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看板Aries作者 (注音很慢的打字機)時間13年前 (2010/12/24 21:13), 編輯推噓11(1102)
留言13則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://my.horoscope.com/astrology/tomorrow-horoscope-aries.html You may feel a bit sluggish today, Aries. Your warrior spirit would rather stay home on the couch than get up and fight. This is fine. You may simply need a break from your quest for world domination. Remember that a good leader also takes the time to sit back and reflect on recent events in order to make better plans for the future. 羊兒,你今天大概會覺得有點懶洋洋的,你的鬥志似乎打算待在家裡,躺在沙發上看電視 ,不想跟你出來瞎攪和,其實這也沒什麼大不了的,統治世界的路途還很遙遠,偶爾也該 休息一下。記得,一個好的領導者總是會花些時間靜靜沉思,思索最近發生的事情,以便 擬出更好的計畫,朝未來邁進。 http://shine.yahoo.com/astrology/aries/daily-overview/20101225/ Quickie A detailed infrastructure or diagram may cause you conflict today. Ask for help. Overview Try not to be overly critical of anyone today -- folks are too sensitive, and they are almost certainly hearing negative things from too many others as it is. Earn yourself some good karma while you're at it! 快報 一份鉅細靡遺的基礎文件或圖表可能會讓你看到快抓狂,快點討救兵吧!(公司財報?) 概述 試著不要對別人的事高談闊論、挑三撿四-他們或許有著一顆敏感易碎的心,而且已經有 太多人針對他們的事發表負面評價,你不需要讓自己成為那最後一根稻草,非禮勿言,多 留點口德吧! http://theastrologyroom.com/daily-horoscopes/ Merry Christmas Aries! Make this the day that you show yourself you have the confidence to ask for what and who you truly and really want in your life. You know it's time to. 廣大的鄉民羊群,聖誕快樂!在這個特別的一天,總是要做點特別的事,快點展現你自我 感覺良好的自信,去追求你人生中的終極目標,不管那個目標是事物還是人,豁出去的時 候到了。 ============================================================================== 祝大家聖誕快樂 (不會有人要衝告白了吧?願有情人終成眷屬) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/24 21:18, , 1F
12/24 21:18, 1F

12/24 21:44, , 2F
12/24 21:44, 2F

12/25 00:10, , 3F
12/25 00:10, 3F

12/25 00:13, , 4F
12/25 00:13, 4F

12/25 00:25, , 5F
12/25 00:25, 5F

12/25 00:37, , 6F
12/25 00:37, 6F

12/25 01:53, , 7F
推 還沒看就簡訊衝了 0.0
12/25 01:53, 7F

12/25 02:03, , 8F
明年的今天應該是 有情人終成父母 (?)
12/25 02:03, 8F

12/25 11:48, , 9F
12/25 11:48, 9F

12/25 13:58, , 10F
推 今天真的不太想出門
12/25 13:58, 10F

12/25 15:15, , 11F
12/25 15:15, 11F

12/25 16:57, , 12F
很懶不想出門+1 今天網路上突然冒出一份難搞的作業= =
12/25 16:57, 12F

12/25 17:13, , 13F
網路上冒出難搞作業+1 = =
12/25 17:13, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1D59oIaY (Aries)