[情報] 瓶兒每週運勢 11/21~11/27

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間7年前 (2016/11/23 01:59), 編輯推噓7(701)
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https://goo.gl/ebcTMB Astrology.com Every once in a while this happens to you, and it never gets old: a sudden, beautiful, undeniable upsurge in your romantic life. Whether it's a 'hot as the surface of the sun' affair or a Jamesian deepening of your an existing intellectual connection, you will be on cloud nine. Sadly, as you have experienced before, cloud nine is a place you visit, not a place you live. Midweek sees you readjusting to real life. No wonder you're cranky! But the opportunity to flex your creative muscles brings you some satisfaction on Friday, and by Saturday and Sunday, you'll feel grounded. 一種突然的、充滿美好又不可否認的粉紅泡泡衝擊, 總是每過一陣子就會出現在瓶子的愛情生活中。 不論是那種如太陽那般炙熱的感覺、或者是詹姆士.威廉那種智慧連結的興奮感, 整隻瓶兒就是像飛上雲端那樣美好。 可惜的是,你之前也體會過這種感覺,你知道雲端只適合觀光,不適合長住的; 所以本週間你就會慢慢把整個人調適回現實了。 剛從仙境回來,也難怪你會有幾天心情不佳了! 還好接近週末時,你有機會一展長才,而這將會為你帶來極大的滿足感; 這種感受會持續到週末,讓你再度覺得很安心實在。 https://goo.gl/DBjTzA Astrocenter.com You may be the most charismatic person in the room, the one people tend to gravitate toward. With Mars in your sign giving you the attractor factor, you're very hard to resist. And with Thanksgiving this week, you could be the life and soul of any party you attend. However, you might need to resolve conflicting beliefs in order to take advantage of an opportunity that could be very good for you - if you can summon the confidence to try it. 這陣子的瓶兒們走到哪都是最特別的,人人都想靠近啊; 因為火星進駐水瓶座的關係,讓你的吸引力大提升,而你也很難拒絕。 隨著感恩節的到來,你很有可能在參加任何活動時都會成為靈魂人物呢! 另外,你將能獲得某個對未來的你很有益的機會;但會需要解決一些思想衝突 - 所以獲得機會的前提是你得要鼓起勇氣,有自信的去處理困難。 https://goo.gl/GZ5EDR Claire's Don’t be embarrassed by the choices you have made in life, or you will give others the impression that you have no faith in them succeeding. Believe in you and others will too. Self belief is your first port of call for success. Ring now to find the positive in everything. 別害怕承認那些你為自己所做出的決定,不然別人會認為你對自己沒有自信; 要相信自己,這樣別人也才會相信你。自信是你達到成功的首要課題喲。 -- 希望我家瓶爺也充滿粉紅泡泡啊 XDDDD -- 哦NO!這種同事好掉漆! https://goo.gl/vPzgyG -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1479837589.A.5FC.html

11/23 02:20, , 1F
粉紅泡泡掰掰 慢走不送
11/23 02:20, 1F

11/23 08:37, , 2F
11/23 08:37, 2F

11/23 08:52, , 3F
11/23 08:52, 3F

11/23 11:47, , 4F
11/23 11:47, 4F

11/23 12:24, , 5F
11/23 12:24, 5F

11/24 01:46, , 6F
11/24 01:46, 6F

11/24 01:46, , 7F
11/24 01:46, 7F

11/24 20:19, , 8F
11/24 20:19, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1OD8ULNy (Aquarius)