[情報] 2/18英文版綜論

看板Aries作者 (愛睏的眠羊)時間11年前 (2013/02/17 18:43), 編輯推噓8(801)
留言9則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html Aries, your intuition might increase today to the point where you feel like you could deduce the thoughts and motives of people you've never met before. Reading the news might bring you sudden insights as to how things are going to turn out. You could decide to put this ability to work to advance your financial condition. Do this if you can - within reason. Your insights are probably correct. 羊羊們,今天你的直覺準度大增,你覺得自己可以猜出,那些素未謀面的人的心思和動機 。多讀點新聞能幫你挖掘出事情將如何轉變的洞察。何不把這種能力放在工作上,好增進 你的財務狀況呢?做的到就試試看吧,不過要在合理的範圍內。你的觀察可能是正確的。 http://0rz.tw/0HFO1 You need to take it easy and see if you can get a little help — things are going your way, but you could always use a little lift. Check in with a friend or coworker to see if you can work together. 你需要放鬆並找人幫點忙,事情正如你所願,但你永遠都可以把事情變得更容易些。向你 的朋友或同事詢問下,看能否一起合作。 Be prepared for a few scheduling hiccups, today. Suddenly, an unforeseen event could limit your free time and make you feel a little bit like you’re under the gun. But have no fear! This rapid change of pace will not send you down a stressful path. Instead, it will be invigorating and bring out your competitive, aggressive nature. This will be a fun day, full of twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat — and ready for the next curveball to come your way! 今天的行程會稍微被打斷。一個無法預期的事件將縮短你的自由時間,並讓你覺得有把槍 抵住了你的腦門,壓力超大的(((( ;゚д゚)))  但不要怕!這場步調劇烈的轉變,不會把你推入壓力的火坑。相反地,這將會激起你的競 爭潛能,開發你的戰鬥本性。這天會超好玩的,接二連三的轉折和變化,讓你坐不住椅子 ,整個人興奮難耐。這些考驗更幫助你準備好接住生命中的下一顆變化球。 http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ Claire That glass that was half empty? Look again Aries, it’s half full. Life is out there waiting for you, so grab it with both hands. Jealousy towards a friend’s relationship must be nipped in the bud. 克萊兒: 只剩半杯水?再看一次,是「還有半杯水」。人生就在那裏等著,快伸出你的雙手抓住它 吧!任何嫉妒朋友人際關係的念頭,一但萌芽就要拔除。 Frank Do your best to steer clear of any arguments or rifts, as the potential is there for today to explode if you let it. Ill timed remarks on your part land you in hot water. 法蘭克: 盡全力避開爭端或嫌隙,如果你今天任意而行,事情可能會無法收拾。你若在糟糕的時間 點被評價,將陷自己於水深火熱。 ---------------------- 周一大家都要開工了吧? 要努力收心回歸生活~~~ p(‵・ω・′)q -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/17 18:51, , 1F
的確 寒假作業都沒寫壓力超大的....
02/17 18:51, 1F

02/17 21:59, , 2F
的確 工作進度都沒趕壓力超大的....
02/17 21:59, 2F

02/17 22:22, , 3F
的確 考試內容都沒讀壓力超大的....
02/17 22:22, 3F

02/17 22:24, , 4F
樓上的大家XDDD 目前在考慮是否要轉職中....
02/17 22:24, 4F

02/18 01:13, , 5F
確 喜歡的人都沒約壓力超大的....
02/18 01:13, 5F

02/18 01:22, , 6F
的確 今日運勢都不好壓力超大的....
02/18 01:22, 6F

02/18 12:06, , 7F
的確  信用卡單都沒還壓力超大的....
02/18 12:06, 7F

02/18 12:08, , 8F
的確 肚子好肥都沒減壓力超大的....
02/18 12:08, 8F

02/18 13:39, , 9F
02/18 13:39, 9F
文章代碼(AID): #1H8BHImb (Aries)