[情報] 02/21 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/02/20 18:19), 編輯推噓17(1703)
留言20則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
https://goo.gl/HI1J3L Astrology.com Your already blunt, impetuous nature will take over now, but you won't hear any complaints from loved ones -- that's for darned sure. You have a knack for saying whatever you absolutely must in such entertaining fashion that no one minds. Not a tad. And now you'll have the element of surprise to help you be even more interesting. As if you ever needed help in that department. 你那直接、率真的個性會掌控著你的表現,不過那些愛你的親朋好友們都不會抱怨 - 這是一定的!羊兒就是有這種有話直說、不讓人生氣反而覺得很有娛樂效果的任性。 而且這種反應不是只有一點點,而是能幫助你在整個談話過程當中變得更加有趣, 像是你完全不需要其他人來幫你點綴那般。 https://goo.gl/dEYnKa Astrocenter.com Today's a good day to ground your fluctuating emotions, Aries. Step back from the drama you create and evaluate your inner state. Are you fooling yourself into thinking everything's OK when it really isn't? Be honest with your highest truths and ground yourself back in reality. Write down your thoughts. 今天(02/21)羊兒們需要努力保護你那波動不已的情緒, 從你創造出來的那些肥皂劇中後退一步,然後思考你內心深處的感受。 問問看自己,當一切明明就不ok的情況之下,你是否還在自己騙自己說沒事? 請對你的內心完全的誠實,然後把自己拉回現實面;必要的話,就把想法用紙筆寫下吧。 https://goo.gl/1TOZwb Claire's Travel is well starred and there is a more adventurous side to your nature evolving, which is sure to make for an interesting two months ahead. News from far away is headed your way. Ring now to hear how Saturn brings closure to a family issue. 最近旅遊運很旺盛喲,而且羊兒的個性當中亦充滿著冒險特質, 這更是讓接下來的兩個月變得十分有趣。還有,似乎有新消息正在向你靠近喲。 -- 不知道是什麼消息,希望是好事! -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1487585957.A.6AE.html

02/20 18:25, , 1F
02/20 18:25, 1F

02/20 18:43, , 2F
推 感謝翻譯分享 ! 希望是和我現在喜歡的羊女未來能在一
02/20 18:43, 2F

02/20 18:43, , 3F
02/20 18:43, 3F

02/20 20:40, , 4F
02/20 20:40, 4F

02/20 21:26, , 5F
02/20 21:26, 5F

02/20 21:54, , 6F
02/20 21:54, 6F

02/20 22:36, , 7F
最近真的是糟到不行 什麼時候才會否極泰來
02/20 22:36, 7F

02/20 22:40, , 8F
02/20 22:40, 8F

02/20 22:50, , 9F
02/20 22:50, 9F

02/20 23:14, , 10F
02/20 23:14, 10F

02/20 23:21, , 11F
02/20 23:21, 11F

02/20 23:24, , 12F
推 希望新消息是好消息
02/20 23:24, 12F

02/20 23:30, , 13F
02/20 23:30, 13F

02/20 23:54, , 14F
希望是好事 好想跟前男友復合阿...
02/20 23:54, 14F

02/21 00:00, , 15F
02/21 00:00, 15F

02/21 00:16, , 16F
02/21 00:16, 16F

02/21 01:01, , 17F
02/21 01:01, 17F

02/21 01:39, , 18F
02/21 01:39, 18F

02/21 15:12, , 19F
前年是東京去年是京都 三月底都去日本賞櫻過生日 可是今年
02/21 15:12, 19F

02/21 15:12, , 20F
02/21 15:12, 20F
文章代碼(AID): #1OgiAbQk (Aries)