[情報] 02/15 羊兒運勢綜論

看板Aries作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/02/14 16:24), 編輯推噓4(401)
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https://goo.gl/HI1J3L Astrology.com Opportunities will pop up in the most unusual places, but you have to be ready to jump before they slip away. If you hesitate too long, fickle winds could blow these fortuitous clouds away so quickly that their brief appearance may seem an illusion. Be prepared to follow threads that may seem hopelessly entangled. Holding fast to the free ends will help you find where they lead. 機會將會最出奇不意的時候跳出來,但你需要隨時準備好跳起來抓緊; 如果你猶豫太久,那多變的風會把巧遇的雲朵快速吹散,一切就像幻象一般找不到了。 那些看起來像是無望的局面更是你需要準備好跟緊的方向, 快速的把飄出的尾端抓住,就能順利找到它們指引的路。 https://goo.gl/dEYnKa Astrocenter.com You're likely to be in a good space right now, Aries. If you're single, you're in no hurry to change that. If you're involved, you and your partner should be getting along very well. However, you might experience a little doubt when a current or potential partner becomes uncommunicative. Your friend probably has money worries. Let him or her know you're there to listen, then back off. 此時的羊兒正處於好的階段,如果你單身,這時候不急; 如果你有伴,與伴侶之間的相處很合。 不過,如果你正在與可能成為伴侶的人磨合中,對方稍微不好溝通, 你可能就會開始抱著懷疑的心。 另外啊,可能有朋友正好為錢的事煩惱著,你只需要讓對方知道你隨時能聆聽他的煩憂, 其他就別插手了,等待就好。 https://goo.gl/dNYweI Claire's Don’t be put off by what others think of you. All that matters is what you think of yourself. Phone calls made and received today help you make sense of a past event. Ring now to hear how gambles in love are worth taking. 別因為擔心他人如何看你就拖延了你的計劃,只要知道你是否有好好認識自己就好。 今天(02/15)撥接的電話之中,可能會讓你對過去某件事更理解喲。 -- 大家怎麼過情人節呢? -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1487060695.A.2F6.html

02/14 16:55, , 1F
02/14 16:55, 1F

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02/14 17:11, 2F

02/14 17:11, , 3F
02/14 17:11, 3F

02/14 18:10, , 4F
02/14 18:10, 4F

02/14 19:41, , 5F
02/14 19:41, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1OehxNBs (Aries)