[情報] 09/09 瓶兒運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (玥影)時間8年前 (2016/09/08 19:46), 編輯推噓15(1501)
留言16則, 15人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://www.astrocenter.com/us/horoscope-daily.aspx?When=1&ZSign=10&Af=0 SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 It might feel like there's a hole in your heart today, Aquarius, and you could have a hard time filling it. Remember that you're the one responsible for making sure this void is taken care of. If you insist that someone else fill the gap, you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Do something nice for yourself and feel free to spend a little money to make yourself happy. 今天你可能會覺得你的心有一個洞,而你很難去填補它。 記得你有責任要去確保這個空缺有被照料到。 如果你硬要別人來填補這個空洞,那麼你只會讓自己失望。 做些對自己好的事,隨意的花一點錢讓自己開心。 http://www.astrology.com/horoscope/daily/tomorrow/aquarius.html Today is not the time for you to be on center stage, doing your thing. Rather, it's a better time for you to sit in the audience. See someone else's talents, and you will be amazed at what has been under your nose for so long! Stepping off to the wings and letting someone else bask in the glory of fame for a while will make you feel so much better than you feel when you get a round of applause! You're doing something great for someone -- you're letting them shine and grow. 今天不是你成為舞台中心的日子,做你自己的事吧! 相反的,今天是個適合坐下來當觀眾的好時間。 看看其他人的才能,你將會對在你身邊而你卻沒發現的東西感到驚訝! 卸下你的翅膀,讓其他人沐浴在名聲的榮耀中一陣子, 將會讓你覺得比得到一陣喝采還要好很多。 你正在做一些對其他人很好的事,你正在讓他們發光發熱。 Claire's的網站又掛掉拉 知道電話的快打給他叫他修一下 Friday Sep 9 2016 A new experience may exceed your expectations but you can't start making plans based on that just yet. Things should be going well for you now, Aquarius, and if that hasn't begun yet, it will soon. You should be headed in a direction you feel good about and there is no reason to doubt that. However, if you leap ahead to next steps before you have fully immersed yourself in your current experiences then you could make bad choices. Take baby steps and learn as you go, and you will become much more sure of yourself. You have a lot to look forward to, but don't rush it. 一個全新的體驗可能會超出你的期望,但你不可以在事情還沒開始就去做一個計劃。 事情對你來說將會是順利的,如果事情還沒開始的話,那應該很快就會開始。 你應該朝著你感覺好的方向,且沒有理由去懷疑。 然而,如果你跳到下個步驟之前沒有完全的專注在你現在的感受, 那麼你就會做出錯的選擇。 採用嬰兒的步調,前進和學習, 你將可以變得對自己更有把握。 你有很多的期待,但是不要急於它。 -- 心中有洞 就要撒錢 (心中OS 剛領薪水 有錢就是任性^0^) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1473335207.A.06E.html

09/08 20:01, , 1F
09/08 20:01, 1F

09/08 20:59, , 2F
09/08 20:59, 2F

09/08 21:39, , 3F
09/08 21:39, 3F

09/08 22:47, , 4F
09/08 22:47, 4F

09/08 23:03, , 5F
09/08 23:03, 5F

09/08 23:28, , 6F
09/08 23:28, 6F

09/08 23:30, , 7F
推 今天就破洞了...
09/08 23:30, 7F

09/08 23:49, , 8F
09/08 23:49, 8F

09/09 00:41, , 9F
09/09 00:41, 9F

09/09 08:35, , 10F
09/09 08:35, 10F

09/09 09:43, , 11F
09/09 09:43, 11F

09/09 10:10, , 12F
破一個禮拜了哈哈哈 要灑點錢補傷口啦
09/09 10:10, 12F

09/09 11:24, , 13F
09/09 11:24, 13F

09/09 11:32, , 14F
09/09 11:32, 14F

09/09 12:39, , 15F
最後一段baby steps翻作慢慢來或是循序漸進應該會比
09/09 12:39, 15F

09/09 12:39, , 16F
09/09 12:39, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1NqK-d1k (Aquarius)