[情報] 瓶兒每週運勢 07/17 ~ 07/23

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間6年前 (2017/07/18 00:29), 編輯推噓29(2904)
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https://goo.gl/dzHhwc Astrology.com Well, you're out of money. That's your first thought once the weekend winds down and you begin thinking about the rest of the week. That's okay. Everyone else is out of money, too. (Well, not everyone. If you need to borrow some, don't feel bad about asking.) Wednesday and Thursday are brilliant illustrations of all that life has to offer that isn't related to money whatsoever. You feel freer than you have in a while. Paradoxically, you feel more connected to others. Friday and Saturday find you bogged down for various reasons, but on Sunday you have an attitude for success. 偉鵝,你的荷包光了…隨著週末的結束,這可能會是你腦中的第一個念頭, 然後你開始想著接下來這一週到底應該怎麼過才好。 不過其實啊,大家好像也都快沒錢了 (呃,其實也不是全部啦,如果你真的需要幫忙的話,開口借還是有機會的)。 但是星期三、星期四這兩天將會有很好的示範出現, 讓你知道除了錢財以外,生活還是有許多很值得去注意的事務呢! 這樣的想法讓你從最近的束縛之中稍稍解脫,而且你還反而因此更與其他人有連結感了。 週五週六一切似乎沒來由的就停滯下來,但是還好星期日你就又有向成功邁進的動力嘍! https://goo.gl/JrRzKh Astrocenter.com Go easy with your money at the week’s start, as something that seems worth purchasing could turn out to be a disappointment. Save your cash for something that’s worth your while. Tuesday could also be a day of indulgence, but your chart suggests that this could be good for you. You’ll be ready to knuckle down and get some work done on Wednesday. From here, a shift occurs and the emphasis moves to your sector of relating, encouraging a lot more interaction. 本週開始的那幾天要小心荷包喲,有些當下覺得很想買的東西, 可能買回去之後會覺得大大失望…所以請把錢留下來買其他更值得的物品吧。 星期二也是一個比較放縱的日子,不過目前這件事其實對你是有幫助的, 因為星期三你就會整個人充飽電、有動力去完成眼前的任務了。 而且從那個時候開始,瓶兒們將會開始進入一個很強調社交、人際關係的階段, 準備好開始與人有更多的互動與交流吧。 https://goo.gl/iZxQEg Claire's I can see from your stars that the beginning of this month saw you losing an awful lot of respect for yourself. You’ll be pleased to hear that from Monday you see clearly how you can build it back up. In fact, with the positive frame of mind you’ll be in you begin to set up a bolder and better life for yourself. Ring now to hear why it’s teamwork not solo work that can close a deal this July. 七月剛開始那時候,瓶兒們似乎因為某些事而失去了許多人的尊重; 星期一你將會很開心的發現重建這一切的方法。 而且,因為開始有了這樣的正向心態, 你也會逐漸做出一些比較大膽、對自己生活更好的行動。 -- 竟然兩則都一直提到錢!看來真的要小心荷包… -- 職場溝通力很重要喲 https://goo.gl/zpTxLu -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1500308986.A.8DC.html

07/18 00:30, , 1F
07/18 00:30, 1F

07/18 00:34, , 2F
07/18 00:34, 2F

07/18 00:53, , 3F
07/18 00:53, 3F

07/18 00:59, , 4F
謝謝翻譯 偉鵝XD
07/18 00:59, 4F

07/18 01:05, , 5F
07/18 01:05, 5F

07/18 01:41, , 6F
07/18 01:41, 6F

07/18 02:05, , 7F
07/18 02:05, 7F

07/18 02:45, , 8F
07/18 02:45, 8F

07/18 03:39, , 9F
07/18 03:39, 9F

07/18 04:24, , 10F
07/18 04:24, 10F

07/18 05:48, , 11F
07/18 05:48, 11F

07/18 06:15, , 12F
07/18 06:15, 12F

07/18 06:48, , 13F
07/18 06:48, 13F

07/18 08:15, , 14F
07/18 08:15, 14F

07/18 08:15, , 15F
07/18 08:15, 15F

07/18 08:27, , 16F
07/18 08:27, 16F

07/18 09:33, , 17F
07/18 09:33, 17F

07/18 09:54, , 18F
07/18 09:54, 18F

07/18 09:56, , 19F
完全沒在擔心花大錢,因為根本沒錢可花QQ (看一眼扁到
07/18 09:56, 19F

07/18 09:56, , 20F
07/18 09:56, 20F

07/18 09:57, , 21F
推偉鵝 不過錢包君說他已經瘦了
07/18 09:57, 21F

07/18 11:38, , 22F
07/18 11:38, 22F

07/18 11:56, , 23F
07/18 11:56, 23F

07/18 12:35, , 24F
07/18 12:35, 24F

07/18 15:37, , 25F
07/18 15:37, 25F

07/18 15:55, , 26F
07/18 15:55, 26F

07/18 16:36, , 27F
偉鵝 要搬家說 希望不要出車禍
07/18 16:36, 27F

07/18 18:16, , 28F
07/18 18:16, 28F

07/18 19:25, , 29F
07/18 19:25, 29F

07/18 20:32, , 30F
偉鵝結果這週想花錢卻遇到各種公休 成功阻擋一切
07/18 20:32, 30F

07/19 18:43, , 31F
偉鵝 為了攝影課又噴了不少 Q.Q
07/19 18:43, 31F

07/19 21:55, , 32F
07/19 21:55, 32F

07/20 20:49, , 33F
07/20 20:49, 33F
文章代碼(AID): #1PRENwZS (Aquarius)