[情報] 貝拉運勢 7/11-17

看板Aries作者 (let us be who we are)時間12年前 (2012/07/12 03:36), 編輯推噓15(1502)
留言17則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.leadinglightastrology.com/pages/free-horoscopes/weekly-forecasts.php A lot of Aries have been up to their neck in some kind of drama. It could be work related or family, but if it’s commercial then it is family related in some manner. 有許多羊兒已經深陷於某些情境之中,可能跟工作也可能跟家庭有關,不過若這跟商業 有關,又或多或少跟家人有關係了。 It’s been ongoing for a while but given your current mood, you’re not going to let it go a minute longer. You’re going to shake the apple tree this week and there will definitely be arguments and heated “words” exchanged, even all out rows. 這情況已經持續一陣子了,只是就你目前的心境而言,哪怕一分鐘你都不想讓這些情境 繼續上演。本週你會去搖晃蘋果樹(註),這勢必會有些爭執跟一些「言語上的」針鋒 相對,甚至是大吵。 All you really want to do is cut loose and get the hell out of “there” and yet there is this specter of a pressing problem that you simply have to deal with, like it or not. There won’t be any “beau geste’s” forthcoming your way this week, and although you’ll ultimately end up with a better relationship with your brothers and sisters than you had previously (thanks to Jupiter) - and even if you started with a good one - this won’t be the case this week. 現在你最想要的就是徹底放鬆,讓那些該死的事情都滾出你的視線,只是你的生活中 還是籠罩著這些問題所帶來的壓力的陰影,而且不管你喜不喜歡,你都無法視而不見, 必須著手處理。在本週你眼前看不見任何即將到來的「美好事物」,不過最後跟兄弟 姊妹的關係卻會比先前更好(多虧木星)--而且即使你有好的開始--在本週實情卻非 如此。 In fact you’ll probably be experiencing problems with all sorts of people in authority (you can thank Pluto for this) so if this isn’t your parents, or on the job front, it could be the government, the tax man, the police…you get my drift. 事實上你可能會跟來自各領域的權威人物有些麻煩(多虧冥王星),如果這人物不是 父母,也不是工作上的人,就有可能來自政府、收稅員、警察…你懂我的意思的。 Keep your head down, watch your temper and just remember you always have to play by the rules (and be authentic). Dare I say don’t worry if you change jobs or even if your business ends in ruin, because this is all about you finding you true vocation – yes, no kidding - but I think this will be later on and not just yet. At any rate when it does happen you’ll ultimately come into your own and become rather powerful (and very successful) so BRING IT ON! You’ll also be taking a trip sometime this week or very shortly (or planning one) but it’s not a long distance, it’s a short one. 保持冷靜理性,注意自己的脾氣,僅記你一定永遠都要照著規則走(而且要老實)。 我敢打包票,就算你轉換工作或是事業倒閉都別擔心,這都是要讓你去找真正適合你的 職業--我不是開玩笑的--只是我認為時機還不到。無論如何,如果事情真的發生,你最 終可以得到你應得的名譽,並且更有能力(更有成功相),放手一搏吧! 本週你也有可能會旅行,或是短期之內(或你正在計劃),不過這不是長途旅行就是了。 ==== 註:我不曉得shake the apple tree是什麼意思,但如果就apple在聖經上的意思來說 的話,我在猜是挑戰禁忌之類的意思。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ffmuteki9 來自: (07/12 03:36)

07/12 04:08, , 1F
07/12 04:08, 1F

07/12 04:19, , 2F
XXXXXXXXXX怎麼好可怕的樣子.. >*<
07/12 04:19, 2F

07/12 07:21, , 3F
很準- -+準備跟一個都不努力的人翻臉~
07/12 07:21, 3F

07/12 08:15, , 4F
07/12 08:15, 4F

07/12 09:04, , 5F
07/12 09:04, 5F

07/12 10:20, , 6F
推!大家一起加油吧>< 淡定淡定啊……
07/12 10:20, 6F

07/12 12:12, , 7F
準 。。。
07/12 12:12, 7F

07/12 12:25, , 8F
07/12 12:25, 8F

07/12 13:40, , 9F
07/12 13:40, 9F

07/12 13:53, , 10F
07/12 13:53, 10F

07/12 13:59, , 11F
07/12 13:59, 11F

07/12 14:26, , 12F
準! 希望最終有好的結果
07/12 14:26, 12F

07/12 14:51, , 13F
完全沒有計畫要去旅行...... 不過搞丟了分月繳款的單子
07/12 14:51, 13F

07/14 15:57, , 14F
推 現在回來看超準喔…為了不值得的朋友付出 他還臭罵我
07/14 15:57, 14F

07/14 15:58, , 15F
07/14 15:58, 15F

07/14 16:03, , 16F
旅行方便也很準啊 到鄰近的城市找老朋友聊天去了~
07/14 16:03, 16F

07/18 12:36, , 17F
家裡開診所 父母天天吵 準爆了 QQ
07/18 12:36, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1F_TMXq6 (Aries)