[情報] 07/31 水瓶運勢綜論

看板Aquarius作者 (Chi)時間9年前 (2015/07/30 17:55), 編輯推噓4(400)
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http://goo.gl/ZlfAvn Astrology.com This is a 'blank slate' day, when anything is possible. The outcome depends only on your imagination! Sure, for some a blank canvas in an intimidating sight -- where to begin? What to do? But for you, knowing that the sky's the limit (and you can do whatever you want) will stir up your energies and get your creative juices really flowing! Your eagerness to get a new project going will help catapult you through this day with a bright smile on your face. 這是一個像誕生日那般潔白的新日子,任何事都是有可能的!結果完全取決於你的想像! 當然,對於某些人,這樣的一張白紙反而會覺得害怕,完全不知道如何下手。 但對你來說,你知道自己完全沒有極限(而且你可以為所欲為), 這樣的想法能夠完全釋放你的力量,把你的創造力完全解放! 你那渴望展開新專案的心會幫助你衝出去,然後整天都會有個大笑容掛在臉上。 http://goo.gl/TzVeNR Astrocenter.com It's time for you to come out of hibernation, Aquarius. Shake off the blues and come into the light. Today is a day to play and have fun. The mood of the day is lighthearted and jovial, so be the first with a joke or silly story. Do what you can to make others laugh. Let the fire within you burn at its brightest. 瓶子們,是時候離開冬眠狀態了。把憂鬱甩掉,然後走進光明裡吧。 今天(07/31)是個玩樂享受的日子,心情也是輕快愉悅的。 所以用笑話或傻事當作開啟對話的梗吧,讓周圍的人也都能歡笑著。 讓熱情的火這樣熊熊燃燒著。 http://goo.gl/UaRSl2 Claire's Family prove hard to deal with and you may find yourself having to make up for something that a close one promised to do but didn't. Financial worries can be solved by taking on board the advice of a Virgo. 家庭成員給你惹了麻煩,你發現自己需要做些事來替對方收捨殘局, 以彌補他們答應要做但沒做的事。 處女座的朋友們能給你解決財務問題的好建議喲! -- 突然想要改天來挑選翻譯週運勢或月運勢看看… -- 用英文表達時間的基本功 http://goo.gl/xA4GnH -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aquarius/M.1438250128.A.82C.html

07/30 21:29, , 1F
07/30 21:29, 1F

07/30 21:39, , 2F
喔喔! 一二好猛 經理是處女座的說
07/30 21:39, 2F

07/30 21:40, , 3F
07/30 21:40, 3F

07/31 02:09, , 4F
07/31 02:09, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1LkVIGWi (Aquarius)