Are La Volpe's Days Numbered At Boca?

看板Argentina作者 (坎比亞索的鬥志)時間17年前 (2006/10/13 11:27), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串1/1 Objects Are Closer Than They Appear In the case of embattled Boca coach Ricardo La Volpe, his days seem numbered only four weeks into his new job. La Volpe在博卡的日子貌似在倒數了 The look in his face during the River Plate match said it all. For many Xeneize fans, there was a feeling of eventuality. The match would eventually end. It was a feeling of impotence. The coach's alleged superstitions and mystical elements might not be able to counter one statistics that has hung over the boys from La Boca since the inception of the short tournaments. Boca has never won a domestic title under this format when they lose to River Plate. Is there doom and gloom in Xeneizeland after Sunday, you bet there is; and there are no amount of rabbit's feet, four-leaf clovers, or incense that might reverse that hex. Does he have qualities to be a top coach? Yes. But his fatal flaws, his tactical stubbornness and hubris, overshadow them all. 對來自熱那亞的球迷來說,比賽最終還是結束了 他們有種不舉的感覺 過去,只要輸給河床,博卡就無法贏得冠軍,所以熱那亞的球迷在這 禮拜天的超級經典賽後,想必一定是感到沮喪且失敗。 這樣的噩運不是隨便三腳貓就可以扭轉的,La Volpe是否夠格當一個 頂尖的教練? 可以的,但他有致命的缺點 他的戰術太死板倔強而且他太傲 Boca fans told him from Day One, 「La Volpe, you're not in Mexico anymore. So don't make stuff up.」 That was a sign of foreshadowing, but the problem with him now is that he cannot click his heels and go back to his 「adopted」 land. When he arrived there a quarter of a century ago, he hung is hat on being a World Cup winner, although he was Argentina』s third-string goalkeeper. He would not have even been on that team had Hugo Gatti not excluded himself from the squad, La Volpe would not have even been on the roster. Boca的球迷從他接任第一天開始就告訴他,"你已不在墨西哥了, 別想應付了事" 但問題是,現在的他根本像還沒回到阿根廷一樣,後腳跟還留在墨西哥 他25年前就到墨西哥,那時候他是來自世界盃冠軍的國度,雖然他在那邊 只是一個三流的門將,並不在國家隊的計畫中。甚至連替補備選也不是 In the Aztec football circles, he is considered persona non grata after his tumultuous relationship with the media and certain players during his tenure as national team coach. His arrogance and improper treatment of players burned several bridges there and that option might no longer be a viable one; although there were some good things that he did for the Tri. 在墨西哥,他就是因為和媒體及某些球員不合而被視為難搞的角色! 自負和不合適的帶隊方式也曾使得他的處境變的艱困孤立 雖然他也做了不少好的貢獻~ His mistakes in Mexico were the same ones that he has made in Argentina, with the exception of one. In Mexico he did not befriend idol Hugo Sa'nchez. When he arrived in Argentina, his first line of business was to bring Diego Maradona on his side. That was intelligent as you would not want to have 「 El Diego」 as a bitter rival; because he isn't Hugo Sa'nchez I can tell you that. 他在阿根廷犯了和在墨西哥一樣的錯誤,除了一點,他一回到阿根廷就去拉攏老馬 這是聰明事,沒人想跟'迭戈'為敵,他不像Hugo Sanchez,他是個狠腳色 Yesterday, he had a meeting with the players and asked them what the problem was. The players responded saying that they would prefer to go back to playing with four defenders as well as man-to-man marking in set pieces. La Volpe, in his typical overbearing demeanor, shot down all of their suggestions. There are certain tensions, and they will start to make their presence if this ship is not righted quickly. 昨日,有個檢討大會,球員們想踢回四後衛且man-to-man marking in set pieces 要$&*^*%#, 不可%*$&*&&^%$ 以前Basile都$%*&^... 可是La Volpe反駁了全部的建議,以他一貫高傲的行事風格..... 