[情報] 01/06 水瓶運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間8年前 (2016/01/05 18:04), 編輯推噓15(1501)
留言16則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://goo.gl/PHfVyu Astrology.com There is no such thing as a bad emotion -- all emotions are valid, so don't try to suppress a sudden feeling today, no matter how inconvenient your emotionality might be. Not only is it unhealthy, it's a huge waste of energy. Getting all hung up about what a 'good' feeling is or a 'bad' feeling is only creates more stress in your life. And when you are more stressed out, people don't want to hang around you. So relax, and if you suddenly get grumpy, so what? Go with it, and try not to take it out on anyone. 沒有所謂的「壞的」情緒 - 所有的情感都是有價值的; 今天(01/06)不管情緒如何不好處理都不要去壓抑它,這樣是不健康的,而且會浪費力氣。 對於自己的情緒感到太過緊張的話,還反而會增加額外的壓力; 而當你越有壓力,身旁的人自然也就更不想與你待在一起。 讓自己放輕鬆吧,突然有大起伏的情緒又如何?就順其自然,但記得別牽怒別人。 http://goo.gl/dAvsXE Astrocenter.com Today you might feel a little gloomy without knowing why, Aquarius, and you could spend a lot of time trying to find a reason. There probably isn't any concrete reason. It's likely that you're simply responding to low biorhythms. This is, therefore, a great day to go for a workout. This way you can get the endorphins going and feel a lot better by late afternoon. Then you should actually feel like going out and having some fun. 今天(01/06)瓶子可能會沒來由的覺得很沉悶,就算花時間去思考也找不出實際原因; 可能根本就沒有什麼理由吧,就只是單純的生理低潮罷了。 這種時候就是去運動一下的好機會,讓自己的腦內啡升高一些,下午可能就會好過一些。 動一動之後,或許就會想要出去外面玩玩享樂一下了。 http://goo.gl/kbGp9O Claire's A new attraction is not easy to understand and many mixed feelings may be making you feel unbalanced and unsure of what you should do. Know that time is on your side and use it. 某個吸引你的事物好像有點難讓人理解,而且摻雜著一些複雜的感覺; 這讓你覺得有點不平衡,不太知道自己應該怎麼做。 你只要記得時間是站在你這邊的,好好善用它就好。 -- 今天看到某句好笑的話,一起來笑一笑: 「我是一個只要開了頭就會想一直保持下去的人 像是放了幾天假,就會想一直放下去…」 XDDDDD -- 簡報技巧 / 面試技巧 / 履歷整理 / 商用英文 你的個人品牌訓練師。Look after your Brand。 http://chipersonalbranding.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1451988287.A.60E.html

01/05 19:54, , 1F
01/05 19:54, 1F

01/05 20:05, , 2F
01/05 20:05, 2F

01/05 20:19, , 3F
01/05 20:19, 3F

01/05 22:29, , 4F
好準好準 近期都是這樣 謝謝分享
01/05 22:29, 4F

01/05 23:22, , 5F
01/05 23:22, 5F

01/05 23:29, , 6F
01/05 23:29, 6F

01/06 01:29, , 7F
01/06 01:29, 7F

01/06 02:52, , 8F
01/06 02:52, 8F

01/06 07:36, , 9F
01/06 07:36, 9F

01/06 12:19, , 10F
01/06 12:19, 10F

01/06 12:34, , 11F
01/06 12:34, 11F

01/06 13:37, , 12F
剛分手 猶豫要不要複合好煩
01/06 13:37, 12F

01/06 19:50, , 13F
01/06 19:50, 13F

01/06 21:50, , 14F
01/06 21:50, 14F

01/07 02:12, , 15F
01/07 02:12, 15F

01/07 10:00, , 16F
哈哈哈哈哈 樓上正解…是「每天來點負能量」沒錯… XDDDD
01/07 10:00, 16F
文章代碼(AID): #1MYvK_OE (Aquarius)