[情報] 9/18 英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (蛋蛋)時間10年前 (2013/09/17 20:42), 編輯推噓11(1103)
留言14則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Too much stress from overwork could have your nerves on edge today, Aries. When someone makes an offhand remark, you might see insult where none is intended. Don't get so jumpy that you imagine traitors behind every door. Work alone if you can, and take a walk to clear your head. This will put you in a better frame of mind and a more relaxed space. 咩阿~工作上被壓榨的你已經瀕臨崩潰的邊緣了o(〒︿〒)o 這時候人家不經意脫口的一句話就能讓你的理智斷線!(啪 別人話裡沒這個意思你就自己腦補了(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧哩細勒靠杯喔!!!! 沒那麼多小人啦!不要因為自己想像的事情而惱怒了~(註1 如果可以,就自己工作、自己處理, 然後去散散步散散心,整理思緒、靜下心來, 這樣可以幫你跳出壓抑的思想框架 也能讓自己處在比較放鬆的地方,不至於太緊繃! 註1:原文:別為了自己想像的每個門後那個背叛者而氣急敗壞 http://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/aries/overview-daily-20130912.html It's one of those days when you've got to lie low. Try to take the day off, if possible -- though you may find that harder than usual, as your conscience pesters you to take care of business. 現在是你該引退、別那麼出風頭的時候了~ 目前你的心思全都在工作上面, 我知道現在就要你退居幕後很難, 但是如果可以的話,請個假、先休息一下吧!? The best thing about good karma coming back to you is that you've earned your good fortune, so you don't need to feel guilty for enjoying it. But when you get some big-time karma payback today, spread the blessings around. You're blessed with so many wonderful things right now -- you can afford it. So if a rock-star parking space opens up, let the driver behind you have it. If you find a couple of bucks on the street, leave them in a friendly barista's tip jar. Keep the good karma flowing. 好心有好報、因果總循環?(善哉善哉~ 得到好運就是你的回報v( ̄︶ ̄)y 所以如果你覺得自己怎麼這麼吼高溫阿(好狗運), 麥拍謝(別不好意思)、別心虛了!這是你做好事的結果阿~ 可是阿~咩~既然你有好報了, 那就把好運也散播出去阿(* ̄▽ ̄)/★*"`'*-.,_,.-*'`"*-.,_☆ 有這麼多好事繞著你,分點給別人是很OK的!把愛傳出去嘛!! 像是發現了停車位,先讓給後面的人阿~ 還是在路上撿到錢,把它拿去"待用咖啡"嘛~(註1 讓好運、美好的事物源源不絕,別在你這就成了死水... 註1: 待用咖啡:suspended coffee: 有能力的人先付了咖啡錢,讓沒辦法負擔的人也能享用咖啡! 台灣前陣子也有響應,例如待用麵 http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/claires-daily-horoscopes-monday You think dreams are all you’ve got left but the opposite is true. The world ’s your oyster. All you have to do is get out of the stifling environment you ’re in. Phone calls raise a flirtatious smile. Ring now to hear why it’s worth investing in travel. 媽阿~克萊兒是不是下海了阿!?: 你是不是覺得你窮的只剩下夢想了? 可是我跟你說,事實剛好相反! 這世界到處都是你的生蠔(._.?)(註1 我是說:你的前途無限、機會隨便撿都有!! 只要你掙脫現有的束縛、逃離那令你窒息的地方,你的前途就一片光明!!! 接到什麼電話阿?笑的這麼淫蕩(嘿嘿 摳我喔~我再跟你說為什麼旅行是好的.... 註1:the world is your oyster: there is no limit to the opportunities open to you. 無窮的機會敞開門來迎接你(字面上真的就是這世界是你的牡蠣XD) 法蘭克:( ̄□ ̄|||)a 靠腰~我翻完下海的克萊兒,網站就掛了╮(﹀_﹀")╭ (該不會被發現有做黑的就強制關網站了吧!!!?<---腦補) 晚點再看看,恢復了再捕... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 明天最後一天!喔耶~~~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: remenberegg 來自: (09/17 20:47)

09/17 20:50, , 1F
09/17 20:50, 1F

09/17 21:06, , 2F
我真的是面臨崩潰邊緣的天天10hrs班= =...
09/17 21:06, 2F

09/17 21:06, , 3F
09/17 21:06, 3F

09/17 21:23, , 4F
09/17 21:23, 4F

09/17 21:34, , 5F
09/17 21:34, 5F

09/17 22:23, , 6F
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09/17 23:00, , 7F
謝謝 除了工作要挺住之外 感情透過電話熱線會有好事情?
09/17 23:00, 7F

09/17 23:45, , 8F
09/17 23:45, 8F

09/17 23:46, , 9F
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09/17 23:47, , 10F
09/17 23:47, 10F

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09/18 01:18, , 12F
09/18 01:18, 12F

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09/18 02:51, 13F

09/18 20:09, , 14F
09/18 20:09, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1IE4vGte (Aries)