場面有點緊張,但如果情況不能被及時修正,球員不可能一直默不出聲 If this is not the ultimate act of egomania, than I do not know what is. Boca was a squad that played the game virtually by muscle memory. Basile's formula was so engrained and successful in their application of it, that there was no need to change concepts. Implementation of playing the ball out from the back, seems uncomfortable as mistakes have been made that are unlike any professional squad around. Boca is also used to playing with four defenders in the back. By implementing a line of three in the back and no creator in the midfield, a function that Guillermo Marino impressed with, forcing Fernando Gago to be more on the attacking end. This gives Gago even more field to cover for the entire 90 minutes. When Gago went on the attack, Daniel Di'az and the rest of the defense were left exposed to players like Fernando Belluschi and Gonzalo Higuai'n. In River's last two goals Fernando Gago was behind the play. 如果這還不符合自大狂的diagnostic criteria,那我想該換本精神科的診斷參考書了 Boca踢的是'肌肉足球',Basile的帶隊方式已經根深蒂固,且運用得宜,Boca習慣於 踢四後衛,現在常常後面留三個人,前面又沒一個creator(少了Marino),Gago得更 插上,導致光頭Diaz得直接面對伊谷和貝魯斯齊的衝擊,後來river的兩個進球都是 Gago的回追不及 But the worst adjustment that the Boca starters had to make was switching to a zone marking in set pieces. Alfio Basile preferred a man-to man mark, which is what Boca was accustomed to. In a matter of weeks, it seemed as if they completely forgot how to defend players off free kicks. Out of the five goals that have been scored on them in the past two weeks, three were off set pieces. Are the alarms sounding yet? 最難適應的定位球的事先防守站位(?),Coco喜歡man to man mark,但在這幾週 Boca的球員好像完全忘了怎麼防守自由球,過去兩週失的五球當中,有三球是因為 定位球,這還不是警訊嗎 Don't be surprised that La Volpe had something to do with the club's decision to not postpone their match against Nacional tomorrow. For him, this game is vital as he is in extreme damage control, right now any win will be good to subside the hurt Sunday's loss. They (actually, he) needs this match more than any Boca supporter does. But watch out, because if this backfires and Boca are eliminated, Miguel A'ngel Russo could appear quickly on Pedro Pompilio's Rolodex. 更別驚訝La Volpe和俱樂部決定不延期明天要對Nacional比賽的決定有關係, 這場很關鍵,他需要一場勝利才平息超級經典賽的失落,如果Boca被滅了Russo 先生將很快出現在Pompilio's Rolodex (???) A coach's job security is measured by the satisfaction of team idol. Today's edition of El Clari'n comes out with an article asking Guillermo Barros Schelotto about how he feels as a substitute coming off the bench. 「There is a limit to everything,」 he responded. This must insinuate the fact that 「 El Melli」 might leave at the end of the season. Barros Schelotto had been the club talisman in recent Supercla'sicos as he had scored Boca's last three goals against River, saving their hides on both occasions. La Volpe resisted bringing him in because he thought that the match called for 「a younger player」; only to turn around and bring in Marcelo Delgado. 有報紙問Schelotto先生他在連板凳席都沒得坐,謝先生說:'什麼事都被限制住了' 這有點暗諷 El Melli在球季末可能會離職,謝先生是球隊的最終必殺,最近超級經典的 三個進球都是他進的(上一個其實是他創造點球,馬丁罰進),La Volpe覺得這場比賽 應該是年輕人的對決,所以不想讓他進大名單,可是他卻帶了老德爾加多,還讓他 替補了馬丁出場。 Well if I were a gambling man, I would put my money on La Volpe not being around if he does not add some silverware to the trophy case at Casa Amarilla. I can tell you this, because at Boca or River (just like any other club) an idol on the bench is more valuable than a coach who doesn't bring in trophies. 如果我是賭徒,我會賭La Volpe掰掰了...如果他不能在Casa Amarilla獲得漂亮勝利 因為 在Boca or River,板凳上的必殺大決 比一個不能帶來勝利的教練更有價值! I start the over-under at one month. Juan Arango -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: driftwood 來自: (10/13 15:31) ※ 編輯: driftwood 來自: (10/13 15:35) ※ 編輯: driftwood 來自: (10/13 15:41)
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