[情報] 瓶兒5月運勢

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/05/02 15:31), 編輯推噓11(1102)
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https://goo.gl/N07etQ Astrology.com May 1st and 2nd aren't days free of trouble, but you have the skills it takes to get you though most crises unscathed. Rely on your uncanny ability to focus on the logical side of things when all else fails. Your open mind opens even wider on the 7th, 8th, and 9th, so you can have some amazing experiences that other people can only dream of. You aren't about setting limits or putting labels on things. Leave that restricted viewpoint to the humdrum masses. You find both comfort and inspiration in groups on the 12th, 13th, and 14th, and your worst option would be working on something solo. You like to be part of the scene and contributing to global consciousness more than fading into the background. The 17th, 18th, and 19th are wonderfully productive days, and it's surprising to find that something you thought was doomed is actually working out. Pleasant and unplanned progression is just a side effect of the fabulous work you're doing. Pursue a romantic spark that ignites on May 26th and 27th. It could develop into a roaring fire if you gather enough kindling to feed it. 月初的前兩天其實不是無事平靜的日子,但是你就是有這個能力毫髮無傷的渡過危機, 這一切都是仰賴於瓶兒們的天生神力,能夠在任何情況下都專注於邏輯思考來解題。 7號至9號這幾天,你開放的心胸又比平時更加打開, 所以有機會可以體驗那些別人都只能想像的經歷。 你不喜歡被限制、或者是把事務先貼上標籤,你認為這是做乏味之事才要有的心態。 而12日到14日之間,你會感覺自己在團隊之間更舒適自在、且充滿啟發性, 這時最壞的選擇就是自己一個人埋頭苦幹; 因為你想要參與其中、感覺自己對一切有付出貢獻感,而不是在背景被忽略淡化掉。 17、18、19日這幾天的效率特好,你會發現一些原本以為要掛掉的事原來都有在前進耶! 愉快與意料之外的發展都是你努力投入之後的副作用。 26、27號有機會產生浪漫的火花,請記得要好好把握, 只要你投入夠多的柴火,你就有機會把它轉化成熱情的熊熊大火喲! https://goo.gl/0SP2qz Astrocenter.com The Mercury retrograde ends on May 3 in Aries. You're better organized, better connected, and more ambitious than ever. The May 10 Full Moon empowers your career and public position. You have a strong home base and support from your friends. Judge circumstances wisely, resist getting cocky, and don't hesitate to take on more responsibility or authority. You've got this. The May 25 New Moon encourages fun and creativity. A new artistic interest might catch your eye. It doesn't need to become a lifelong pursuit. Dabble and amuse yourself with friends. A childhood interest may return. Coloring books, anyone? 水星將會在5月3日從牡羊座停止逆行,你將會變得更有條理、更有連結感、且更有野心。 10號的滿月會為你的工作與對外所扮演的角色加持,還有強大的家庭與朋友大力支持著。 不過請用更有智慧的態度批判事務,不要讓自己變得太過趾高氣昂; 如果可以承擔更多的責任與權力,請不要猶豫,就接下它們吧,你可以的! 25號的新月鼓勵你去享樂與提升創造力,你可能會開始對新的藝術事務有興趣, 當然,這不一定是需要長久接觸的,可以淺嚐一下,與朋友之間開心玩玩就好。 也有機會讓你重新想要玩玩兒時的東西,像是畫畫本之類的? https://goo.gl/LFNZQj Claire's Your element of air could see you giving away secrets which are not yours to share. Try to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. What’s clear to me, and will be to you in time to come, is that it’s better to live and let live. Overseas or long distance trips are favoured and bring with them the chance to add more strings to your bow. You’ll be feeling more psychic and you can and should follow these feelings to make the most of life and love. Ring now so we can talk recent new introductions. 空氣中的某種氣息,可能影響著你讓你講出一些不該由你分享的秘密喲。 有些事請盡量後退一步先看看整體狀況再思考,現在在我看來很清楚的事, 有時候卻要等到你的時機到了,你才會突然發現得饒人處且饒人才會好一些。 你或許正在考慮海外或遠距離的旅行,而且這將會增加你的技能,多兩把刷子。 這個月你也許會更重視一些精神上的感受,你可以也應該好好追隨這種感覺, 然後從中好好的把生活與愛的關係都過得更好。 https://goo.gl/Iw6ADG Jane's Your ability to communicate is full of energy, passion, and originality. So if you want to impress others, or get some project moving along, now’s a fortunate moment to get moving. It’s worth digging around in your memory banks too – are there any ideas you’ve had or interests you feel like exploring? Working alongside others brings out your best, and socialising is looking like a very positive thing to do as well. The same energies should boost your love life, particularly if you’re single. Romance pops up unexpectedly when you’re involved with some group activity, local projects, or neighbourhood events. You might even meet somebody special at work. Consider, too, what happened back in 2007-9, for certain things you learned or events you experienced are likely to resurface in your mind, and in your life. A fresh, even eccentric, approach this time around can bring new ways of finding fulfilment from half-forgotten projects or relationships. 本月瓶兒們的溝通力充滿能量、熱情、與創造力,如果你想要讓他人對你印象深刻、 或者是想要推動一些案子,此時正是最佳時期。 這陣子也很適合重新搜尋一下你的記憶,是否有些你曾經有興趣且想要再研究的點子呢? 與團隊一起合作更能引出你的能力,所以此時瓶兒們的社交力很高,很適合多多活動。 如果你單身的話,同樣的,這種動能量也能應用在感情生活上。 愛情的機會會在你最不經意的時候蹦出來,可能是你參與團隊活動時、專心做案子時、 或者是參加社區、鄰居活動時發生,也有可能就是在職場上遇上那特別的某人! 建議你也可以想想2007年9月那時所發生的事,想想那時候你學到或體驗到的事, 同類型的狀況可能會再次浮現在你心中或生活當中。 不過這一次的出現,會是更新鮮、甚至是古怪的形式展現, 讓你從就快忘記的往事之中帶來新的滿足感。 -- 感覺是充滿新能量的一個月份 -- 粗話集 I https://goo.gl/a17Rve -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1493710279.A.1D9.html

05/02 16:16, , 1F
05/02 16:16, 1F

05/02 16:32, , 2F
05/02 16:32, 2F

05/02 16:55, , 3F
05/02 16:55, 3F

05/02 17:38, , 4F
05/02 17:38, 4F

05/02 17:43, , 5F
05/02 17:43, 5F

05/02 17:49, , 6F
四月已經夠慘了 整個人行屍走肉很痛苦 什麼時候能夠回升...
05/02 17:49, 6F

05/02 17:49, , 7F
05/02 17:49, 7F

05/02 17:51, , 8F
05/02 17:51, 8F

05/02 20:13, , 9F
2007年9月 我好像在瘋狂打wow…
05/02 20:13, 9F

05/02 21:38, , 10F
2007年九月我在準備考二技 是叫我要回歸校園了嗎
05/02 21:38, 10F

05/02 23:23, , 11F
05/02 23:23, 11F

05/03 15:44, , 12F
05/03 15:44, 12F

05/05 01:39, , 13F
05/05 01:39, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1P23N77P (Aquarius)