[情報] 貝拉九月運勢

看板Aries作者 (let us be who we are)時間11年前 (2012/09/03 03:22), 編輯推噓16(1606)
留言22則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.leadinglightastrology.com/pages/free-horoscopes/monthly-forecasts.php Well it’s the Uranus square Pluto month, there’s no getting around it but if you survived June 2012 relatively unscathed then you’ll survive September equally well. 哎,這個月就是天王星跟冥王星互刑為主題的月份,你沒得逃避,只是如果你度過今年 六月的天冥互刑毫髮無傷地活下來了,那麼九月的這次你也同樣能度過。 If not, then this square is a case of two down and five to go so you’d best learn how to deal with the energy and start to listen to the messages that these are imparting to you! 但假如你受傷了,那麼這次互刑是搞定兩件事了卻還有五件事沒搞定,所以你最好學會 如何處理這股能量,並且傾聽這星象要透露給你的訊息! There’s a similar feel to these historically (Greece’s situation and the burgeoning global unemployment) and the previous cluster of squares and we do know that Pluto has a propensity to tear down before he builds up. If you’ve looked at my message for Aries with Uranus barreling through…. it ’s very much a case of viva la revolution! But everyone is currently living in “interesting times” (and they are certainly going to be ” transformational”) – especially for you and Capricorn and Virgo and Taurus and … 而在目前世界事件上也有相似的事件發生:希臘狀況以及急遽增長的全球失業率,加上 前幾次的互刑,我們知道冥王星的生性就是先破壞再重建。 在天王星運行在白羊座的當下,如果你有仔細看我寫給你的訊息…… 這完全就是「開始革命吧!」 但是目前每個人都活在「有趣的時代」裡(而且他們確實正在「轉化」)--尤其是對 於白羊的你,以及魔羯座、處女座還有金牛座和…… But look on the positives for September. It’s the last month that Saturn is in your house of divorce (well it becomes one with Saturn lurking there as it has for the past couple of years) so if you’ve managed to hang on in there and are still “a deux” then this relationship is sent in stone!! 看看九月份的光明面吧。本月是土星待在也意涵離婚的宮位的最後一個月(土星已經在 此待上幾年了),因此若你還設法要堅持下去兩人關係,那日後你們的關係便堅若磐石! Certainly for the first half of the month you should get out and have fun and become more involved in your community or save the Whales (or yourself). Tell a sibling (if you have one) that you love them (and you’ll probably mean it for a change) because you’re becoming a lot more tolerant and accepting of their idiosyncrasies and “happy to spread the joy”. 當然九月上半月你應當出外享樂,多與人交際或去搶救鯨魚(或是救你自己)。 告訴你的兄弟姊妹(若你有的話)說你愛他們(你可能想改變什麼),因為你變得更有 包容力,很能接受他們的特質並「樂於散播歡樂」。 After all this good work, try and avoid a dummy spit at months end because you will be acting like a spoilt child simply because you feel you are being ignored and overlooked (which by the way you are…!). Instead see this as a watershed month and use the (emotional) full moon energy that is in YOUR sign to decide who stays and who goes. Half the Rams will spend most of the month arguing about shared assets the other half will be wanting to share their assets (if you get my meaning..) 在這些辛苦努力付出後,到月底可要避免情緒失控,因為你會表現得像一個被寵壞的小 孩一樣,這是因為你覺得你被忽略了被疏忽了(順帶一提你是的…!) 不妨把這個月視為一個分水嶺,並利用落在你白羊座的這(情緒化的)滿月能量,來決 定誰該留誰該走。有一半的羊兒本月大多時候會人爭共有資產,另一半的羊兒則會想跟 人分享他們的資產(如果你懂我的意思……) But if you are going to be authentic (which is what the Uranus transit is demanding) then you’ve got to live your life accordingly. If you’re simply going through the motions and parroting “I love you” in rote fashion, snap out of it! You don’t want a life less lived (and that of course applies to every area of your life if you are pretending). “Yeah I love my job Gepetto…. 但假如你想要忠於你自己(天王星行運使然),那你就得照著你的本性過活。 如果你就只是敷衍了事,像鸚鵡學說話般毫無感情地說「我愛你」,那給我振作起來! 你不想要生活了無生氣吧(當然這適用於生活中你裝樣子應付的每個層面)。 There’s no question that this is a month of endings, as you (or the Cosmos) rids you of situations and people who no longer have a place in your life. That’s good news because your destiny is waiting with bated breath. 毫無疑問本月份代表終結,只要你(或宇宙)將你從某些狀況中擺脫掉,某些人在你人 生中不再有一席之地。 這是好消息,因為你的命運正屏息以待。 === 哈哈哈,看不懂。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/03 04:41, , 1F
.....九月底我要在家狂睡 好恐怖
09/03 04:41, 1F

09/03 09:00, , 2F
09/03 09:00, 2F

09/03 09:55, , 3F
塞翁失馬焉知非福 所以有時候失馬(土星與其他相邢)非真
09/03 09:55, 3F

09/03 09:56, , 4F
真的那麼糟 而是把不好的事務剔除 讓我們的生活從長遠來
09/03 09:56, 4F

09/03 09:56, , 5F
看更好 (短期間看起來會覺得很驚恐 但長遠來看是好事)
09/03 09:56, 5F

09/03 10:53, , 6F
09/03 10:53, 6F

09/03 12:46, , 7F
09/03 12:46, 7F

09/03 13:04, , 8F
09/03 13:04, 8F

09/03 13:26, , 9F
09/03 13:26, 9F

09/03 14:44, , 10F
終於要擺脫了 我會加油的
09/03 14:44, 10F

09/03 14:54, , 11F
09/03 14:54, 11F

09/03 14:54, , 12F
09/03 14:54, 12F

09/03 16:01, , 13F
09/03 16:01, 13F

09/03 18:00, , 14F
所以....我只是羊羊混亂玩玩的犧牲品???> <~嗚.......
09/03 18:00, 14F

09/03 18:00, , 15F
09/03 18:00, 15F

09/03 19:49, , 16F
09/03 19:49, 16F

09/03 22:06, , 17F
09/03 22:06, 17F

09/03 23:27, , 18F
09/03 23:27, 18F

09/10 23:20, , 19F
九月底請年假算了,我覺得我應該撐不過去 XDDDDD
09/10 23:20, 19F

09/13 02:06, , 20F
09/13 02:06, 20F

09/14 10:09, , 21F
某些人在你人生中不再有一席之地。 果真 掰掰
09/14 10:09, 21F

10/04 18:08, , 22F
10/04 18:08, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1GGx7Wx- (Aries)