[哈啦] 建築系沒教的101件事

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原文出處: http://0rz.tw/sMoKi (ARCHDAILY) 中文試譯: The Indicator: 101 Things I Didn’t Learn in Architecture School03Dec 2010By Guy Horton — Filed under: Featured ,Misc , The Indicator This article is co-authored by Sherin Wing 1] Even if your boss is your friend he may have to axe you to save his business. 再要好的老闆都會裁員 2] Read the book, On Bullshit, by Harry G. Frankfurt. Carry it with you. It’ s pocket-sized. 隨身攜帶"論廢話"這本小冊 3] Do not drink at work and especially do not get toasted around your colleagues under any circumstances. 工作時禁止喝酒,任何情況都禁止被敬酒 4] No matter how highly you may think of yourself you may still be a minion in the eyes of others who hold more power than you. 無論多麼自負,都會有人當你是奴才 5] Once you leave architecture school not everybody cares about architecture or wants to talk about it. 只有在建築學校裡,人們才談建築 6] All eating habits and diets acquired during school should be jettisoned. 在校養成的飲食習慣要緊急拋棄掉 7] The hygiene habits you kept in architecture school are inappropriate for real life; bathe regularly and change your underwear. 在校養成的衛生習慣不適用真實生活,請洗澡與更換內衣褲 8] The rush and exhilaration you experience in studio may be inversely proportional to how much you will enjoy working for a firm. 工作室裡的充實和快樂與業界裡的成反比 9] It’s architecture, not medicine. You can take a break and no one will die. 這是建築,不是開刀;休息一下,沒有人會死 10] Significant others are more important than architecture; they are the ones who will pull you through in the end. See 49. 重要的人比建築重要,他們會在最後拉你一把 Keep reading after the break. 11] Being smart and having advanced degrees can make you a better designer. 聰明點,有個高學歷會讓你成為更好的設計師 12] The industry underpays. Push for what you are worth. 盡力爭取你真正值得的薪資 13] Mind your internet traffic at work unless you are certain your office does not have someone monitoring. Of course you should be working every minute, so this goes without saying. 工作時別亂上網,除非很確定沒有人監視 14] Go home to your family. 記得回家 15] Call your loved one’s frequently. 經常打給你愛的人 16] If you are working overtime, the firm buys dinner.* *Contingent on office policies, of course. 事務所傳統:加班會供應晚餐 17] Don’t keep a mayline screwed to your desk. They are not cool and they date you. The same goes for colored pencils. 桌上不要常駐以下物品:游標尺及彩色鉛筆,免得你跟它們約會 18] Get the biggest monitor you can. 加大你的螢幕 19] Do not, however, ask for two monitors. Even though it makes you look like a bad-ass you will be expected to do twice the amount of work. 申請第2台螢幕除了讓你變成渾蛋,還會增加第2份工作 20] Make sure team roles are clearly defined. 先確定團隊的角色已清楚定義了 21] Know what your role is. 先確定你自己的角色是啥 22] Be careful with emails. If in doubt, don’t send. 謹慎使用e-mail,不要亂寄 23] At times respect and civility seem to be scarce commodities in architecture. 有時候,禮貌跟尊敬是一種稀有商品 24] Be cautious of “opportunities” that do not pay. 當心那些賺不到錢的商機 25] Sometimes the most critical person on your jury might actually be right. 有時候,最兇的評審才是對的 26] Understand how your office is run as a business and how they go after projects. 先了解你的公司忙時與閒時怎麼營運 27] It is best to keep your outside activities quiet. 對私生活的最佳政策是低調 28] Your boss reads your blog. 你老闆會讀你的網誌 29] Pyromania, car soccer, and other antics you made up to amuse yourself at 3 am are not actually normal. See 49. 放把火,開汽車踢足球,還有其他半夜3點自娛的把戲真的不正常 30] There are no architectural emergencies that should make you completely give up your life on the outside. That may have been the ethos in studio, but don’t carry it into the office. 這是建築,不是危機;不要把學校那一套帶進公司來 31] Be suspicious if your firm expects you to work long hours of overtime for no compensation. Be doubly suspicious if they justify it by saying things like, “It’s just part of the learning curve” or “We had to go through this, too.” 不要相信加班沒有加班費的說法,更不要相信公司為此作的解釋 32] If a police officer pulls you over on the freeway for doing 90 mph on a Sunday morning while heading into the office, it’s time to re-evaluate your priorities. 假日早上為殺去公司而被條子開超速罰單時請重新思考到底什麼才重要 33] Know who the decision-makers are. 先了解誰是最後作決定的人 34] Don’t dress like an intern. See 72. 