[情報] 06/01 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間9年前 (2015/06/01 01:11), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 5人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/Pz29O1 Things and people are moving slowly, you included, and it's not the pace you're most comfortable with. You'd really prefer to step on the gas and zoom on down the road. Before that can happen, though, there's some weird energy you'd be wise to take a look at -- and try to convert to positive fuel. Think of it as a renewable resource that's available for your use if you can just change it up a bit. For you, it shouldn't be much of a challenge. 事物和人們正緩慢地移動,也包含你,不過這並不是讓你會感到舒適的步伐。你真的很喜 歡開快車和擴大你在走的路,不過在此之前,你還是稍微注意一下有些奇怪的能量會比較 好 -- 而且還要試著使之變為正向的燃料。就試著把它想作是你可以用的再生能源,如果 你能稍微改正一下的話,對你來說這應該不是一個很大的挑戰。 http://goo.gl/Iy7UbH Claire: This is a really good day for fresh starts and new beginnings. What you want can be yours with a little planning and determination. News of an ex brings a smile. 克萊兒: 今天非常適合各種新的開始,只要一點點計劃與決心,你想要的就可以變成你的。一個從 前的消息帶來微笑。 ---- 法蘭克就...嗯,算了 (? 明天開始要努力接手交接的工作=..= 然後天氣好熱好熱好熱~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1433092311.A.505.html

06/01 01:18, , 1F
好好笑XDDD 已經不期望法蘭克會回來XDDDDD
06/01 01:18, 1F

06/01 01:18, , 2F
一和二好像有點衝突 決定相信克萊兒~謝謝翻譯^^
06/01 01:18, 2F

06/01 02:19, , 3F
06/01 02:19, 3F

06/01 11:18, , 4F
06/01 11:18, 4F

06/01 13:34, , 5F
06/01 13:34, 5F

06/01 16:00, , 6F
06/01 16:00, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1LQq3NK5 (Aries)