[情報] 貝拉運勢 9/14~9/20

看板Aries作者 (散漫葉)時間12年前 (2011/09/14 23:49), 編輯推噓17(1704)
留言21則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
  是時候作「最後努力」了--盛大的閉幕表演(關於個人、事業或交際等)。 What do I mean by this? Well it’s about time to make a farewell action before you withdraw from something. You do need to leave, bring to fruition and/or complete or end something….and sooner rather than later. It might be that you conclude a big business related deal or project (highly likely with Pluto in your 10th) or it might be some other kind of termination. You are feeling hyper - there’s no doubt about that - so expect more arguments, passion, increased physicality and ambition. You want to live life and are adopting the mindset of “it’s better to live one day (one week…) as a Lion than a lifetime as a mouse”.   我這麼說是什麼意思呢?意思就是,現在在你從某件事脫身之前,可以完完全全 作個了結。你真的得離開,必須實現(或)完成、終結一件事…而且事不宜遲。可能 是你在一件可觀的商業交易或企劃達成協議(很有可能,因為冥王星在第十宮),或 是別方面的事有了結果。你正亢奮-毫無疑問-因此要預期會有更多爭論、激情、愈 來愈高漲的物慾與野心。你想要享受生活,並採用這種心態:「當個一天(或一週) 的獅子,好過當一輩子的病貓」 (這邊病貓原文是老鼠,不曉得是不是採自伊索寓言的故事) Therefore you’re also focusing on how you come across to others, what you say and how you say it, and you more than any other sign have learnt how language is an instrument of power. It can be either an instrument of domination or liberation. What you can (or can’t say) is limiting your world and your very survival. You need love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun but from the words of the Father of Evolution “it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”. That fact never changes.   所以,重點同時也在於你給別人什麼形象、想表達的事、又該如何表達,尚且你 又比其它星座更早學到語言是一項多麼重要的手段,它可以用來支配,亦可用來解放。   你可以說的(或不能說的)正在限制你的世界以及你最後的籌碼。你需要愛、歸 屬、力量、自由以及樂趣。但達爾文曾說過:「最後存活下來的物種,不是最強的, 也不是最聰明的,而是最能適應改變的。」   這個真理一直都沒有變過。 --- 有種完全被說中的感覺 我昨天真的就是作了一項最後努力、了結一件事, 而且真的就是用文字寫下來交給對方。 我的天哪哪哪哪 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/14 23:57, , 1F
我也遇到了一件事情 也是要做最後一次努力 做一個了結
09/14 23:57, 1F

09/14 23:58, , 2F
09/14 23:58, 2F

09/15 00:06, , 3F
09/15 00:06, 3F

09/15 00:07, , 4F
09/15 00:07, 4F

09/15 00:07, , 5F
09/15 00:07, 5F

09/15 00:16, , 6F
推 雖然跟工作無關 但要成為勝者或敗者 就看這幾天了
09/15 00:16, 6F

09/15 00:26, , 7F
09/15 00:26, 7F

09/15 00:32, , 8F
09/15 00:32, 8F

09/15 00:39, , 9F
09/15 00:39, 9F

09/15 00:50, , 10F
糟糕我需要翻譯米糕= ="(看無)
09/15 00:50, 10F

09/15 01:06, , 11F
09/15 01:06, 11F

09/15 01:16, , 12F
09/15 01:16, 12F

09/15 01:33, , 13F
我沒慧根 我也看不懂 (歪頭)
09/15 01:33, 13F

09/15 01:52, , 14F
與其說看不懂 不如說無法把這些跟我的生活連結
09/15 01:52, 14F

09/15 01:53, , 15F
09/15 01:53, 15F

09/15 09:43, , 16F
09/15 09:43, 16F

09/15 09:50, , 17F
F大辛苦了!! 總有些被命中的FU啊!!!!!!
09/15 09:50, 17F

09/15 21:14, , 18F
09/15 21:14, 18F

09/15 23:18, , 19F
09/15 23:18, 19F

09/16 20:43, , 20F
09/16 20:43, 20F

09/17 19:51, , 21F
09/17 19:51, 21F
文章代碼(AID): #1ESCqdnm (Aries)