不要穿成像實習生 35] Read Dana Cuff’s Architecture: The Story of Practice. 請讀這本書"The Story of Practice" 36] Expect to be regarded with suspicion if your undergraduate degree is not in architecture. 非建築系的出身是一定會被質疑的 37] Don’t be seduced by mere appearances. 不要被外型騙了 38] If your firm is outsourcing work to save money, be concerned. 請當心如果公司正在搞外包 39] Architecture firms can have multiple glass ceilings. Be aware of them all. 建築事務所可以有玻璃天花板,但請小心 40] If a principal of a firm sees making coffee or moving boxes as beneath him/her, consider looking for another office. 如果老闆鄙視倒茶水或打雜的,請考慮換公司 41] If a principal doesn’t say good morning when you say good morning to him/her, consider looking for another office. 如果老闆漠視你的早安,請考慮換公司 42] When firms advertise themselves as think tanks or research labs, ask them specifically what it is that they do. And most importantly, make sure they pay. Well. 公司以智囊團或實驗室自稱時,確定一下他們實際上在做什麼, 更重要的是,確定他們付你薪水 43] If you are invited to be on a jury, don’t trash the student just to make yourself look good or to contradict a rival on the jury. Be constructive and try to help the student. This is the point. 如果你受邀去評圖,不要只是電學生或跟其他評審吵架,作點有建設性的事 44] Subvert the signature of the software, unless you consciously want the architecture to convey this signature. 把軟體的特徵消掉,除非你要用建築來表達這個特徵 45] Architects are in a service industry. They provide services to clients. 建築師是服務業人員 46] In proportion to their pay, architects require the most education, most training, and the most exams to become licensed professionals. 建築師需要的教育,訓練,考試與待遇成正比 47] Don’t be a Typhoid Mary. When sick, stay home. 生病請待在家裡,不要來傳染給別人 48] Embrace the business-side of architecture. 請接受建築汲汲營利的一面 49] If you are an architect you should automatically qualify for psychotherapy and medication. 如果你是建築師,你自動有資格接受精神治療 50] Most architects believe they were destined to become architects because of their early childhood experiences. They showed signs of architectural greatness at a very young age. This is a myth that reinforces an unhealthy hero complex. See 49. 大多數建築師自小就自負成為建築師,他們從小就展露了在建築上的成就 這種神話強化了這種不健康的英雄情結 51] Architecture in the academy is completely removed from the profession. Likewise, the values within the academy are radically different from the values within a firm. 學界跟業界,是完全不同的兩個世界 52] Be cautious about applying theory to space. 把理論化成空間時,請小心 53] Do not take design strategies or operations learned in studio too seriously. 不要把學校裡那一套看得太認真 54] Know the difference between architectural celebrity and actual worth. 先了解建築大師跟實際價值的差別 55] Read books with words, not just pictures. 看書不要只看圖 56] All firms are different. Shop. 每間公司都不同,多比較 57] To save time, assume your wife is right. 為了省時間,請假裝你太太是對的 58] Do not date an architect unless you are certain he/she is able to maintain a healthy life outside of architecture. See 49. 請勿跟建築師約會,除非你確定將來會有個健康的下班生活 59] Architects should not intermarry. Inbreeding is not good for the gene pool. See 49. 近親結婚對建築的基因繁殖是壞事 60] If you are married when you go to architecture school, studio ends at 7:00. 如果你唸建築時已婚,那下課時間是七點 61] Do not buy into the fashion of the moment and simply dismiss certain architects without examining them for yourself. 不要只追隨潮流而忽略了可能對你有啓發的建築師 62] Architects who do not build things also have important things to say and should be listened to. 不蓋房子的建築師也會有值得一聽的話 63] If your studio instructor is a recent graduate, be alarmed. 請當心如果你老師是剛畢業的菜鳥 64] Do not obsess about sustainability to the exclusion of other factors. 不要被綠建築迷住而忽略其他因素 65] Renderings done in China are so last year. 中國作的渲染都過時了* 66] If you start a think tank make sure you have some thoughts to put in it. 如果你創了個智囊團,確定你有些想法 67] Read Rem Koolhaas, but do not obsess and fantasize about being him. Delirious New York is still relevant. 讀讀庫哈斯吧,但不要太入迷,"癲狂的紐約"這書仍意義重大 68] Archi-babble does not make you sound cool. 建築腔聽起來並不酷 69] Keep in touch with everyone you know, especially if they aren’t in architecture. 請與所有人保持聯絡,特別是非建築人 70] In fact, make friends who are not architects. 事實上,跟非建築師交朋友比較好 71] Do not wear the same shoes every day, They will start to smell. 