[情報] 10/27 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (杏翎)時間10年前 (2014/10/27 00:13), 編輯推噓10(1001)
留言11則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://ppt.cc/g00f If you've been planning a long trip by air, Aries, today you might doubt whether you should continue with your plans. Money might be the issue. Be aware that your fears may run away with you. The situation may be more secure than it appears. You might want to attend a class or lecture, perhaps on computer science or some other technology. As with the vacation plans, try to view this objectively. 羊兒,如果你正在策劃一趟需要搭飛機的長途旅程,今天你可能會疑惑是否該繼續你的計 畫。金錢可能就是那個問題,也要注意這個恐懼可能會跟著你,但情況可能比看起來的還 要安全。你可能會想參加關於電腦科學或是其他科技的課程與演講。關於你的假期計畫, 試著以客觀的角度來看。 http://ppt.cc/Ufbx You may accidentally offend someone close to you today — but you can make it right pretty quickly. Just try to pay attention to signals you’re receiving and you should know what to do. 今天你可能會不小心地冒犯某個和你親近的人 - 但你可以很快地修正。只要仔細注意你 接收到的信號,你就會知道該怎麼做了。 http://ppt.cc/K5tG Claire: You may find it hard to shake off the feeling that you have forgotten something important, but try to focus on what you said you'd do rather than what others are trying to emotionally blackmail you into. 克萊兒: 你會發現你很難擺脫"忘記某項重要事物"的感受,但請試著專注在那些你說的和你要做的 事物上面,而不是專注在其他人嘗試用情緒來勒索你。 http://ppt.cc/TG~W Frank: Working hard today pays dividends, especially if you're able to achieve a better relationship with co-workers at the start of the week. Recognise that even if comfort is not at the forefront on your mind right now, it may be important to those around you. 法蘭克: 今天的辛勤工作將得到回報,特別是你在本週開始之時,跟同事有更良好的關係的話。承 認你現在內心最前面不是舒適的吧,這對你週遭的來說可能是很重要的。 原來不知不覺也翻了差不多一年 感謝大家對我偶爾翹班(?)的包容 (喂 不過我覺得我的中英文完全沒有進步啊XDDDD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aries/M.1414339992.A.142.html

10/27 00:14, , 1F
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10/27 00:22, , 3F
長程計畫啊! 謝謝翻譯!
10/27 00:22, 3F

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10/27 00:37, 4F

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10/27 08:12, 9F

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10/27 23:06, , 11F
10/27 23:06, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1KJHsO52 (Aries)