[情報] 貝拉三月運勢

看板Aries作者 (let us be who we are)時間12年前 (2012/03/03 17:44), 編輯推噓31(3103)
留言34則, 32人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.leadinglightastrology.com/pages/free-horoscopes/monthly-forecasts.php You are flat out all month, but thankfully you’ve got a lot more energy at your disposal. Actually you’ve been more energized – or is that “inspired ” for a while now - you literally need less sleep and otherwise feel quite motivated. Work is taking centre stage. Or perhaps you don’t you have a choice. 這個月你會竭盡全力,不過還好,你有多到不行的能量供你任意使用。實際上,你已經 相當精力充沛了-或只是暫時受到「鼓舞」-明顯的就是不需要太多睡眠,也會覺得還 很有動力。工作成為本月重心。 或該說,你也別無選擇了。 You could be like Atlas carrying the world on your back because your workload HAS increased a lot, and could even be overwhelming. Didn’t anyone up the ladder of command ever hear the story of the straw that broke the camel’s back? Plus there is someone in your workspace who feels that they can push you around - and you’re certainly not in the mood for that. 你就像希臘神話中的亞特拉斯,將整個世界扛在背上,因為你的工作增加很多,甚至會 超出你的負擔。難道那些握有指揮權的上位人物,都沒聽過壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草嗎? 不只如此,你的工作場所有人覺得他還可以壓榨你-但你實在一點聽命的心情都沒有。 It’s no wonder you’re feeling tetchy and short fused and biting the heads off colleagues; so you really need to rest whenever you can. 難怪你覺得暴躁、易怒、想要爆掉同事的頭,只要有機會你真的很想要休息。 Put out the “do not disturb sign”, shut the office door and pull down the shutters because frankly you need to be alone. You need moments to restore or you will crack (and if you are really feeling out of sorts, visit the doctor). 請掛上「謝絕打擾」的牌子,關上辦公室的門、放下窗簾,你真的需要一個人獨處。 你需要時間休息充電,要不然你會崩潰(若真的覺得情緒欠佳,不妨尋求專業醫師)。 Therefore I can’t see your social life being a BIG thing this month - you’ ll be making more excuses than usual - because you do need to spend time in reflection. 因此,我看不見本月社交生活是你的重頭戲-你會比以前更常找藉口婉拒-因為你確實 需要時間自省。 Your “work” in March is to discover your world…. and then with all your heart GIVE YOURSELF TO IT. But in order to do that you’ve go to identify whatever it is you’ve been hiding from yourself. For some will be dealing with unaddressed issues regarding lovers, ex’s et al, but it’s more about what lies ahead for you and your next steps that you ’ll be thinking about the most. 在本月,你的工作就是發現自己的世界…。並且將你的身心全都投入其中。但為了能夠 達到那個境界,你必須辨別出一直以來你自己所不願意面對的事。 對一些羊來說,他們要處理與情人、前任情人或其他人之間尚未表述的事,但這其實與 未來你眼前的事物以及你最想採取的下一步更為有關。 You are in the process of widening up your parameters - literally, mentally, and emotionally - but this month you’ll still feel like you’re running on the same spot (and even going backwards). “Yes’s” will become “no’s” or “maybe’s” or “later”… But it will be an entirely different story by mid April when everything moves quickly forward. But March is not about where you stand, but which direction you are headed. 你正在擴展自己極限的過程中-不管是物質上、心靈上或情感上-但這個月,你還是會 覺得自己一直在原地跑步(甚至是倒退走)。「是」會變成「不」,或「本來要」變成 「之後再說」… 不過到了四月中,所有事開始迅速向前進之後,就完全不一樣了。 因此三月重要的不是你在哪裡,而是你要往哪走。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ffmuteki9 來自: (03/03 17:45)

03/03 17:55, , 1F
感謝FF大~ 每次看貝拉都會覺得未來希望無窮啊QuQ
03/03 17:55, 1F

03/03 18:01, , 2F
03/03 18:01, 2F

03/03 18:14, , 3F
03/03 18:14, 3F

03/03 18:45, , 4F
03/03 18:45, 4F

03/03 18:56, , 5F
03/03 18:56, 5F

03/03 19:37, , 6F
03/03 19:37, 6F

03/03 20:00, , 7F
03/03 20:00, 7F

03/03 20:01, , 8F
03/03 20:01, 8F

03/03 20:02, , 9F
03/03 20:02, 9F

03/03 20:11, , 10F
真的超忙 被project追著跑QAQ
03/03 20:11, 10F

03/03 20:21, , 11F
03/03 20:21, 11F

03/03 20:46, , 12F
3月放榜 該決定往那走了
03/03 20:46, 12F

03/03 20:50, , 13F
謝謝分享 ^_^
03/03 20:50, 13F

03/03 22:13, , 14F
03/03 22:13, 14F

03/03 22:32, , 15F
03/03 22:32, 15F

03/03 22:32, , 16F
03/03 22:32, 16F

03/03 22:51, , 17F
03/03 22:51, 17F

03/03 23:07, , 18F
謝謝F大 好準 上司很強勢 所幸我工作運還是很強 不怕!
03/03 23:07, 18F

03/03 23:32, , 19F
媽阿工作真的是忙翻!! 可我怎麼覺得每個月都被工作榨乾..
03/03 23:32, 19F

03/03 23:52, , 20F
03/03 23:52, 20F

03/04 00:54, , 21F
或該說,你也別無選擇了。 真的沒有選擇了阿阿阿阿!!!!
03/04 00:54, 21F

03/04 01:28, , 22F
超準!! 不停被壓榨啊~~
03/04 01:28, 22F

03/04 03:20, , 23F
03/04 03:20, 23F

03/04 03:41, , 24F
03/04 03:41, 24F

03/04 11:53, , 25F
03/04 11:53, 25F

03/04 14:27, , 26F
03/04 14:27, 26F

03/05 21:07, , 27F
03/05 21:07, 27F

03/05 21:33, , 28F
感謝F大~~工作運我只能準..忙翻而且一直做不完= =
03/05 21:33, 28F

03/05 21:35, , 29F
03/05 21:35, 29F

03/05 21:39, , 30F
03/05 21:39, 30F

03/05 22:50, , 31F
03/05 22:50, 31F

03/05 23:19, , 32F
期待四月:( 謝謝!
03/05 23:19, 32F

03/05 23:43, , 33F
03/05 23:43, 33F

03/06 23:30, , 34F
工作運很準! 有被榨乾&別無選擇的無奈><
03/06 23:30, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #1FKUVvSc (Aries)