不要每天穿一樣的鞋,會臭 72] Make sure your jeans are up-to-date. No acid-wash. No baggy. 穿最新的牛仔褲來 73] The economically distressed urban zones you can afford while in school are not gentrified just because you and your friends have moved in. 經濟蕭條的地區並不會因你的搬入而被重建 74] If you must read Italo Calvino, read more than just Invisible Cities. 如果你必須讀卡爾維諾,不要只是讀"看不見的城市" 75] Expect a period of post-traumatic stress disorder after you graduate. Do not make any important decisions during this time. 畢業後會有一段日子像得了創傷後症候群,那陣子不要作什麼重大決定 76] Don’t get a dog just because you are lonely. 不要因為寂寞而養狗 77] Architecture is fueled by fetishes—rectilinear designer eyewear, for instance. 建築因物質上的迷戀而被重新補充燃料,例如看見了直線型的眼鏡 78] When trying to decide if a theory book is good, check the bibliography first. 參考書目決定了一本理論書的好壞 79] Listen to your elders. They are wise. 聽聽長輩的話,他們比較有智慧 80] FAIA can mean different things to different people. 每個人對FAIA這縮寫的解讀都不同 註:可以指美國建築師協會會員 81] If you already have a B.Arch, consider further education in a different field. Your M.Arch. can’t make a real contribution to the field if you’re just showing off software skills. 建築系畢業的人請考慮唸別科碩士,建築所的酷炫軟體能力並不能造成實質貢獻 82] Always back up your hard drive. 永遠備份你的硬碟 83] Embrace social media, but don’t be its bitch. Only tweet/post when you have something important to say. 請接受社會媒體,但不要淪為其打手;只發表重要的話 84] Architecture firms should consider forming economic alliances similar to OPEC. 建築事務所應該結盟成像OPEC一樣的組織 85] Even if you don’t like the look of someone’s architecture they may have something valuable to teach you. 你不喜歡的建築仍有可學習之處 86] Great architecture, like great art, tends to arise from deep psychological issues. See 49. 偉大的建築像偉大的藝術,傾向於從深層的精神議題裡浮現 87] The eighties and postmodernism were not all bad. 80年代和後現代主義其實沒那麼糟 88] Being avant-garde is a choice that should be evaluated. 當前衛派是個值得被評估的的選擇 89] Architect’s web pages are often out of control and take too long to load. 建築師的網站常失控且讀取緩慢 90] In one’s life there are a finite number of all-nighters one can pull. You probably used them all up in school. 一個人一生的通宵次數有限,你在校時都用光了吧 91] Understand the contexts from which modernism arose. 請了解現代主義興起的原因 92] When the economy is good architects can rely on experience to run firms, but when the economy is bad they need advanced business skills they may not possess. 景氣好的時候,建築師靠經驗經營事務所,景氣差的時候,他們需要的是更好的商業策略 93] Architecture is dependent on boom and bust cycles. 建築依賴於經濟繁榮與蕭條的周期 94] Good design is not necessarily the most important factor in running a successful architecture firm. 好的設計不是成功的事務所的最重要關鍵 95] Branding is important. 品牌很重要 96] In a corporate firm, those at the top are not necessarily the best but they may have been there the longest. 公司裡那些上位者不一定是最強的,但他們可能是在那個位置待最久的 97] Being good at software does not make you a good architect. 軟體能力很強不代表你是好建築師 98] Architecture is cliquish. 建築是有派系的 99] Many architects do not live in houses designed by themselves or other architects. 很多建築師不住在自己或其他建築師設計的房子裡 100] Architecture office parking lots communicate success. There should be at least a couple high-end luxury cars. If there are a lot of beaters, be wary. If all cars are beaters, don’t go in. 成功的建築事務所的停車場會有幾部名車,如果機車很多,請當心,如果全是機車,不要應徵 101] Be concerned when you are too idle at work. 請當心如果工作時太無所事事 -- *65這一條小弟真的看不懂 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: GP03D 來自: (12/16 14:33)

12/16 14:33, , 1F
12/16 14:33, 1F

12/16 14:42, , 2F
很有感觸 XD 推~
12/16 14:42, 2F

12/16 14:53, , 3F
12/16 14:53, 3F

12/17 02:50, , 4F
12/17 02:50, 4F

12/17 12:14, , 5F
對岸做的render太過真實了 反而給人一種俗艷的感覺
12/17 12:14, 5F

12/17 18:32, , 6F
12/17 18:32, 6F

12/18 00:41, , 7F
匠氣 +1
12/18 00:41, 7F

12/18 17:43, , 8F
整個就是制式的感覺 沒有生氣
12/18 17:43, 8F

12/18 18:59, , 9F
樓上贏得田尾花園公路景觀橋 首獎!! 高手
12/18 18:59, 9F

12/20 00:11, , 10F
12/20 00:11, 10F

12/27 18:19, , 11F
12/27 18:19, 11F

01/04 16:32, , 12F
推 順便77應該是指方型眼鏡?
01/04 16:32, 12F

01/07 15:12, , 13F
確實~ 不該再作夢了
01/07 15:12, 13F

01/12 00:37, , 14F
01/12 00:37, 14F
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