[情報] 03/13 瓶兒運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間8年前 (2016/03/12 23:58), 8年前編輯推噓11(1103)
留言14則, 12人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/7RzXhT Astrology.com It's time for you to get a handle on where you spend your money, especially in terms of your social life. Going to see a great play, checking out a hot new band or dining out at an exclusive restaurant are fine things to do every now and again -- but going out too often is putting a strain on your wallet. And there are plenty of ways to have fun without paying someone for the privilege. Rent a movie and have some friends over to watch it. Order a pizza, and enjoy having fun for next to nothing. 你應該好好了解一下錢到底都花到哪裡去了,尤其是社交活動上的支出。 三不五時去看場戲、聽個演唱會、或者是吃頓好料都沒有關係; 但是太過頻繁的話根本就是在幫你的錢包瘦身。 其實還是有許多不需要花這麼多錢的玩樂方式,租電影窩在家與朋友一起欣賞、 叫個比薩也能一起享樂、單純的享受低花費的樂趣也很棒的。 http://goo.gl/4m3HZp Astrocenter.com Be careful of getting into fights today, Aquarius. However, if a squabble or altercation of some sort seems inevitable, don't shrink away and hide. It's important that you face the source of the attack and stand up to whomever or whatever is getting in your path. Conjure up the warrior inside you and you might surprise yourself with the incredible power you have within. 今天(03/13)要小心捲入爭吵當中;但是如果你眼看這些爭執可能避免不了的話就別躲藏。 直接面對那個擋著你路的人/事物,想像你心中有位戰士在協助著你, 而你將會驚訝原來自己其實擁有這種面對的神奇能力。 http://goo.gl/E0ipSf Claire's Although you made a commitment, today offers you the chance to get out of it. Think before you make a change you could end up regretting. Know that time is on your side, and use it. 有些事雖然你有給予承諾,但是今天(03/13)你會有機會能逃離它。 不過,還是要三思而後行,不然可能會對自己的決定後悔; 要知道時間是你的籌碼,好好利用。 -- 話說… 前年我準備考外語導遊時,七早八早就出發, 慢慢的、悠閒的搭著捷運外加散步去國家考場。 太晚睡又太早起的我,其實心情很亢奮,還一路欣賞了河岸旁懶懶趴著一群野狗… 到考場外還輕輕鬆鬆的打卡說我第一次來到國家考場… 就在考試開始前半小時,我上個洗手間出來,想說這時候反正抱佛腳也沒什麼用了, 就順手把證件拿出來準備進場好了… 結果我整個錢包包含證件都沒有帶!!!!! 我只帶了一張準考證跟帶有悠遊卡功能的信用卡 = = 而我的錢包與證件……… 從前一天晚上就被我冰在冰箱都沒有拿出來………T_T (原因其實是因為我那陣子家裡遭過一次小偷,我很怕… 所以每個晚上去睡覺就把錢包放到冰箱…= =) 還好最後工作人員願意讓我繼續考…(哭) -- 關於職場;關於英文。 歡迎來我的部落格一起分享交流~ http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ Personal / Enterprise Branding。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1457798319.A.8A0.html ※ 編輯: Thejust (, 03/12/2016 23:59:36

03/13 00:08, , 1F
03/13 00:08, 1F

03/13 00:24, , 2F
阿阿阿的確要去看演唱會 錢包哭哭T_T
03/13 00:24, 2F

03/13 00:29, , 3F
03/13 00:29, 3F

03/13 00:38, , 4F
好險 不然我一定會崩潰
03/13 00:38, 4F

03/13 01:36, , 5F
03/13 01:36, 5F

03/13 02:04, , 6F
03/13 02:04, 6F

03/13 02:27, , 7F
03/13 02:27, 7F

03/13 02:35, , 8F
今天才剛開始兩個小時 運勢就準到讓我想哭TAT
03/13 02:35, 8F

03/13 02:59, , 9F
03/13 02:59, 9F

03/13 12:44, , 10F
03/13 12:44, 10F

03/13 12:44, , 11F
03/13 12:44, 11F

03/13 12:54, , 12F
03/13 12:54, 12F

03/14 02:00, , 13F
我跟男友都瓶 今天大吵 對於交往這個承諾差點就逃避了 如果
03/14 02:00, 13F

03/14 02:00, , 14F
真的分手了應該會很後悔吧 男友花了兩千請客 真準
03/14 02:00, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1Mv3olYW (Aquarius)