[情報] 04/27 瓶兒運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (玥影)時間8年前 (2016/04/26 20:31), 8年前編輯推噓14(1402)
留言16則, 14人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/YuW2n2 This could be a frustrating day in the romance department, Aquarius. Communication is blocked at all levels. You're anxious to speak with your loved one, but simply can't reach him or her. Perhaps the phone system is malfunctioning or email is acting up. You feel as though the Universe is conspiring against you. Take heart. Your partner will contact you soon enough, and your reunion will be electric! 在浪漫的部分這會是個受挫的日子。 溝通會在各層面受阻。你會急於跟你心愛的人說話,卻無法傳達到他或她。 也許是電話系統故障,或是email運作不正常。 你會感覺到整個宇宙都在跟你作對。 放寬心吧,你的伴侶將會盡快跟你連絡,且你們的重逢將會充滿電力。 http://goo.gl/t5Wb6q You love having fun with other people as much as anyone, but remember that you have the right to privacy! If you just aren't feeling up to a night out or can't bear to organize another group outing, then don't. Say no to that next invitation and tell everyone to have fun without you. There is nothing wrong with spending some time alone -- in fact it is healthy. It will help you get more centered, and it will give everyone else a chance to miss you for a while! 你愛上跟其他人玩樂,但是記住你有保有隱私的權利。 如果你感覺不想在晚上出門或是無法忍受跟其他的團體一起出去,那就別去吧。 向接下來的邀約說不,且告訴他們沒有你也要盡情的玩。 保留一些時間獨自一人這並沒有錯,事實上這樣比較健康。 這將會幫助你更集中,且將會給予其他人一個機會去想念你一陣子。 http://goo.gl/my5MbT Little steps lead to big changes. You learn this with the words others speak today and when you see what impact your consistent efforts have achieved. Run-ins with an ex prove colourful. 一個小小的步驟會導致很大的改變。 你會從別人的口中的話學習到這個,也會了解是什麼影響著你的努力不懈有所成果。 跟一個"前任"發生口角 證明精彩華美。(這句真的是想不出怎麼翻譯) --- 今天整天都看找到底是誰在偷偷想念我 然後真的找不到QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1461673916.A.372.html ※ 編輯: yueying (, 04/26/2016 20:34:34

04/26 21:13, , 1F
04/26 21:13, 1F

04/26 21:42, , 2F
04/26 21:42, 2F

04/26 22:01, , 3F
找不到 沒這個人吧嗚嗚
04/26 22:01, 3F

04/26 22:15, , 4F
04/26 22:15, 4F

04/26 22:30, , 5F
04/26 22:30, 5F

04/26 22:35, , 6F
04/26 22:35, 6F

04/26 22:47, , 7F
樓上 那可能是不喜歡的人在想念你吧..(?
04/26 22:47, 7F

04/26 22:48, , 8F
04/26 22:48, 8F

04/26 23:02, , 9F
今天漏接了閃光的電話 還真的無法聯絡到 因為他在當
04/26 23:02, 9F

04/26 23:02, , 10F
兵QAQ 偏偏今天諸事不順 好想有人陪聊
04/26 23:02, 10F

04/26 23:22, , 11F
很好 果然明天不適合和他聊天
04/26 23:22, 11F

04/26 23:55, , 12F
04/26 23:55, 12F

04/27 00:31, , 13F
04/27 00:31, 13F

04/27 14:00, , 14F
04/27 14:00, 14F

04/27 22:09, , 15F
04/27 22:09, 15F

05/01 21:59, , 16F
05/01 21:59, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1N7r-yDo (Aquarius)