[情報] 貝拉六月運勢

看板Aries作者 (let us be who we are)時間12年前 (2012/06/04 13:44), 編輯推噓27(2703)
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http://www.leadinglightastrology.com/pages/free-horoscopes/monthly-forecasts.php After a period that felt a bit like sitting in a waiting room waiting for an appointment, the eclipse at the beginning of the month; opens the door to some activity. If life has been a tad flat or even disappointing lately, then at least the events that occur this month will liven things up. 先前你覺得有點像坐在等候室裡,等著開一場會議。而經過這段期間後,月初的月食將 打開某些活動的窗口。若最近生活一直有一點索然無趣,或甚至令人失望,那麼至少這 個月會發生的事件會使事情活躍起來。 The eclipse certainly indicates that foreign shores are beckoning and you could be proactive in this regard as part of your growing need for some excitement. Or else it could be business related (especially if your job involves a global audience) but either way you had better get a passport with lots of pages in it, because the coming year you’ll be travelling more than you have in a decade. 這場月食確實有將你招引至海外的暗示,而你在這方面也比較主動,因為這帶來的刺激 感,是你成長需求的一部份。或是這旅行跟工作有關(尤其是你的工作有全球的觀眾) ,但不管是哪一個,你最好讓護照能有許多空白,因為接下來這一年的旅行量可能就比 十年的份量還要多。 All this should be music to your ears and you’ll most likely be getting a stamp or two this month. Thankfully Jupiter changes signs mid month so that sense of having your feet in a block of cement (or being chained to the same set of people and environs), will dissipate rather rapidly. By the end of the month you begin to see that you are exerting some control over events and not everyone else is calling the shots. 這些應該都是很中聽的消息,你很可能這個月就會出國一兩次。 感謝木星在月中移入雙子座,雙腳的桎梏感(或是被同一些人或同一個環境綁死)將會 消失,而且很快。到了月底,你就會開始發現你可以在事件上運用一些控制權,而不是 別人在那呼風喚雨。 You are overdue being cut some slack and need your liberty back - if you aren ’t getting any breathing space, you’ll probably rebel against too much pressure from anyone – and includes bosses, spouses, family, friends et al. 你遲遲未能獲得更多的自由,你需要將自由奪回--如果你都沒有得到喘息的空間, 你很可能就會反抗別人施加給你的諸多壓力--包括老闆、配偶、家人還有朋友。 That said, you’ve still got two weeks left to wring some more benefits, contracts, a raise (or at least lots of goodwill) from your working life - so try and keep your nose to the grindstone for the first half of month. 儘管如此,你仍然有兩週的時間從工作上榨出些許的利益,契約,還有加薪(或至少 有許多好的商譽)--因為六月上半月要努力工作。 The second half of June begins the next chapter of the rich tapestry of your life and the new astrological “Jupiter year” holds the promise of new faces, place and lifestyles. Some may write a book, others will spread their word via the Internet, but one thing is for certain, you will be listened to and heard by many. 六月下半月,開啟了你人生中下一個無可避免的新篇章,以及另一個新的「木星年」, 讓你在遇見新面孔、新場所以及新的生活風格有新的希望。 有些人可能會寫一本書,有些人會透過網路散播他們的文字思想,但唯一能肯定的, 就是會有更多人願意聽你說話,聽得見你的聲音。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

06/04 13:56, , 1F
06/04 13:56, 1F

06/04 13:59, , 2F
感謝推 貝拉好溫柔……
06/04 13:59, 2F

06/04 14:31, , 3F
06/04 14:31, 3F

06/04 15:16, , 4F
的確是! 我投稿的期刊,快點回覆我有中沒中啦!!
06/04 15:16, 4F

06/04 15:37, , 5F
06/04 15:37, 5F

06/04 16:05, , 6F
06/04 16:05, 6F

06/04 16:14, , 7F
06/04 16:14, 7F

06/04 16:14, , 8F
06/04 16:14, 8F

06/04 16:47, , 9F
06/04 16:47, 9F

06/04 17:24, , 10F
感動呀~ T_T
06/04 17:24, 10F

06/04 17:59, , 11F
06/04 17:59, 11F

06/04 19:19, , 12F
06/04 19:19, 12F

06/04 20:50, , 13F
06/04 20:50, 13F

06/04 21:08, , 14F
想FREE想出國 但是就現況...
06/04 21:08, 14F

06/04 21:38, , 15F
真的 我最近這三個月開始兼職作者 嚇死我!!
06/04 21:38, 15F

06/04 21:53, , 16F
06/04 21:53, 16F

06/04 21:55, , 17F
06/04 21:55, 17F

06/04 23:21, , 18F
06/04 23:21, 18F

06/04 23:40, , 19F
06/04 23:40, 19F

06/05 00:03, , 20F
新篇章的確要來臨了 給我好運到年底!!!!!!!!
06/05 00:03, 20F

06/05 00:05, , 21F
貝拉運勢真的是我覺得所有的最準的了!! 真的下週要出國啦
06/05 00:05, 21F

06/05 02:08, , 22F
06/05 02:08, 22F

06/05 07:29, , 23F
06/05 07:29, 23F

06/05 12:41, , 24F
06/05 12:41, 24F

06/05 22:10, , 25F
06/05 22:10, 25F

06/06 23:13, , 26F
06/06 23:13, 26F

06/07 22:27, , 27F
哈哈哈真的有機會出國嗎? 希望能讓更多人看到我的努力
06/07 22:27, 27F

06/07 22:27, , 28F
努力工作吧... 謝謝翻譯!
06/07 22:27, 28F

06/10 22:19, , 29F
剛出差回來>< 不會又要出差了吧(累)
06/10 22:19, 29F

06/13 01:26, , 30F
六月的下半月真的要出國了!!! 還是人生的新篇章 ^^
06/13 01:26, 30F
文章代碼(AID): #1Fp4iy0x (Aries)