[情報] 瓶兒每週運勢 01/09~01/15

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2017/01/10 11:46), 7年前編輯推噓6(601)
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https://goo.gl/uwnC8L Astrology.com Monday is a museum of amazements. You're well aware of how big and weird the world is, but seldom have you been able to see as much meaning in things as you do at the start of the week. By Wednesday, you're swimming in a swarm of discoveries, each one bright and small and exciting. Thursday is full of learning, but there's nothing academic about Friday. Romantic, creative Friday is all about sparks. On Saturday you get to show off your impressive communication abilities. The skills you need on Sunday are manual: A few things need fixing. 星期一就像是進入驚奇博物館那樣,你深知世界無奇不有, 但很少像這星期開始這般的感受到其中的意義。 星期三也會繼續的沉浸在許多讓人驚喜又興奮的發現之旅; 而週四將會是充滿學習的一日,但星期五就沒有什麼與學習相關的事了, 取而代之的是滿是浪漫、創意的火花。 星期六的瓶兒們可以好好炫耀一下自己的溝通能力, 但週日你所展示的技能會是與手作的東西相關:因為可能有些東西需要你動手維修了。 https://goo.gl/EagB7z Astrocenter.com Your instincts can play a part in helping you make the right decisions. With head and heart potentially clashing at the start of the week, you may feel pulled in two directions. Factor into this a rush of emotion caused by the Full Moon and you may find it almost impossible to know what your next steps should be. If you wait until you feel calmer and more centered, you may be able to hear the voice of your intuition loud and clear. 你的直覺其實能幫助你作出正確的決策。 可是本週初始時,你的心與腦與經歷著一些衝突,讓你感覺自己被拉向兩個不同方向; 這可能是滿月所帶來的情緒影響,讓你幾乎沒有辦法得知下一步應該要怎麼做。 請緩一緩,等自己比較冷靜、能夠專注的時候, 你可能就能聽見自己內心的直覺正大聲的跟你說話呢。 https://goo.gl/BDNIuk Claire's Your element of air is pushing you to reveal secrets which are not actually yours to share. Careful how much you reveal my friend, as you could be opening up Pandora’s box if you are not careful. Know how far is too far to go and try to make a list of what is and should be your priority. Geminis link to a better social life which is slowly evolving. Ring now so I can show you what your destiny holds. 空氣中有股推力說服著你去分享一些不該講出口的秘密, 請小心拿捏尺度,因為你可能因此打開潘朵拉的盒子喲! 可以試著列下你的待辦清單,排好優先順序,才能抓好底限。 雙子座的朋友可以慢慢的帶你進入更好的社交生活。 -- 充滿探索的一週呀。 -- These days 與 soon 怎麼用才正確? https://goo.gl/BcQg31 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1484019961.A.863.html ※ 編輯: Thejust (, 01/10/2017 11:46:36

01/10 12:27, , 1F
01/10 12:27, 1F

01/10 14:05, , 2F
這禮拜真的準啊 ....
01/10 14:05, 2F

01/10 16:30, , 3F
01/10 16:30, 3F

01/10 16:30, , 4F
01/10 16:30, 4F

01/10 17:15, , 5F
01/10 17:15, 5F

01/10 19:06, , 6F
01/10 19:06, 6F

01/11 12:15, , 7F
01/11 12:15, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1OT5ZvXZ (Aquarius)