 你想要表現獨立,那種感覺讓你很興奮,但未來可能還有其他的問題會出現; 例如你太開心到忘了自己的責任之類的,不過請放心,其他人會出現來提醒你。 這種情況發生時,請記得仍然要看到他們美好的那一面, 因為當日蝕發生在雙魚座時,會帶來一些精神上的啟發,也會為你帶來新的力量。 https://goo.gl/6OAAXj Claire's There is an air of urgency in your chart which could see you rushing work which would be better approached with tact. Don’t let others force your hand, but decide for yourself what and who should be a priority in the coming seven days. The Sun brings out your need for security and you find yourself calling up those you miss. Ring now so we can talk about those mixed emotions. 空氣中的急迫感讓你急著想把事情完成,但最好都還是一步一步做好喲。 別讓他人強迫你動手行動,你應該為自己接下來的七天思考好、 仔細計劃好誰或什麼才是你該注重的優先順序。 太陽的影響會讓你尋求安全感,因此開始把那些失去的一切慢慢找回來。 -- 最近翻譯翻到好像麻掉了…有時候看瓶子們的運勢也覺得「有點準」 然後才意會到自己不是在看羊運勢 XDDDD -- 職場撇步/管理技巧/品牌經營 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1487605946.A.E66.html

02/20 23:53, , 1F
02/20 23:53, 1F

02/20 23:59, , 2F
02/20 23:59, 2F

02/21 00:00, , 3F
02/21 00:00, 3F

02/21 00:33, , 4F
02/21 00:33, 4F

02/21 00:58, , 5F
推!!! 感謝翻譯分享!!!
02/21 00:58, 5F

02/21 06:52, , 6F
02/21 06:52, 6F

02/21 10:04, , 7F
02/21 10:04, 7F

02/21 11:47, , 8F
02/21 11:47, 8F

02/21 23:50, , 9F
推 感謝分享 聖誕老公公快來 希望我的禮物是現在所追求
02/21 23:50, 9F

02/21 23:50, , 10F
02/21 23:50, 10F

02/22 02:05, , 11F
02/22 02:05, 11F

02/22 04:29, , 12F
02/22 04:29, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ogn2wvc (Aries)