[情報] 貝拉運勢 3/28-4/3

看板Aries作者 (let us be who we are)時間12年前 (2012/03/29 00:30), 編輯推噓10(1003)
留言13則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.leadinglightastrology.com/pages/free-horoscopes/weekly-forecasts.php Slow and steady wins this race and “steady” in this context means calm, and stable. Sure you are running your own race but it could turn into a Budd and Decker affair because not only is your life changing dramatically, so are the lives of others because of your actions. 緩慢、從容才能贏得這場競賽,「從容」在這裡有冷靜、沉穩的意思。確實,你在進行 你自己的競賽,但競賽卻可能轉變成「Budd and Decker效應」(文末註), 因為不是只有你的人生會戲劇性變動,你的舉動同樣會讓他人的人生有極大變化。 It’s because you are running in your personal Olympics and have every intention of finishing first. Don’t worry, just like the fallout from the ’ 84 Olympic 3000m race, no matter what the outcome for others, time heals all wounds. 這是因為你在進行你自己的奧運比賽,你想要第一名的意圖十分強烈。別擔心,就像 1984年奧運的三千公尺競賽結果的後續效應一樣, 不管別人的結果是什麼,時間總會撫平一切傷口。 There has been an imbalance in your life for quite a while now and not only have you have the courage to really be yourself, you’re also changing a few rules - and will be making a big stride in this direction this week. 你的生活中一直存在著一種不平衡,現在你不僅擁有勇氣作自己,還會變動少數幾項 原則--並且本週在這個方向上,你會跨越一大步。 Of course like all defiant folk (and you are a rebel these days) this is going to cause some resistance and you can expect a family quarrel over the next few days. Let’s just say they don’t fully understand you at the moment or you have conflicting ideas on certain matters. 當然,就像所有的反抗者一樣(你這幾天就像個反抗人),這必會引起反彈,接下來幾 天也可能跟家人有口角。他們目前只是沒有完全了解你而已,或是在某些事件上你們意 見不合。 I come back to the “slow and steady” advice and I do urge you to try and be both objective and supportive if you can, as it will be through cooperation - rather than conflict - that your greatest successes will be derived. Play by the rules and work together with others as you have Pluto in your house of downfalls if you don’t. 回到「緩慢從容」的建言上,我真的勸你一定要努力保持客觀並配合別人,你要跟別人 合作,而不是處處針對,這樣你才能取得莫大成功。照規矩來,跟他人合作,目前冥王 星在你同樣有垮臺意味的宮位,如果你不配合,真的會垮掉。 Hopefully you are not entirely without a support base, especially if you are engaged in any battles over assets, including property and shared capital. But no matter how you are faring in your particular journey of life, you ARE breaking down someone else’s power. The revolution continues and you do have a cause - YOU! 希望你還有一些基本盤,特別是如果你目前忙著爭取資產,例如財產或共享資本之類的。 但是,不管你在人生的某個特別的旅途上有何遭遇,你都在打破別人的權力。 革命依然持續,而且你有如此做的理由--就是你自己! === Budd 跟 Decker是1984年奧運女子三千公尺競賽的兩名選手 本來Budd領先,後來Decker追上後,兩人先前兩次有輕微碰撞, 第三次時Budd突然內切導致Decker摔倒滾進內部草地上, Budd因此被場邊觀眾噓落,後來也因體力不支最後拿到第七名。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ffmuteki9 來自: (03/29 00:31)

03/29 00:32, , 1F
謝謝翻譯 貝拉總是如此中肯 最近真的非常焦躁敏感 一直和
03/29 00:32, 1F

03/29 00:33, , 2F
家人與工作夥伴針鋒相對>< 真希望工作計畫能成功啊~
03/29 00:33, 2F

03/29 00:39, , 3F
今天等很久貝拉了>w< 感謝翻譯!!!!在羊版好幸福!
03/29 00:39, 3F

03/29 00:47, , 4F
同一樓 這幾天對同事有很多負面看法 心態應該要有所改變
03/29 00:47, 4F

03/29 00:49, , 5F
03/29 00:49, 5F

03/29 01:36, , 6F
這篇讓我好抖 最近公司長官大風吹 前途未明....
03/29 01:36, 6F

03/29 02:20, , 7F
很準 要配合別人 等待時機 不能急著趕快論文口試
03/29 02:20, 7F

03/29 12:33, , 8F
03/29 12:33, 8F

03/29 16:46, , 9F
03/29 16:46, 9F

03/29 17:37, , 10F
大推"自己的奧運比賽" 二推建議沈穩、冷靜 也太準了
03/29 17:37, 10F

03/29 19:29, , 11F
03/29 19:29, 11F

03/29 19:39, , 12F
03/29 19:39, 12F

03/29 23:31, , 13F
03/29 23:31, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1FSpoerr (Aries)